American Education System

I was depressed the next morning and asked myself what I was going to do...

And the answer was that I was going to get up and go to work.

And I moved on...

Buck wants to continue to argue about who won the presidency.... Insanity...

who won the presidency was never really in doubt. even weeks before, us who live in reality and rely on science and mathematics had obama with 80-90% certainty to win.

what i did want to discuss was your capacity for living in delusion and creating a false reality that cushioned your delicate little ego. too bad you ran away like a little bitch to protect that fragile little ego of yours.
who won the presidency was never really in doubt. even weeks before, us who live in reality and rely on science and mathematics had obama with 80-90% certainty to win.

what i did want to discuss was your capacity for living in delusion and creating a false reality that cushioned your delicate little ego. too bad you ran away like a little bitch to protect that fragile little ego of yours.

I discovered why you have been telling us you need to spend so much time trimming these days...
your lack of understanding as to how the PPACA works makes me doubt that you have the intelligence to make $400k a year by any other means than male prostitution.

you are simply too dumb to function.

Thats funny........

I have been called fearless and a people that know me..............But never dumb, ....I will give you a pass because we really don't know each other.............nitro..
Thats funny........

I have been called fearless and a people that know me..............But never dumb, ....I will give you a pass because we really don't know each other.............nitro..

the way you get taken by dick morris and WND and completely misunderstand the PPACA...there's just no other way to describe it.

my guess is you inherited a family fishing business. you seem about smart enough to outwit a fish, and i know there's good money in that.
the way you get taken by dick morris and WND and completely misunderstand the PPACA...there's just no other way to describe it.

my guess is you inherited a family fishing business. you seem about smart enough to outwit a fish, and i know there's good money in that.

I haven't inherited kids will...........

I read and listen to all the news............When the oregon health plan sends me my obama care info, with all the info for what people are going to pay ...and I share it with you and post pic's....I tend to think it is the way things are going to be....whats there to not understand?.....

I will look for the info again and post pic, then you can tell me where I am going wrong .........By the way these's are monthly dallor amounts.....nitro..


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I see more dumbing down of children today as a result of it. The days of young critical thinking individuals are truly coming to a close and fast. Education used to mean a helluva lot more than it does today. I have been in the Building Automation Field a long time, and there are fewer and fewer youngsters coming into the trades nowadays than any time in the past. I know a boat load of youngsters that have more degrees than a thermometer and can't find a job anywhere and will not take one that they feel is beneath them. These people are slaves and they do not even know it.

Thats too bad that this thread had to become a shitsling. and I dont think you should need to lower yourself to comment wars, because it discredits these previous statements. Because what you said here, and a few posts after, is completely righteous..
"Slavery requires no restraints any more."
That is so "right on it hurts...." All we really need to do is to open up 1984 by Orwell, and turn it to any page to see an accurate reflection of the zeitgeist of the times...
I wrote this just the other day... its probably not the most articulate of rants, but I think the idea (and the underlying proposal) is poignant...

"I had this thought the other day, about the way things are... and came to a pseudo revelation.. I never signed up for any of this... Elementary to Middle School to Highschool to College to a Life full of Taxes and Debts, and a Sacrifice of freedom, and Loss of Self... and it occurred to me... its all set up that way... its all by grand design... were reared from birth to become soldier slaves to a set of false Ideals that not one of "us" either set up, nor voluntarily subscribed to by our own volition... in the same vein of thought that makes Math, Science, and Writing the "Golden 3" (Left Brain Cognitive Functioning) and the top tier in education, although conclusive studies have proven that : creativity, and ingenuity come from the Right Side (Art, Science, Dance).. but the Top doesnt care about that... they rear people for productivity (blindly so) so that the people will grow up and be the factory workers, and engineers, and soldiers, to do the bidding of the Grand Scheme.... they really dont care if we invent things to improve quality of life... (unless it can be profitable, and suppress our true nature even further) the thing that reallly astounds me, is that we all buy it.... We dont question it whatsoever... we just get the college degree, and go work in our field of assumed "expertise" for 45 (now 55) years of our life... doing the grind daily, with the same weekends off, where we go to the same 20 odd places in rotation, and get our 2 weeks off a year to go visit our parents in Arizona, or New Mexico... and theres never any promise (or even option) of anything better... and theres more... in the way that were the only nation that flouridates our water, even though flouride has been found to depress cognition, and is the main compound found in most anti depressants... in the way that Freedom of Speech is an archaic concept, up and to the point that someone speaks out of turn, and is automatically labeled as a heretic (or terrorist)... In the same way that "Stuff" is far more important than any internally possessed qualities or insights... I believe its all done purposefully so... the reign on individuality was attempted to be established through religion, but it wasnt totally successful... they (the top) couldnt gain full control of people, and their way of thinking..... and then what I term "The Death of Humanity" came.... and that was the greatest trick the Devil pulled... It was the idea of "Cool" that pit us all against each other.. and shattered the concept of Community, and Brotherhood, and even Family... they found a way to delve into our deepest and darkest fears, and insecurities of wanting to be valued, and wanting to be accepted... and they turned it on us, so that we would become so disparate, that there was no hope of us standing together as a brotherhood.. against the sacrifice of our own freedom... they make us slave away all day (without reason or cause) and they secretly (openly) pit us against each other, with the incentive of being the best, and the eventuality of getting promoted (so you can hopefully have more power... and with it free yourself from bondage) theres a reason that in Hollywood, the most expensive properties are in the Hollywood hills.... and the most expensive one (by far) is on the top of the hill (king of the mountain).. they prey on our insecurities and fears, in hopes of controlling us so much, that we become the blind soldier workers, and that to do better at being a slave, rewards us with more work.... and we do it..... and we dont even ask why any more.... because theyve given us the colorful window dressing of an ideal to trick us... well work (like rats in a maze) and the cheese is so simple its almost laughable..... its "STUFF"...... its the Mall... its a theme park.. its a ski resort... its Starbucks... Its take out food... its the Movies... and it wasnt enough to just give us the option of stuff.. because theres not enough reasoning behind it.... there wasnt enough control.... until.... Television was invented.... Whoever invented television... or came up with the concept, is getting his dick sucked by the government till the end of time... he and his, are getting the royal treatment 10fold... because they gave the gov the cake topper, for mind control... TV is the carrot on the string.... I could write a 10 page paper on TV and its evil suggestive hand of pure unadulterated mind control... it takes those inherent self doubt, and fears, and inserts them so deep into the zeitgeist of our culture, that we are indeed, addicted to it like a meth addict to a crack pipe.. because it gives us everything... it gives us comfort, and entertainment, and examples of how to be, and it gives us the idea, that all of the thoughts inserted into our heads, were indeed ours to begin with.... It inserts the idea of Fear and Cool..(simultaneously so) so deep, that it becomes our mission in life to acquiesce to both... whats good about a Mall if you dont know what to buy (because reason tells you, you dont really need anything)... but TV tells you exactly what to buy... even if they dont come out and say it (which thats what commercials are for) but they do it clever by brandishing the Story's Protagonists having the most expensive, and invariably "the Coolest" of things.... and it inserts that idea firmly into place... Whats cool?? TV shows you... Its " Stuff" (not just "Things").... How do I be cool? (so I can feel like Im a participant?) Well..... buy "Stuff"... and not just things.... anyone can have things.... but what will make you cool... Is STUFF.... the newest.... the best... the most expensive.......... and we do it...... we subscribe.... we flip on the TV, and sign into Ebay..... I said this thing once,; "What happens when the Dramas about our lives, become more important than the Dramas OF our lives???" .... and THIS is IT.... what were living in.. the way things are.... where you and I will have this conversation.... and well still be 2 strangers in the darkness... with heretic ideal sets... and outlandish ideas.... the root lies in Fear.... If you go out and notice.... Most are absolutely terrified... if you look past the things they say, and the meme that theyre trying to portray... youll see it... youll see the fear they bought, trying to personify a personality that the Television sold them.... The fear that they'll run into a situation that's not "scripted," and get discovered as a fake. That they wont be able to defend their worth justifyingly, when everyones laughing at them....
and so comes my revelation.... because all of these things Ive known..... My revelation came from the question: Why do we all let this happen??... its so obviously between us, whether the catalyst is "Cool" or "Stuff" or "Television"... and the horrifying reality dawned on me.... We (hopefully not you, or I... or the few that rationally think) indeed want it that way... they not only want it... they crave it... they want the strife... and the Sneetches war of the attainment of "Belly Stars" (The idea of Cool)... I believe its the dark corner of human nature.... its a malign vicious cycle thats at the heart of Fear.... It gives everyone a reason to compete, and therefore, a purpose... fear indeed perpetuates more fear, and in a gross roundabout way... productivity... It weeds out "the losers" who just want a simple happy life... and it makes you insane, when you want to try and change things for the better.... were taught in our very first years to talk, and walk.... and spend the rest of our lives being told to: "sit down" and "shut the fuck up"..... and what do we do.... we obey..... we subscribe, in hopes that we can attain a good mark.. and an atta boy, for throwing out all our true desires for the completion of some unsaid, untold goal... and we do it.... willingly.... because we need control.... and with it.... acceptance, and belonging.... for the simple fact that were just to afraid to open our eyes.... and discover whats out there for ourselves...
The highest performing school systems in the world are in Asia, and the reason for that is because those school systems invest in their teachers. Those school systems pay their teachers well and regard the teaching profession as one with prestige. They also require their teachers to take 360 hours of professional development each year. If American students are going to compete in this new innovative and technological society, they have to produce top quality students, and this is not what they have been currently producing. In their current system, teachers are not compensated nor recognized as highly as they should be, and bad teachers are not weeded out of schools for re-training or placed in different areas where they can be more beneficial. Teachers in the United States should be compensated much more than they are today because they have the difficult job of teaching students who come to school with a myriad of issues that complicate the teaching process. Teachers today have to deal with children who are homeless, have various emotional and psychological problems, not to mention the violence teachers face from their students in the classroom.
Retraining or placed in different areas? What are you talking about? Why would you not just replace them?. You will have to replace them temporarily or permanently either way, why throw good money after bad? This idea that a teacher has a guaranteed lifetime job, regardless of ability to teach, is a big part of the problem.
Too many parents think that their duty is done as soon as a child becomes school age. They somehow think that the teacher will now instruct little johnny on everything he needs to know in life and that the parents only job is to feed, clothe and house the child. Parents have more effect on a normal child's learning process than any other.
I thought it was the guberment's job to feed, clothe, and house my kids.
On the topic of education, if you're starting out in some shit town where everything has been depressed for decades, you probably have a shitty life as a whole, not just the schools. Meanwhile here on the coast, in the city, my friend's little brother just won lots of money at a startup weekend in highschool. He's in the programming club and has access to a bunch of cool shit that wasn't around when I was in school. It's what you make of it and cities with good economies that are wealthy have good schools.
I am beginning to notice that.......I come here because I like to grow high end meds, and help others when I can.....I am not growing right now but this spring I will be again......I think buck should stay pretty close to portland because I don't think he would do well with his out spoken political views in the county I live in.....No offense buck just my opinion..............nitro..
They don't like him much in Portland, either.
Won't happen, ever, unless the 200k jobs go to 500k jobs... Basic logic informs us that anything the electrician can do, the electrical engineer can do with his eye closed and shitfaced drunk. Same with fluid dynamic engineers vs plumbers, or mechanical engineers and mechanics... Trade experience is not interchangeable with mathematical reasoning, derivation and knowledge, however that knowledge is interchangeable with experience. I'd like to see any electrician write the 2nd/3rd order mathematical representation of even a basic switch. Any dumbass electrical engineer can do basic V=IR. That's all an electrician does ALL day. Not hard to keep track of 3 variables, especially seeing has how 1 of them is constant (voltage), and one is physically inherent and is rarely adjusted (resistance)...
"Basic logic informs us that anything the electrician can do, the electrical engineer can do with his eye closed and shitfaced drunk. Same with fluid dynamic engineers vs plumbers, or mechanical engineers and mechanics..." You are SO wrong. And why would any electrician want to "write the 2nd/3rd order mathematical representation of even a basic switch."? Useless knowledge is not interchangeable with experience.