Well-Known Member
Fkn stonedddddddddddd.
Well a few points
legal to sell means
-big tobacco can sell some shit that is 10x stronger than you will ever grow
-FDA will eventually get involved
-USDA will eventually get involved
-Big tobacco will use front companys to lobby for regulations and licensing (let me know if you can afford a 500k license) just to make it illegal for you to grow ...again
I think the best course and law would be
Legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell
Then goverment and big business wont get involved at all
That is just not true. Do you have anything to back that up?
The feds can not make it illegal to grow here without doing away with the Colorado Constitution and the United States Constitution. They do not have the power to over turn a popular vote.
They may have a point about stopping stores because of interstate concerns.
big tobacco can not grow weed better than me. There is no way in hell they can grow weed 10x stronger than what I grow. That is just insane.
Fuck the FDA, they can kiss my pot growing ass. They can not do anything to me.
Fuck the USDA, they can not do anything to me.
You over estimate big tobacco's power.
Even if they can someday become a player, who would buy that shit? Not me. I don't even like to buy from heady dispensaries where I know the growers.
Big companies can not get involved until the feds say they can.
Even if they do, who cares?
There are micro breweries all over this state. You do not have to buy Coors/Bud.
Weed will be the same way.
Sad, but true. When the Tobacco companies jump in I believe that will be exactly their aim. Mass produced, ultra high THC content, probably flavored lol you're dead on
I still believe a niche will exist for what with beer would be called craft brewers....
I agree. However for Joe schmoe. It ain't gonna happenI hear you and actually did not miss reading that in your post above. For better or worse we do have the FDA,etc. to deal with. And yes I know there will be an entry fee. But I don't know of many businesses that don't have fees to go along with initial capital costs in a start up. The question is, how big will the fee be... One things for certain, there are folks (other than banks) with money that will bet on a good business plan and product, especially if the ROI is good, which it will be for a niche high end weed operation, just like it is for craft breweries... Just ask our Guv.
Have a great day!
Big tobacco cant grow better than you? Why? becuase you have millions to invest in breeding, genetic engineering and the acreage to experiment?
Why yes there are micro brews all over. And guess what? They are regulated by a whole alphabet of goverment agencys. BTW how much is a license to run a micro brewery?
Who would buy that shit? Any one that wants to buy a pack of Marlboro 420s that is 50% thc and cost 5 bucks a pack before taxes. How much you think you can get for your Boutique 18% thc swhag? And can you flavor it with menthol?
I envisioned something along those lines as well. It would be great if that is how it played out, but I doubt it will, especially with Colorado's for profit model pre 70/30.Kinda change my Mind if they can keep it like Michigan. They have farmers markets. For now
If shit companies get involved in cannabis, that will only mean that cannabis is legitimized enough to the point companies will want to step in.
does anyone believe big companies will start producing weed while it is still illegal under federal law?
It is not going to happen. They have too much to lose until the feds pull their heads out of their asses.
So you can afford million dollar investments into GMO? Breeding?
Yes the weed they will produce along with the additives will make your weed schwag. And they will be able to do it cheaper. They will also have the distribution systems already in place and the politicians in their Pocket. You think you're special but you are not.
Again I ask you to try a simple experiment.
Grow some tobacco and try selling it legally