
01 - 24 - 20 13

Neeedd help!!newbieee first time grow afghan kush x yumbolt & northen lights auto Ok So Im new 2 Growing I planted afghan kush xyumbolt (auto) & NL Auto under a Phillips 120w plant light ( both under a cheap fan for air circulation, vigoro organic potting mix I Planted the afghan kush 1/12/2013 its been a week & 6 days i only give it water every 2-3 days light cycle of 18- 6 it sprouted in dat week (the cytledon) appeared was weak & flimsy & leaves fell off it came completely out of da soil so now i just have the root curling down (looks like it has grown)(thicker) where its coming out da top(a lil bit) bt havent broken ground since the first two leaves & stem came off wondering wat is goin on ??is it still alive or shud i start over?? & The NL Auto has been planted 4 6 days same light cycle & havent brokenitit surface Any input or help wud be gladly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Those 120w flood lights are trash, they put off wayy to much heat and not enough lumens for a single plant. Never buy grow lights from home depot unless they are cfl or flourescent (T5).
im not an advanced grower or anything but my last grow went smooth and when my plant was a seedling the lamp fell and burned the leaves and left only what can be seen in this image Img_121113160833.jpg and it grew quite nicely into this 8357451840_cd70a6d5d0_m.jpg but i cut it down early do to me moving
anyways my point is that you should just wait and see what happens if it dies then start over it might be a survivor so i think you should just leave it be and see what happens


Well-Known Member
01 - 24 - 20 13

Neeedd help!!newbieee first time grow afghan kush x yumbolt & northen lights auto Ok So Im new 2 Growing I planted afghan kush xyumbolt (auto) & NL Auto under a Phillips 120w plant light ( both under a cheap fan for air circulation, vigoro organic potting mix I Planted the afghan kush 1/12/2013 its been a week & 6 days i only give it water every 2-3 days light cycle of 18- 6 it sprouted in dat week (the cytledon) appeared was weak & flimsy & leaves fell off it came completely out of da soil so now i just have the root curling down (looks like it has grown)(thicker) where its coming out da top(a lil bit) bt havent broken ground since the first two leaves & stem came off wondering wat is goin on ??is it still alive or shud i start over?? & The NL Auto has been planted 4 6 days same light cycle & havent brokenitit surface Any input or help wud be gladly appreciated!
First off, if you type like dis nobudeez gunna t&ke U cereal. Sombody may offer to throw a dictionary at your head though lol, spelling mistakes are just fine, nobody cares.
Ok, the situation sounds bad, you will probably need to replant unfortunatly. The one with the cotyledon, or cody leaves that fell off sounds like it was the lights fault. To much heat and light will roast the plants leaves right off. One cfl is all you need for seedlings. Also if you have those tube lights (floros) kicking around they work great in early development. Id uncover that unsprouted seed and see what the problem is if its dead toss it, but if it never left the seed coat you may want to change methods and try again :) good luck