Do Some Dam Research

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
i have been helping the lazy ass with the 3 1/2 month old 8" plant and so far he has ordered a 400w HID light and is off to a better grow. i personally find self gratification in helping people. if they are unwilling to accept my advice i move on. if they want to work with me to come up to a plan to help them get on the right track then i dont mind taking a few minutes to help him/her out. like someone else said if you dont want to help dont, its that simple. some of us enjoy teaching and helping others. some people read and read and read for days and never find the exact information they are looking for. i have helped alot of people on this site that come on here and thier thread is titled "first time growing dont know shit need help" i have also established some new friends by helping these people out and made it so thier first grow was sucessfull. just because they didnt pick up a book dosent mean they dont deserve the help of the RIU community.
He's not lazy if he's listening and following your advice. Personally, I think trying to save those plants was bad advice. Take this guy back to square one. Shit can the plants and start over, with step by step instructions on how to bring a new plant to maturity.BTW, I do appreciate people like you with a lot of patience. I do my best to be patient, but when I detect someone who might be trying to drain me of my valuable time, all because they are lazy, later! I'm getting older, and time has become a very precious commodity that I value. In other words, I will help those who help themselves.


New Member
and theres a HUGE difference between reading about something and ACTUALLY doing it... I learned from hands on experience.. Your always gonna have a few retards that cant grow and ask stupid questions.. ignore those threads and laugh at them.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Im not gonna read all 10 pages but if anybody posts a link to another weed growing site.. go to that site and stay the fuck off RIO
Why? What the fuck is wrong with using multiple sights to learn? Shit, I've shared tons of information on this Forum that I learned in that "OTHER" website.


New Member
Why? What the fuck is wrong with using multiple sights to learn? Shit, I've shared tons of information on this Forum that I learned in that "OTHER" website.
lol I just went to first page and seen it was you that posted the link... This site is for growing marijuana.. so please dont post links to other sites.. is there something wrong with riu? If not then why direct people away from this website.. Everything you need to know to grow marijuana is right on this website.. I do respect your opinion Guitar Man, I just dont think people should advertise other weed growing websites, thats all.


Well-Known Member
Yep my plants look pretty bad for my 1st grow cuz i started with bagseed n a couple cfl i had with MG soil.....just now getting tent right light soil nutes n everything but my 3 bagseeds i started all turned girls and will have about 15-20g dried bud that looks great so fuck what you talking about lol :) no disrespect lol but everyone learns different i read alot but couldnt get a PH meter n all that n balance everything i just watered and let it be lol now i have learned alot n got 3 blue dream babies n that r finn b awesome

I feel you also on the people that ask like 4-5 different posts asking all kinda crazy shit haha

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
lol I just went to first page and seen it was you that posted the link... This site is for growing marijuana.. so please dont post links to other sites.. is there something wrong with riu? If not then why direct people away from this website.. Everything you need to know to grow marijuana is right on this website.. I do respect your opinion Guitar Man, I just dont think people should advertise other weed growing websites, thats all.
cobra28widow, I'm not advertising anyone's website. Like I said, the website I posted is not a Forum. There is a huge difference between a website that is a Tutorial and a Forum.

I do enjoy posting and interacting on RIU, but RIU doesn't have a monopoly on growing MJ. What you don't seem to understand is, I came to RIU with many ideas that I found in other sites. This in turn has helped new/experienced growers on RIU, which is a good thing, IMHO.

So, you're telling me not to post links to other sites. No offense, but I will continue to do so if I'm trying to help someone and feel they could benefit from a good, reputable Tutorial that is easy to use.


Well-Known Member
cobra28widow, I'm not advertising anyone's website. Like I said, the website I posted is not a Forum. There is a huge difference between a website that is a Tutorial and a Forum.

I do enjoy posting and interacting on RIU, but RIU doesn't have a monopoly on growing MJ. What you don't seem to understand is, I came to RIU with many ideas that I found in other sites. This in turn has helped new/experienced growers on RIU, which is a good thing, IMHO.

So, you're telling me not to post links to other sites. No offense, but I will continue to do so if I'm trying to help someone and feel they could benefit from a good, reputable Tutorial that is easy to use.

I post stuff like this, but it gets buried quickly.


Active Member
Is it just me, or does it seem like people don't know what the fuck they are doing when trying to grow quality MJ. I've seen some pictures in the last few days, where the plants look like total shit and they are asking for advice on what to do after the plants look like they are ready for the cemetery.

Before I started my first grow, I spent weeks online researching the correct way to grow MMJ. And, it paid off. I did have problems, but my plants matured nicely and the finished bud was killer.

IMHO, there is no excuse in this day and age. Anyone can get online and find a truck-load of information about becoming a good and experienced grower. And, if a person will listen and learn, the very first plant they grow can yield a nice harvest.

When a plant is less than 1 foot tall, and it’s been in the ground for over 3 months, this is my piece of advice: Do some dam research, BEFORE, you decide to grow! You’ll save yourself time, energy, money, and you’ll be stoned in 3-4 months, instead of crying over a plant that won’t give you shit in the end!

Here is a website I used for my first grow. It's simple, plain, and can walk just about anyone through a grow cycle.

Could you please clarify if you want people to research dams or are you just being derogatory and are just trying to use the word 'damn'?

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
i appreciate all input! and i dont appreciate downgrading remarks on a helpful forum, unless its all fun n games :p
I agree. Downgrading remarks can be a turn off. If people do ask the dumbest ass question in the universe, move on. I will tell you this, though; what bugs me even more is when people try and help someone, taking them in circles with bad advice. Lots of new growers on here need to go back to square one and start over, learning everything from Germination to Harvest.

I would take a newbie and make sure they have all the right tools, FIRST! If they refuse to listen, I won't waste my time. If they listen, the true talent of growing a good, quality plant will be the finished product. I'm sure there are Threads on here like this: "Mr. Ganja" takes "Mr. Stranger (newbie)" through an entire grow, and everyone (all newbies) can watch the process unfold.

A solid grow requires a good plan, good tools, and reasonable goals.