Legal pot in Washington: What it should look like...


Well-Known Member
I agree...........When I was young I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just worked hard for other people..........then I was able to start my own business.........which made me work harder 7 days a week......Now I can afford to take time off,.... and I still can't believe I can grow weed without going to jail........................nitro..

Well, unfortunately most of us are not as lucky as you in the growing realm.

At least if I have a problem I dont take anyone down except myself.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately most of us are not as lucky as you in the growing realm.

At least if I have a problem I dont take anyone down except myself.
I feel your pain on the growing part......

I am surrounded by liberals in oregon............So being able to grow and not run out is important...............nitro..


Active Member
Battle of wits... A battle of wit is you trying to have some...

As stated above, I am currently growing 19 plants having topped out at over 40 last year and it aint that difficult.

Clear that you are a retard? Crystal...
Spoken from someone who doesn't ALSO work full time AND have a social life. Obviously.


Well-Known Member
And you would call it a whole day of labor....

I have 19 plants growing right now, was doing over 40 last year and still managed to work a full time job...

Your wife must be so proud of you..
wow, they must have had a sale on those little $2 cacti at the HD. 19 of them? that's gotta be like, 7, maybe 8 lawns, right?

and your mommy and daddy must be pimping a double wide if you had enough windowsill space for that many cacti.

way to go, kiddo.


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately most of us are not as lucky as you in the growing realm.

At least if I have a problem I dont take anyone down except myself.
lol, that's a funny way of trying to justify the fact that you are repugnant and unlovable!



Growing pot is not a job....

You sit around all day and post on the internet.

You are a parasite... All this back and forth is gay you could be called a shit bag drug addict or worse and why dose any one care what this man dose in his house... is his wife related to you or are you so hard up for a women you fantasize about how you would treat some other mans women.. Your no better then him or any other person I bet you have some shit in your closest so shut your face ..

It is really pretty simple.
this guy needs a life


Well-Known Member
wow, they must have had a sale on those little $2 cacti at the HD. 19 of them? that's gotta be like, 7, maybe 8 lawns, right?

and your mommy and daddy must be pimping a double wide if you had enough windowsill space for that many cacti.

way to go, kiddo.
You cant handle the truth.... LOL!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
:weed: this guy needs a life
When pot is not legal to grow in your state, it is more than likely not a job....imo

When pot is legal to grow and you are growing for other people it is probably considered a job.....imo

Thats the way I looked at it......when I grew illegally in the 70's it was not a job.....and in the eight's I didn't think it was a job...........but now it could be a job if you have 4 I was just trying to put everybody on the same page.........just my opinion..................nitro..


Well-Known Member
Do you think a thin person is insulted when you call them fat?

You cant handle the truth!! LOL!
quoting a fictional character is really the best you can do, isn't it?

you must be a hit with the ladies! :hump:

of course, we have no idea what you're capable of.



Well-Known Member

  • of course, we have no idea what you're capable of.

Once in a while you manage to spout the truth... But a broken clock is right at least twice a day as well...

There were no quotes... You (Uncle Buck) cannot handle the truth...

So you create a fantasy world to make yourself feel better.

Your wife must be so proud...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
quoting a fictional character is really the best you can do, isn't it?

you must be a hit with the ladies! :hump:

of course, we have no idea what you're capable of.

You didn't just down load that off of your camera did ya?.....................nitro..


Well-Known Member
Where is the money coming from Bucky? Not like you leave and go to a job every day. The point is that she is obviously an accomplice if she is accepting thousands of dollars of drug money from her bum of a husband...

You really havent thought this through eh? Not really my problem, it just shows what a dangerous parasite you are...
is this guy a snitch? Wtf


Well-Known Member

  • of course, we have no idea what you're capable of.


Once in a while you manage to spout the truth... But a broken clock is right at least twice a day as well...

There were no quotes... You (Uncle Buck) cannot handle the truth...

So you create a fantasy world to make yourself feel better.

Your wife must be so proud...
you are one sad little fuck.



Well-Known Member
You get less than 1 1/2 oz per plant? Damn, you got all these people fooled... Must be stealing pot pictures from the internet as well..

Poor baby has got to actually work for more than 40 minutes in a day.. Someone should give you a fucking medal...

But what should we expect from a guy who not only got kicked out of college but high school as well...

How does your wife look in stripes?
You sure your not a snitch?