|FCG|Frank's 1st Grow: Kali Mist | LED, CO2 & all the love they need

I banned my cat from the grow. Couldn't find him for a while today. That lil baker some how got in there and passed out under the canopy between plants. I don't think he did anything wrong. At least I hope not. My cat knows he's getting a shower if he f**ks with any plants.

My other Bengal actually jumps in the shower with me from time to time. He's so weird. He loves water.
The other is fine.

This one showed signs of burn yesterday but I wasn't too sure and neither were the guys on another forum because it was so small and early:

This was yesterday, but it was barely visible. This is 3x magnification, the tips themselves are barely 2mm, but I did see it, and it happened just as the main root touched the water. I was at 1/4 nute strenght too!

Then this morning I wake up and see the orange burn mark. Temps never went above 83F ever and there is very good airflow in the tent. Can't be heat stress.

I expect the other one is fine because its root never touched the water directly like this one did.

What EC/ppm's are you at? Def looks like over fert to me.
oh man, cali mist is more hype than anything else, or my friend could never get it right but I smoked many of his buds last year and by the end I was so sick of it, NO POTENCY... not much for taste and smell either. Sorry I dont mean to discourage you, it's your first grow anyway :eyesmoke: sick setup for a first grow!!!

The m39 looks bomb for such short flowering.

so toking on m39 I can't help but to ask, es-tu quebecois ?
Damn.. Im still gonna pick up some of those seeds.. thats the first bad review I have heard, but I will take it into account, thank you Endo. What was your buddy running? How long had he been growing..? We all know Sativa's are natural pain in the ass' so it could be a tough strain to please..
he has been growing for probably 20+ years. His hashplant was amazing, but the last time he came and visited, he had grown cali mist and hashplant again (I couldnt believe he was still growing it I guess he likes it) anyway he gave me a few samplers and I have become such pot snob I didnt even smoke the buds, it went into my hash pile :eyesmoke: He gave me a couple nugs of his hashplant as well and I smoked those, they were amazing.
damn, and there it is.

Well... at least my Super Lemon Haze is only 30 miles away.. according to USPS. Along with some Space Queen.

O yea. Those buddy's are going straight in.
Where did your friend get his Kali Mist seeds?

I've read dozens of Kali Mist reviews and I have NEVER read a single negative thing about it (except its flowering time).
Where did your friend get his Kali Mist seeds?

I've read dozens of Kali Mist reviews and I have NEVER read a single negative thing about it (except its flowering time).

Yup.. Don't worry, I am running one of the most notoriously bad strains out there and I have seen a couple good runs of it, I think it's moreso a hit and miss anymore. With how much good-to-bad we've heard of Kali mist, push through- I think it'll pay off, find the pheno you like and stick with it.

(Pretty sure Serious Seeds are the only "original" KM vendors.)
On this pic I was at 350 PPM or so.

Over fert results in the tips going down, not up, as Scotch said.

Fair enough the leave tips curling up is a result of heat stress. Have they responded to the lights being raised?

If not the burned ridges and dark leaves look like overfert to me and 350ppm is very high for a seedling that you don't know how it feeds imo. So if raising the lights doesn't fix the problem I'd look toward nutrients. For a seedling like that I would start at around 100ppm and work your way up. You need to find out your plants tolerance to fertalizers as all strains are different. I've never grown a sativa like Kali Mist but from what I understand they tend to be light feeders. I'm giving my 2 week old Critical Mass,which is an extremely robust fast growing plant only 250ppm (on the .5 scale) and they are in 7 gallon pots and 2 ft tall. Seedlings can be incredibly sensitive, I'm not sure how many additives you are using either but I would really simplify the regime as well for nutes with only the basic NPK nutes.

Just food for thought, I'm subbed to follow along as I'm curious to see the Kali Mist in action, thinking of growing some for my personal stash. Sounds like an awesome smoke!
^^ Yep!

Think of it this way, a young seedling/clone has only a small amount of physical matter (leafs, stems, roots) to feed. Until the plant develops > 3 nodes, it cannot process high ppm. Depending on nutes 250 is ok. I use VEG+BLOOM which is potent, so I early veg at 200 ppm
Day 11

Both girls are noticeably improving. The second girl is back straight up again, the other one has regained strength. The orange spot has almost completely disappeared.

It was definitely the light, then. Hopefully heat stress will affect the yield less negatively than if it had been nute burn.
Good news, seedling #2 is now 100% back in shape and sitting straight up. I don't think I'm straighter than that when I'm erect so good for you girl.

Seedling #1 is nowhere near as straight but she gained 45 degrees in 24 hours (she was almost at 90 yesterday). Orange has faded.
My seeds from http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/ finally arrived.

All three of my Attitude shipments were seized. lol

The packaging is a giveaway and is identical all the time. Any custom agents worth his salt will spot it, and they're good at it. I once dated a custom agent.

She was a fucking bitch.

I actually just got my order from Attitude in tonight.. three times?? Fucking christ.. Those 'nadians do not like contraband entering their borders, huh? I would have quit after the first..

I have always ordered from worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com, the US version im assuming of where you have ordered from.. I was astounded to compare prices, I literally paid double on all of the orders I had placed on wwms as compared to Attitude, completely fuckin blindsided. I am infuriated that I got ripped off that bad.. this was months ago, and I still get pissed.

I wish I could tell the world of this bullshit marketing.

I paid 150 bucks for a ten pack of ONE strain, and two free seeds.. good freebies.. but two.

The order I had just gotten tonight was a ten pack of SLH but Greenhouse- for 90 some bucks.. and a ten pack of Space Queen for 90 some.. along with five free seeds.. 2 that are actually worth running.. but STILL!! WTF?!?!

As for the packaging... what option did you choose?? Just the tin? I went with the "hemp bag" for the ol' lady and thought it was concealed quite well, small tin.. probably 3" wide by 4" long.. inside a little bag that she loves, and says Sativa which I thought was quite "cute." The bag added a little more "texture" to the package so it wasnt just a tin that when you shook it sounded like rice in aluminum.. They even went as far as putting "Handbag" in the packaging's description.. thought that was a little much, but why not.

Ive dated some fucking pshyco's before... dated, borderline insane.. but, cant handle ignorance.. thick heads.. or loud mouths.

The girl's just about got it right though. :) 5 1/2 weeks and the kiddo should be poppin on out.

As for your kiddo's.. the green ones.. Glad to hear you've narrowed it down to heat stress, though keep an eye on those ppm, I run 10ppm water till 2 weeks in- or signs of def. Then I go to a wapping 150 of straight Cal/Mag (with 2% N) till I have 4-5 sets of true leaves... 350 for your first set of true leaves just sounds suicidal.. even if you aren't running RO, and especially for Sativa's. Good to hear they're standing back up, Good luck.
I paid 14$ more for my pack of royal haze seeds from canada marijuana seeds over Attitude, so it wasnt too expensive, and at least their stealth packaging is up to par.

I ordered from Attitude on November 28th.
Then again a week later on Dec 4th during their Christmas sale, before I had received my first order.
I get my first seizure letter from the November 28th shipment around Dec 14, I scan the letter and they reship it immediately without asking for a new address
Then I get another seizure letter on Dec 22th (the Dec 4 shipment)
And finally last week a letter, which what the reshipment of my November 28th that got seized

I chose the guaranteed stealth option for both order (t-shirt), the morons put in a t-shirt that was so perfectly folded that when the custom agent opens the package all he sees is WORLD BEST SEED BANK on the front of the t-shirt.


The people at Attitude are morons.

I asked for my money back except for the two t-shirts I did receive.

200$ out the drain!