
Well-Known Member
There's people I used to know on here, and people so close that I know I've burned down with them. I know an old head is on here I see every so often in real life, I just don't know who and how much he posts. But I know he's here, and I respect him by not looking for him, if that makes sense.


New Member
LMFAO! " whos the lucky girl?" "scott"

Oh and nogutsgrower, you got a shit ton of guts if thats your grow in the pic...wtf...they're huge. I dont have thje guts to grow outdoors like that.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO! " whos the lucky girl?" "scott"

Oh and nogutsgrower, you got a shit ton of guts if thats your grow in the pic...wtf...they're huge. I dont have thje guts to grow outdoors like that.
LOL... Losing my guts gave me the guts.... Swat team has been to my house multiple times, I'm in full compliance with my state and local laws!
You can see me in the hammock with plants behind the pit bull, and you can see part of the hammock in the picture with the large plants.


New Member
They didnt shoot your dog? That would be one of my biggest fears....have Pigs come into my house and shoot my dog....I might be on a manhunt after that

Oh and what do you think tipped off the piggies? helicopter views? neighbor complaints?

ps: I have thought about what you are doing, (outdoor screenhouse with plants). You clearly already know..but you can yeild the equivelent of 6 plants from just 1 outdoor plant. I thought about vegging indoors and then planting outdoors when spring comes and have a fucking tree/monsters