Well-Known Member
None ya damn buisness...i know what i got. peace
Give the boy some slack, it's hard to write 900+ posts in six weeks without resorting to a little bullcrap once in a while...The highest THC level of any oil ever tested at Iron Labs was 86% THC. Homeboy is full of shit....
it's easy to lie when you create a situation that makes proving your lies impossible. come meet us during the summer RIU bbq and bring some of this oil with you. until then you're full of shit.None ya damn buisness...i know what i got. peace
You're stupid.Ok and if you want to get technical 97-99.7% THC better?
Nonpolar lipids and waxes, cell wall ballast, minor cannabinoids, terpenes, flavinoids, phenols.When a sample tests 85%, what is the remaining 15%? And how would you go about removing it?
I've got oil tested without doing any purging besides evaporating that's tested higher potency, lower solvents than 'cuum purged oil...
Do u think anyone here believes u... U need a reality cheek and come out of dream land....look at that shit it looks terrible ur not even purging it right what Did u do just water purge it... You are smoking mostly butane retard enjoy and what u think ur a chemist what u tested it in ur own lab cause no lab I know would touch ur shit knowing its obviously made illegally.Its the shit OG wax is guaranteed 97-100% THC one hit and im high for 8+ hours and yes it was lab tested. I wouldn't use your bud...i'd try to do it with as much trim as possible, its a waste when using bud really
No you guys just like to spray it out and let it solidify THEN smoke it. lol
You're smoking butane GLUE guys lolololololol
there is something like 1000 times less butane in the one use of a lighter than in one drag of that oil.
Might as well just leave the weed out of it lmao.
Ya I am not into it, true. but you need to go back to school. I've been making product from all sort of styles for close to 15 yrs buddy.
Where you guys from, Detroit ghetto? Nobody I know wants to smoke BHO even for free.
Only poor people and those who don't give a fuck because they're already smoking far worse.
All you little kids act like you invented the shit lol It's old and very outdated. Not my fault you're not advanced enough to know the FUEL of any kind is not meant for INGESTION lololol
reminds me of noobs who still dry their weed in the ovens like back in the 70's
Just fuckin gross...
I paste links to what I'm talking about as Reference, like a Citation. Do you know what that is?
A citation is proof I don't talk from my ass. <--- Definition in my own words.
Citation <--- The proof through citation
Unlike those who don't post sources and repeat shit word for word and try to make people think they came up with that info all on their own.
I don't take word for word because I know how to properly articulate my thoughts, unlike some people who copy and paste. Need more sources and examples or do you finally understand?
Bottom line, butane oil no matter how wax or purge vacked it IS as bad as NAPHTHA hash.
You can get that "wax" from the butane without even using weed.
News flash! It's not the weed that makes the "wax" you're smoking. Leave the weed out of the equation and it looks the same only more yellow. I seen crackheads who couldn't get enough money SMOKING butane in bottles off plates. WITHOUT WEED.
Like I said, smoke your butane swag, while I have some classy grain oil made with consumable grain alcohol.
well these guys don't seem to know too much, math included.
As Kif isn't even 100% thc and there's nothing added to that yet lol
I wonder who SnakeByte was before he got banned and made up this user name. No one, that new, is this big of an ass clown.
Or, maybe the world is just producing mega jerks, and they're all ending up here this year.