Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates


Active Member
Hello first grow in awhile...kind of fell into my hands......so I recently "adopted" this female and she has been flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far.

The space is about 2' X 3' and has a 400 watt hps light fairly close to her but have not had a problem with leaves burning. I have two fans on during lights on and one on during lights out.

The problem I am having is the plant is already over 5' tall only at 2 and a half weeks of flowering and there is not a lot of room to move up the light, maybe only a few more inches. So I have been trying to tie down the plant, I have never tried doing this before so I'm not sure I am doing this right or not but the plant has not ever snapped and it seems to help from growing too tall too fast.

Well here is some pictures so you can take a look and give me any feedback or any comments especially on the tying down process if I'm doing it right or not.....Thank You in advance and I will be updating regularly from this point on!



Well-Known Member
looking good, you did the right thing tying her down she should fill out a bit more. she should be almost done stretching :)


Active Member
ok cool thank you for the response! Glad to hear she should almost be done stretching because im running out of room haha
she looks good man looks as thoe she might be about done stretchin first 3 weeks is when they stretch the most but she could have that final jump in the next few days good going thoe how long veg did she have ??


Active Member
@SiliconeBud Thanks! I was actually wrong in the first post....just measured and she is actually a little over 4 and a half feet as of right now


Active Member
she looks good man looks as thoe she might be about done stretchin first 3 weeks is when they stretch the most but she could have that final jump in the next few days good going thoe how long veg did she have ??
Thanks! I am actually not sure about how long veg was because I got her as a late Christmas present (BEST GIFT EVER) and forgot to ask. But she has been flowering since December 28th sooo flowering is about 2 1/2 weeks


Active Member
Alright here is a little update on my baby girl....

She is on day 24 of flowering. So about 3 1/2 weeks into flowering now.

I think they are looking good but then again this is my first time growing under an actual HPS light instead of those little CFL's. Got the electric bill yesterday and wasn't toooo bad, less then I anticipated so im happy.

I stopped tying the branches down but should i continue to do that or just leave it how it is right now? I still have a few inches to move the light up if neccesary...

So here are a few pics of her and any input/comments/questions/suggestions/advice is much welcomed and apprecitated so thanks ahead of time!



Active Member
my 4 are day 28 12/12 tomorow i grow in a 3x3 cuboard veg with 400mh and flower under 600hps
Wow nice those look beautiful! It looks like you know what you are doing.......definitely not your first rodeo!

Out of curiosity about how much are you expecting to yield from each of those girls?


Active Member
Alright here is a little update on my baby girl....

She is on day 24 of flowering. So about 3 1/2 weeks into flowering now.

I think they are looking good but then again this is my first time growing under an actual HPS light instead of those little CFL's. Got the electric bill yesterday and wasn't toooo bad, less then I anticipated so im happy.

I stopped tying the branches down but should i continue to do that or just leave it how it is right now? I still have a few inches to move the light up if neccesary...

So here are a few pics of her and any input/comments/questions/suggestions/advice is much welcomed and apprecitated so thanks ahead of time!

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Damn, looking good... you need trousers to come in and give you an estimate.. the best person I have seen so far. I would say that you should get a nice QP off of that girl if not a bit more. Get ready to support those buds that will be nice and big in a couple of more weeks... disclaimer: I am not trousers, nor any other 'yield' estimating person... though I think you could still pull off a QP maybe and hopefully more!


Active Member
Alright here is a little update....

Today is day 35 of flowering, so at 5 weeks now.

I think she is looking pretty good! I really haven't had any problems with her. I've been watering every other day and haven't had any issues with leaves changing color or drooping like I've had on other plants in the past.

The only question that I have is now that I'm at the 5 week mark of flowering, when should I be able to tell when she is ready to harvest? I know the changing in the colors of the hairs but was wondering if I could get some more advice....

Here are a few pictures. I don't know how much you can tell from these but any input/advice is much appreciated!




Well-Known Member
Alright here is a little update....

Today is day 35 of flowering, so at 5 weeks now.

I think she is looking pretty good! I really haven't had any problems with her. I've been watering every other day and haven't had any issues with leaves changing color or drooping like I've had on other plants in the past.

The only question that I have is now that I'm at the 5 week mark of flowering, when should I be able to tell when she is ready to harvest? I know the changing in the colors of the hairs but was wondering if I could get some more advice....

Here are a few pictures. I don't know how much you can tell from these but any input/advice is much appreciated!

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puts a smile on my face. very well done