My m8 was on his way home from work on monday 21st jan/13 an was pulled over for 1 of his brake lights was out,he said he knew he had the joints worth in his pocket but were,nt worried about it cause they had no reason to search him'they came to his window done all the checks as they do,give him his warning on about his light an just as he was about to drive off the copper seen a stripped fag case hanging from the ash tray that was it he got him out the car searched him found his joint,found nothing on the search of the car'so he then decided he was gonna be a right cunt an send his m8s round to his house to search it an what do they find on there search in a unused room in his house ? U GOT IT,his crop 6 plants 1 mother 2 in veg 3 in there 4th week of flowering,now if he never had a record for weed he would of been given an on the spot fine but because he been in court b4 for cultivation they searched the house...unlucky
Seems like to me the assholes would've had to have a "search warrent"!! There suppose to even have one to search your vehicle! Unless you give up your "rights" and let them rummage all through your shit, fucking up your vehicle, & whatever else goes on!! I had 1 pull me over a few years back & he said I was & get this! "Excessive breaking" going down a hill!! I've NEVER herd of that 4 the life of me!! Shit!.. just goes to show ya, they'll make up a reason just to pull ya, if they can't find a legit 1!. And he asked me to get outta the vehicle, at that time I was higher then hell, & he asked me what I was on, & I told him prescribed meds from my doc!! He then started doing his little "tests" on me, & said well, you failed that 1! I asked him what fucking test!? He got even madder. Then asked me if he could search my car. I told him NO! Not without your search warrent! He then called it in & got one. About that time 3 other pigs pulled up, the k9 unit! The dog hit on my car, then it was on!! Everyone of them searched through my car & turned it upside down!! Even dumped my ashtray out in my damn seats!! Oooh God! That pissed me off!!

at that point they where all getting pissed because they couldn't find anything! Haha..

and they gave up! The cop then placed me in his cruiser, & told me that I was going to jail! I didn't say anything, he then said do you think you can calm down. I told him yeah. He then took the handcuffs about 10 minutes later, & let me go, even without a ticket!

the reason why they couldn't find anything was because my brother n laws gf was with me & she got my bowl & bud & shoved it! Lol... hahaha!! She saved my ass that night I have to say!!