My pit has hung from her rope for over 10min. Lock or not, your dog cant bite like mine! She's holding on while I spin her 70lb body, with the centrifugal force applied from the spin, she is holding much more than her own body weight...

ur dog is has fake as u!!!
looooooooooooooooool@over 10 min.... min can hang on the spring pole all day!!!!!!!! mine can hang on a fucking chain tied to a branch all day.... hours........ and hours.... and hours... lmmfo@10 min,..
I was born in the year of the dog {I even have the eye shine}....so can I post my pic?
My cousin has three dogos you ain't telling me shit I don't know...I have two Italian mastiffs he had three Argentine. Mastiffs he hunts with...no dog bites 1200 psi. t is a dog not a hyena ....if your pit is 70 lbs it has as much am bulldog in it as terrier.
My cousin has three dogos you ain't telling me shit I don't know...I have two Italian mastiffs he had three Argentine. Mastiffs he hunts with...no dog bites 1209 paid...it is a dog not a hyena ....if your pit is 70 lbs it has as much am bulldog in it as terrier.
No true with the bulldog. It could be an Am Staff
Then the one I had for 15 years was a freak of nature. We had his papers too going back 4 generations as well.

i have never heard of a bully breed living 15 years...... ever!!!!!!! oldest one i knew of was one my dude had for 11 years... it went blind and tried to bite him so he put it to sleep
i have never heard of a bully breed living 15 years...... ever!!!!!!! oldest one i knew of was one my dude had for 11 years... it went blind and tried to bite him so he put it to sleep
I just lost one of my baby girls, 14 she was, spritely until the end, she had a stroke or something similar and had to be put to sleep,
so yes they can surprise you, though average is 8/10 years.
My cousin has three dogos you ain't telling me shit I don't know...I have two Italian mastiffs he had three Argentine. Mastiffs he hunts with...no dog bites 1200 psi. t is a dog not a hyena ....if your pit is 70 lbs it has as much am bulldog in it as terrier.
I don't give a shit what my pit has in it, it is a rescue that came with papers. I put the papers in a drawer and haven't seen them sence I don't give a shit! I took the dog in because it needed a good home.