I am confused.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
As most of you know, I have always grown in Hydroponics. But this time around I am giveing Soil another try. I have always failed at soil for one reason or another. So anyway, things are going along great. Plants are nice and bushy and healthy.

Here is my confusion. I have always thought the PH of a soil grow should be higher then Hydro. And I have always kept my hydro PH at about 5.8. I just watched 5 of Arjans videos of his different strains trying to choose my next grow after this one. All five of these strains, Cheese, WW, Lemon Skunk, White Shark, Arjan of Green House Seeds used a EC of about 1.4-1.8 depending on the strain. But for PH he used 5.5 for all of them. And he always grows in soil. Does he go against everything I have read? Or is my brain going WAKO?

I would think this guy surely knows what he is doing.

Maybe there is a Metric version of PH. LMAO...

If I fail at this soil grow, I swear I will not touch soil for the rest of my life.


Well-Known Member
dangly i thought the same thing as you so i hope someone who has knowledge on this will enlighten me.:mrgreen::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
As most of you know, I have always grown in Hydroponics. But this time around I am giveing Soil another try. I have always failed at soil for one reason or another. So anyway, things are going along great. Plants are nice and bushy and healthy.

Here is my confusion. I have always thought the PH of a soil grow should be higher then Hydro. And I have always kept my hydro PH at about 5.8. I just watched 5 of Arjans videos of his different strains trying to choose my next grow after this one. All five of these strains, Cheese, WW, Lemon Skunk, White Shark, Arjan of Green House Seeds used a EC of about 1.4-1.8 depending on the strain. But for PH he used 5.5 for all of them. And he always grows in soil. Does he go against everything I have read? Or is my brain going WAKO?

I would think this guy surely knows what he is doing.

Maybe there is a Metric version of PH. LMAO...

If I fail at this soil grow, I swear I will not touch soil for the rest of my life.
I am a complete newbie but I have been reading ALOT of information. First off you mention that you always keep your *something* at a low PH. Since you are now doing a soil grow it would seem that the PH of the soil is what should be measured and not the water.

A soil grow recommended PH is just below 7.0 according to the books. But remember, you need to test the soil and not the water.

Someone with more experience can take it from there...


Well-Known Member
As most of you know, I have always grown in Hydroponics. But this time around I am giveing Soil another try. I have always failed at soil for one reason or another. So anyway, things are going along great. Plants are nice and bushy and healthy.

Here is my confusion. I have always thought the PH of a soil grow should be higher then Hydro. And I have always kept my hydro PH at about 5.8. I just watched 5 of Arjans videos of his different strains trying to choose my next grow after this one. All five of these strains, Cheese, WW, Lemon Skunk, White Shark, Arjan of Green House Seeds used a EC of about 1.4-1.8 depending on the strain. But for PH he used 5.5 for all of them. And he always grows in soil. Does he go against everything I have read? Or is my brain going WAKO?

I would think this guy surely knows what he is doing.

Maybe there is a Metric version of PH. LMAO...

If I fail at this soil grow, I swear I will not touch soil for the rest of my life.
I noticed that too. But he also has a computer thing to analyze all the nutes and such so his systems are alot more dialed in than mine or yours...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I can buy the Botany University, and all the instruments there. Instruments are not going to answer this question. Arjan has a conflict with what he does against people like that Lip Flapper guy from High Times. I really think he is a Ganja Moron. A lot of the big time growers now use Coco in place of soil, it acts the same, reacts the same, and gives that Punch the same. But here is the good part. It is PH neutral, less succeptable to mold and fungus. And it does not have all those DANG TIME RELEASED NUTS!!!!!!!!! What is in the Medium I have total control of it..


Well-Known Member
I watched Arjans videos he uses an 85 litre bucket and I believe he always run hydro eg.
Arjans ultra haze#2 he runs @1700ec does that not indicate a hydro system also soil which is usually a soilless mix of peat,perlite vermiculite and such which u can either mix nutrients into or water with fertilized water ph is 6-6.3 according to most books hydro is run @5.5-5.8 good growing

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I watched Arjans videos he uses an 85 litre bucket and I believe he always run hydro eg.
Arjans ultra haze#2 he runs @1700ec does that not indicate a hydro system also soil which is usually a soilless mix of peat,perlite vermiculite and such which u can either mix nutrients into or water with fertilized water ph is 6-6.3 according to most books hydro is run @5.5-5.8 good growing
I am not sure which Arjan you watched. But the guy I watch from the GH seed bank has him and his buddy, and they usually talk about how they usually grow in soil, because it is what gives his plants the extra kick they need to win awards. And he has never said 1700 EC... Holy Shit that would be super saturated nutrient solution. 1700 would be PPM, about 1.8 ec. He usually talks about ec, but sometimes states in PPM.

I know what most of the books say for PH in Hydro and Soil. But As I have been watching different strains he grows, he has been shooting for 5.5 PH. And He is the God Father of Bud.

And No, I am not using Soil as in DIRT.... I am using that Coco product. Looks like soil, but is Coco husks ground up and other organic matter. I have been leaving my PH at about 6.0. which is where it sits when I mix in my Nuts. And my plants are doing absolutely marvelous. And What a difference in smell. It truly amazed the shit out of me.

I am still battling on what to do with my PH though. Here, I have read for years that soil should be at about 6.6-6.8, and now i am watching arjan shoot for 5.5, and I am having fantastic results at 6.0. But that is not to say I will not have nut lock in a few more weeks. But my plants are about 45-50 days old also, and reaching close to 24" with nice tight nodes. My soil grow is still in Veg stage, My hydro system still has about 3 more weeks. But yet the Soil grow room has a stronger over all odor, but the Flowering ones have the nice sweet berry smell when brushed against. I love the smell of this Morning Glory. I will try and post pictures of this stuff tomorrow. What pretty frosty buds they are.

Until tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I know not why I venture into this topic as the inquisitor is far wiser than I......but......my limited experience has proven that cannabis seems to have a slight preference to hydrogen. I suspect the results are due to aid with the plants laticifer structure, allowing a more superior growth. Anyway it's merely a theory and a point of thought.


Well-Known Member
i have heard alot of experienced grower say ph for soil should be higher than hydro 6.3 to 7 but i think tryinf to stay consistant is also a factor, if you change try to do it gradualy because the diffrence between 6.3 and 6.5 is very significant

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
i have heard alot of experienced grower say ph for soil should be higher than hydro 6.3 to 7 but i think tryinf to stay consistant is also a factor, if you change try to do it gradualy because the diffrence between 6.3 and 6.5 is very significant
Yes Kaya, But Arjan has been shooting for 5.5PH. if you think 6.3-6.6 is a large difference,, then try 5.5-6.3....LMAO. I have been keeping mine at an even 6.0 PH and they seem to be doing great. Oh yah. I did promise a few pictures of my soil grown plants. BRB getting camera out of truck.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
here are a few pictures. The first picture is of my drip system. I got so dam tired of watering these plants by hand, what a pain in the ASS. Second picture is of my 3 gallon bags with Morning glory clones in them. The rest of the Photos are of my Morning Glory crop that is in my Hydro system, they should be finishing in about 2 1/2 weeks. I just added Overdrive tonight, they are 7 1/2 weeks into flowering. I think I will be harvesting at about 10 weeks. Sorry they are not the best photos. But they will give you an idea of what I have going.

If you have trouble opening the pictures, RIGHT Click them then click open link.


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Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
These Morning Glory Buds are very dense and Hard with tons of sticky trichs on them. I am very happy with this strain so far. It has a very sweet odor to it. The buds are just starting to swell, this is why I Changed out the Nuts and added Over Drive even though I just changed out the nuts 4 days ago.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Well, LDB, you dont seem to need any help from us....

Carry on :mrgreen:
You see NLX, only a few people actually even addressed my true question. MastaKoosh was one of them. I know what most people say the PH is supposed to be in soil, and also what the books say. I am asking if anyone knows why Arjan, the worlds best Weed Breeder shoots for 5.5 PH. could it be that he knows something that no one else knows? Or maybe it is that he truely does not know what he is doing, and he buys his weed from others....LMAO

Or could it be that he uses COCO for his soil grows which I do understand is a bit lower then regular soils, but I did not think that much LOWER.


Well-Known Member
hey dangly i read about arjan on another forum and they were saying he is suspect too. he puts out these great vidoes of gorgeous plants but they were talking about how he is misleading people. i will see if i can dig up the thread.