Why we have a 2nd amendment and must keep it.

Here we go, Uncle Dickwad is making up facts...again. Can't you go find somewhere else to play, this forum is for adults.

fact is that the gun in the home is more likely to kill a family member than an intruder. doesn't apply in your case, as you live alone in a trailer.

and no one is coming for your lawnmower.
i have no need for a gun. i have installed enough preventative security that i'll be fine with just an axe and a dog.

guns are fine, i just don't see why anyone would need an arsenal of military grade weapons left unlocked about their house where their kid can get them. "because i can!", i suppose.

You need something more than an ax and a dog
I got cameras, and a dog
Without firearms neither of those things do much to secure my property and family
Look, if someone wants you or your possesions bad enough, you are going to have to kill to stop them.

Placing an axe a few cameras and a dog as primary defense is okay I guess, as long as the power is not out, and/or the intruder knows you have a dog and throws a handfull of cayene pepper in its face and takes it out of commission long enough to kill it. Now you are standing in a dark room waving a flashlight and an axe. You will get laughed at, shot and robbed and more than likely live just long enough to see your family dispatched because you were a cowardly dipshit.

If you can sleep okay at night with that, then you are truly are a dipshit and I hope your wife does not find out how little you think of her and her children.

Peace and Man Up

Look, if someone wants you or your possesions bad enough, you are going to have to kill to stop them.

Placing an axe a few cameras and a dog as primary defense is okay I guess, as long as the power is not out, and/or the intruder knows you have a dog and throws a handfull of cayene pepper in its face and takes it out of commission long enough to kill it. Now you are standing in a dark room waving a flashlight and an axe. You will get laughed at, shot and robbed and more than likely live just long enough to see your family dispatched because you were a cowardly dipshit.

If you can sleep okay at night with that, then you are truly are a dipshit and I hope your wife does not find out how little you think of her and her children.

Peace and Man Up


Do you understand how statistically unlikely this is? These "bad guy" scenarios that you gun advocates make up are ridiculous. If someone breaks in to your home, they are looking to steal your possessions. If you're home, they will move on to the next house. If you're not home, they will break in and steal your shit (providing you haven't thrown up other preventative measures to deter them). And if you do catch somone stealing your stuff, whoop-dee-doo. It's material possessions. I don't think your TV is worth more than another humans life.

The probability that some deranged nut that escaped from the mental institution will stumble upon your house and attack you and your family is about as likely to happen as you winning the lotto twice. What's more likely to happen is that gun you keep stashed outside finds it's way in to the wrong persons hands and some innocent person gets a slug upside the head.
Yeah, I am only gonna make close to 500 bucks tomorrow.....

And you are going to waste the day playing golf while your wife supports you....

I will let you know if I am ever in need of your advice...

i made $490 today. puts me up to about $9000 in the last month alone.

golf is never a waste of a day.

not sure how much money i'll make tomorrow, but the jars are getting full, so the sky is the limit.
Look, if someone wants you or your possesions bad enough, you are going to have to kill to stop them.

Placing an axe a few cameras and a dog as primary defense is okay I guess, as long as the power is not out, and/or the intruder knows you have a dog and throws a handfull of cayene pepper in its face and takes it out of commission long enough to kill it. Now you are standing in a dark room waving a flashlight and an axe. You will get laughed at, shot and robbed and more than likely live just long enough to see your family dispatched because you were a cowardly dipshit.

If you can sleep okay at night with that, then you are truly are a dipshit and I hope your wife does not find out how little you think of her and her children.

Peace and Man Up


cowardly? man up?

ya mean, because i don't compensate for my tiny penis with a gun and freak out like a little girl over scenarios that are less likely to happen then getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery?
Do you understand how statistically unlikely this is? These "bad guy" scenarios that you gun advocates make up are ridiculous. If someone breaks in to your home, they are looking to steal your possessions. If you're home, they will move on to the next house. If you're not home, they will break in and steal your shit (providing you haven't thrown up other preventative measures to deter them). And if you do catch somone stealing your stuff, whoop-dee-doo. It's material possessions. I don't think your TV is worth more than another humans life.

The probability that some deranged nut that escaped from the mental institution will stumble upon your house and attack you and your family is about as likely to happen as you winning the lotto twice. What's more likely to happen is that gun you keep stashed outside finds it's way in to the wrong persons hands and some innocent person gets a slug upside the head.

You say that with utter certainty, which is an extremely flawed concept. I will not place the lives of myself or my family members to "possible" scenarios. You speak like a fool. You have no way whatsoever of knowing someones thought processes, EVER! So take that childish cowardly bullshit someplace else M8, cause that dog don't hunt.

It is a simple as this, break into my house and I am there, you are dead. I will not have someone come back on me or my family because I got them arrested for petty shit. If you wish to do that, go ahead.
Just remember, if that"scenario" happens, it is 100% your fault. Try explaining that to your wife while she is holding a dead child or a dying you. Idiot, go to bed.

cowardly? man up?

ya mean, because i don't compensate for my tiny penis with a gun and freak out like a little girl over scenarios that are less likely to happen then getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery?

If you want to talk about male junk, go ahead, but that does not change the fact you are lacking severely in the defense department, WAIT, I just had a revelation, your wife is the man of the house, now it all makes perfect sense.


You say that with utter certainty, which is an extremely flawed concept. I will not place the lives of myself or my family members to "possible" scenarios. You speak like a fool. You have no way whatsoever of knowing someones thought processes, EVER! So take that childish cowardly bullshit someplace else M8, cause that dog don't hunt.

It is a simple as this, break into my house and I am there, you are dead. I will not have someone come back on me or my family because I got them arrested for petty shit. If you wish to do that, go ahead.
Just remember, if that"scenario" happens, it is 100% your fault. Try explaining that to your wife while she is holding a dead child or a dying you. Idiot, go to bed.


A fact that you cannot deny is that gun that YOU leave stashed outside your home is more likely to be used to accidentally kill someone than you ever using it to kill a perpetrator. Given that fact, you still wag your finger at me as though I'm some type of irresponsible person. Are you smoking crack?

All of your bravado is kind of ironic considering the only time you were put in a situation where you (mistakenly) thought you were in danger, you soiled your pants and had to have your wife drive you home. The next "bad guy" that breaks in to your home can take some comfort in that. :-D
All of your bravado is kind of ironic considering the only time you were put in a situation where you (mistakenly) thought you were in danger, you soiled your pants and had to have your wife drive you home. The next "bad guy" that breaks in to your home can take some comfort in that. :-D

LOL, is this true? where can i read about this?
LOL, is this true? where can i read about this?

I would not make that up. Here's an excerpt:

"I had an experience about 18 years ago, the wife, kids and I were headed to the lake and it was about 10:45pm and I hit something in the road and got a flat. As I was in the middle of changing the tire( on the shoulder) a vehicle pulled off the road behind me about 40 yds with its brights on. I looked back but really could not see anything. Then a persons shadow moved in front of the headlights and I could tell they were appraoching me. I hollerd out " We are okay" and they kept coming, so I hollared out really loud, " We are okay, thanks anyway" , no responce.

Now I am scared shitless, so I open the door and tell my wife to get herself and the kids down in the floorboard as I pulled my pistol from under the seat. She starts crying, the kids start crying (5 and 7). I pulled it, jacked one into the chamber and started towards the person screaming at the top of my lungs, Get the fuck outa here or your dead. By this time I am in tears and mad/scared as a mofo. The person was only 20 yards or less from the car and I still couldn't see anything but a shape.

I guess they heard me or caught a glimpse of the gun, not really sure what, but they stopped in thier tracks and just stood there for a sec (seemed like 3 weeks to me) and I screamed again, get the fuck back in you car and go away. I saw the shape turn and walk back to the vehicle as if nothing was wrong. I then went to the passenger side of my car and drew a bead on the vehicle as it pulled out on the road and drove by us.

I have yet to be that scared since, not to the degree I was that night. I was so upset, the wife had to finish the drive because my hands were like rubber and I was sweating like a $500 hooker on 2 for dollar night and it was probably 55 degrees outside.

I did not get a look at the person, nor did I think to look at the plates, all that logical thinking is really hard to come by in those moments.

So yea, pulling a gun on somone is something I humbly pray I never have to do again, but if I have to, so be it.

Peace for All

Asmallvoice "
i made $490 today. puts me up to about $9000 in the last month alone.

golf is never a waste of a day.

not sure how much money i'll make tomorrow, but the jars are getting full, so the sky is the limit.

Will you be requesting a cell next to FDD?
Do you understand how statistically unlikely this is? These "bad guy" scenarios that you gun advocates make up are ridiculous. If someone breaks in to your home, they are looking to steal your possessions. If you're home, they will move on to the next house. If you're not home, they will break in and steal your shit (providing you haven't thrown up other preventative measures to deter them). And if you do catch somone stealing your stuff, whoop-dee-doo. It's material possessions. I don't think your TV is worth more than another humans life.

The probability that some deranged nut that escaped from the mental institution will stumble upon your house and attack you and your family is about as likely to happen as you winning the lotto twice. What's more likely to happen is that gun you keep stashed outside finds it's way in to the wrong persons hands and some innocent person gets a slug upside the head.

How many 77 year old women carry guns? Imagine if just one had a gun. That fucker should've been shot dead, not 64 years in prison.

the tools i use to alert me of any security breaches are far more advanced than your pea shooter.

and as the statistics bear out, i am less likely to kill a family member with my axe than you are with your gun.

darwin what now?

Those security devices worked so well that a couple teenie boppers stole your plants from you.

They can't alert you of theives...but, will protect you from killers?

You crack me up!
In Athens, TN the well armed militia did it's job very well. They exemplify the reason we need a militia and the 2nd amendment.
but none of those bad things can ever happen here, this is Amerika !! we're better than that. our corrupt politicians arent as corrupt as the other countries. Our supreme court will stand up for what is right and in line with what this country was founded upon, a nice civil democracy. Our police arent paramilitary units, and the 2nd amendment isnt about hunting.

Im fairly certain only one of those statements is actually true.
do you even own guns? you're probably just a stick armed teenager. You ever snorted the gun powder just to apreciate it more? You ever used a 30-06 cartridge for a fuse?? you ever broke into the pawn shop cuz that faget had more guns than you?? you ever joined the Marines just so you could jizz down all the barrels so the spread your dna all over the mid east?? you noobz don't gun like me.. you ever shot the anti gun signs on the door of wal mart??? why do you think you deserve to gun sooo hard? You ever accidently shot yourself cuz you never leave a gun unloaded cuz it's tragic?? you don't gun pussy you might as well move to canada with the rest of the pussys who are afraid to make hit sa bullet with a ballpeen hamer you don't gun you are a puss you think saying you gun makes you cool or edgey??? naww it doesn't gunning is more about talking shit on the internets gunning is about using your guns every opportunity you get. what you need to drill a hole put away the drill pussy shoot dat hole in the wall. What that bitch at burgerking didnt fill the fry box up enough?? you go shoot out all their windows.. oil change time shoot the pan install a plug.. You pansise make me sick.. Tommy jefferson and georgie washington and benjamin revere new how to gunn you little pusses probably keep that shity locked up in your nightstand... pussies you bought furniture instead of guns...