Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

Smoke weed everyday guys ;) haha sorry just took a huge hit off my new bong.

Lol what's up guys. How are things going altar? Hope all is well. I was for real on my offer though. On the land I have it has a natural spring that has been running non stop for the last 30 years :D
Smoke weed everyday guys ;) haha sorry just took a huge hit off my new bong.

Lol what's up guys. How are things going altar? Hope all is well. I was for real on my offer though. On the land I have it has a natural spring that has been running non stop for the last 30 years :D

I appreciate that for realness, lol. Probably not gonna happen with my current situation but certainly is nice of ya, heh.
Smoke weed everyday guys ;) haha sorry just took a huge hit off my new bong.

Lol what's up guys. How are things going altar? Hope all is well. I was for real on my offer though. On the land I have it has a natural spring that has been running non stop for the last 30 years :D

why aren't you bottling that spring?.....just add some honey and put a picture of Buddha/butterflies/tribal designs/etc and market it as a bud "finisher"at 40-50 bucks a quart! lol and sell it to hydro shops:-P

oh I forgot it also contains B vitamins/hormones and any other bullshit you can fit on the can thank me later for the idea/a check would be nice though....
why aren't you bottling that spring?.....just add some honey and put a picture of Buddha/butterflies/tribal designs/etc and market it as a bud "finisher"at 40-50 bucks a quart! lol and sell it to hydro shops:-P

oh I forgot it also contains B vitamins/hormones and any other bullshit you can fit on the can thank me later for the idea/a check would be nice though....

Haha you know the sad part is that it would probably work as it's EARTH water ;)
"Gigabud formula 26"........professional strength = guarantee the giggles in your crop.

lol....i gotta chill on the smoke
Haha I love it brotha, I think I might do this :D

too late....I'm doing it right now :) LOL!

I almost didn't sub to this for fear of feeling inferior, but you guys seem like some cool sob's. And you made me here I am! Your stuck with me ;)
too late....I'm doing it right now :) LOL!

I almost didn't sub to this for fear of feeling inferior, but you guys seem like some cool sob's. And you made me here I am! Your stuck with me ;)

No one is inferior here brotha and you can't do it you don't have the giggles the clown trade mark avatar ;) That's going to be on every bottle haha

I like to think I'm pretty cool but shit what do I know. already trademarked it. I have the worst luck! You can call me sista ;) Like the clown mask, makes me SMILE!!! Your eyes look high as hell....or sad.

Glad to be here. already trademarked it. I have the worst luck! You can call me sista ;) Like the clown mask, makes me SMILE!!! Your eyes look high as hell....or sad.

Glad to be here.

Oh my bad. Didn't know you were female lol. Thanks I like it to haha. I am high as hell that's for sure ;)
Welcome sista ;0]


Updates: Seedlings are doing nicely, except the one-cotyledon lady never grew anything else, just kept expanding the size of her one leaf, lol. So I pulled it... but I am sprouting the AutoNLxAutoJack in addition since i'll have extra veg space for a bit. That reminds me i left it soaking yesterday, lol. I hope i didn't drown it. *runs to check* --I think she's fine, since I used a real shallow little dish of water and she was actually still floating, so.. yeah. Switched to wet paper towel, hopefully she sprouts.

Main ladies are doing alright, they did end up uptaking so I guess I was just freakin out. Humidity's been low so I broke out the humidifer again... but I noticed (at the threshold of the door to the house) my carbon filter isn't doing shit lately for some reason. It's fairly new, makes no sense. I ran my last one for six months and it was still working when I took it down. This one has been on for three and is failing. I either have a leak between the filter and the exhaust fan, or all the humidity from running the humidifier during veg seriously depleted it's longevity.

The leak between the filter and fan is not unlikely... I had a bitch of a time getting it hung and had to tape after hanging, which was a nightmare of epic proportions. I'm sure I missed some of the surface seal on the back side where it's up against the ceiling. But it seemed to be working despite that for quite a while... maybe it shifted a little and the gap got bigger, I dunno.

Honestly not concerned about it, as it's the dead of winter and we don't have guests ever really. I could grow with no filter at all pretty much, just choose to be safer about it. So, on that note, I lit a pine tree smelling candle near the door and I will wait til the grow finishes to deal with it, as I'm gonna be re-assessing ventilation at that point anyway. (Want to get the fan sealed in something for more quiet.)
Welcome sista ;0]


Updates: Seedlings are doing nicely, except the one-cotyledon lady never grew anyhting else, just kept expanding the size of her one leaf, lol. So I pulled it... but I am sprouting the AutoNLxAutoJack in addition since i'll have extra veg space for a bit. That reminds me i left it soaking yesterday, lol. I hope i didn't drown it. *runs to check* --I think she's fine, since I used a real shallow little dish of water and she was actually still floating, so.. yeah. Switched to wet paper towel, hopefully she sprouts.

Main ladies are doing alright, they did end up uptaking so Ig uess I was just freakin out. Humidity' sbeen low... and my carbon filter isn't doing shit lately for some reason. It's fairly new, makes no sense. I ran my last one for six months and it was still working. This one has been on for three and is failing. I either have a leak between the filter and the exhaust fan, or all the humidity from running the humidifier during veg seriously depleted it's longevity...

just turn the humidifier off for a week or 2 low humidity wont hurt a thing i grow with pretty much zero all the time, sounds like your filter is wet and needs to dry out some.
just turn the humidifier off for a week or 2 low humidity wont hurt a thing i grow with pretty much zero all the time, sounds like your filter is wet and needs to dry out some.

actually i've had it off since flowering started, and have been sustaining about 30-40% nicely. I only just took it out yesterday for a spell because that dropped down to 20's on me... but otherwise have had it off for over a month.

So it should have had plenty of time to dry out if that were the case.

I think a little leak between the filter and fan is likely, so it's pulling some unfiltered air in addition to the filtered... and maybe the ladies were just not stinky enough prior to notice. :)
hmm then the ducting is leaking somewhere is my guess. ive had similar problems here recently but ive figured my mine out, it was an accumulation of small things adding up(cause i dropped from 2 filters to just 1)
Or you could just have a lil negative pressure in your room to keep the smell contained ;)

Well, the closet is definitely under negative pressure... but if I'm exhausting air that isn't filtered it don't make a difference, heh. As I said, not worried about it anyway, I got bigger fish to fry ;)
Oh btw, I am now 6 days from the low-end estimate of 7 weeks flowering time for both the jack and herijuana. :0] Yaaaaay.