Well-Known Member
They didnt shoot your dog? That would be one of my biggest fears....have Pigs come into my house and shoot my dog....I might be on a manhunt after that
Oh and what do you think tipped off the piggies? helicopter views? neighbor complaints?
ps: I have thought about what you are doing, (outdoor screenhouse with plants). You clearly already know..but you can yeild the equivelent of 6 plants from just 1 outdoor plant. I thought about vegging indoors and then planting outdoors when spring comes and have a fucking tree/monsters
They didn't just storm in the house, they had to knock first so I was able to put the dogs away before answering the door. I don't think they would have shot my dogs anyways, my neighbors would have gone nuts at the sound of gun shots! Every one knows me and my dogs aren't violent, I would have sued the shit out of the city. I go to city council meetings and shit, I'm well know by ALL city officials!
The first tip off would have to be my$1400- $1700 a month power bill (not that high anymore!!!). That's when they came the first time. After that I was well know to the chief of police and the city attorney. One of the many helicopters that hovered over my house, The news paper article about me and my grow and barbed wire fencing, the one neighbor that doesn't like me, or anyone that walked or drove past my house as they were much taller than the fence were also dead giveaways... I was strictly an indoor grower, I wasn't going to grow outdoors but the city came to my house and hit me with a couple building code violations. All my wiring was good I just didn't go pull permits for a huge grow room so they told me to shut it down, so I did! I moved it outdoors and repaired or got permits for everything indoors. I won't be growing plants that big outside again for a while, I'm back to what I know best.... Super Fire INDOOR!