Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
thats only 1 plant mech just different shots of the same plant.. so 80 grams dry tells you something about the yeild those lower buds were putting out.. i didnt even top it ..could have been more..oh well


Well-Known Member
And I can leave my hand on the glass without feeling any kind of heat so could I have the leaves touching the glass with no adverse affects?


Well-Known Member
I would rather one of the older hands advised you on that ..i would say yes .Its the heat that messes things up if you get too close to a bulb ,so if you can get it close enough that there is not much heat then thats were your sweet spot is... that lemon skunk actually got too tall it ended up about 6 inches from the bulb and it was a lot hotter at the top of the plant than i would have liked.. skunks are a very hardy and resistant plant though i belive.. i bet if this cindy got that close shed just die.. lol


Well-Known Member
I would rather one of the older hands advised you on that ..i would say yes .Its the heat that messes things up if you get too close to a bulb ,so if you can get it close enough that there is not much heat then thats were your sweet spot is... that lemon skunk actually got too tall it ended up about 6 inches from the bulb and it was a lot hotter at the top of the plant than i would have liked.. skunks are a very hardy and resistant plant though i belive.. i bet if this cindy got that close shed just die.. lol
Ya my NLxSkunk was a real hardy plant. I was more worried about light bleaching but who knows lol. Ill just do what I do:)


Well-Known Member
yeah.. i'm not really qualified to argue about it,all i can do is look at my results and make a call about how far i think the light was being effective.As you can see the structure of that ls was quite open , maybe in a bushier plant it wouldnt be as effective that far down.. just keep your light down as far as you think you can get away with without it being too warm and your yeild will be what it will be ..


Well-Known Member
When your tree looks like a xmas tree
the lower buds do get some light
Then it's a matter of just rotating it around so you get all sides (assuming you are doing more than one plant)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
this guy over at ICmag claims his Mosca C99 bx1 is 41 days into flower
nice...so other guy you grow well dude...lol

never ran mosca'a but love female seeds version...also STILL have some ORIGINAL Bros Grimm beans that I eventually will sprout and sts the ones I like most to self them and preserve the genetics...having grown both the originals and Female Seeds I can vouch for FS's version to be the real deal as well

Also if wanting to get the trippy high I recommend chopping at no more than 52 days flower...if you go past I have found the trippiness fades the further you go...yield increases and still awesome smoke but I seek trippy hallucinogenic highs...its my holy grail

I also have in the near future a selfing of Ortega's Deathweed which I will cross with c99...looking forward to the outcome...yum


Well-Known Member
very very nice cheesus .. that guy sure knows what he's doing..

kite i will be taking your word for it and chopping at 52.. trippy high.. mmm can't wait..

btw I emailed female seeds before i ordered the seeds and asked if they thought it was worth going to 60 days and they said no to keep it between 7-8 weeks ,so 52 sounds about perfect.. what would you say would be the difference between 52 and 56 days .. negligable or noticeable? weight and/or effect?

Kite High

Well-Known Member
idk as I never went passed 54 as it was noticable that the hallucinogenic affects were diminishing

also have chopped at 49 days as the triches told me so


Active Member
idk as I never went passed 54 as it was noticable that the hallucinogenic affects were diminishing

also have chopped at 49 days as the triches told me so
Two things if I could. First, are you counting days from 12/12 flip? and Lastly, what where your clear/cloudy/amber ratios if you remember? Thanks in advance.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
about to order seeds for my spring and summer grow. cindy99 is on the short list as i've read it is low odor during the grow. can anyone confirm that? fine looking plant you're growing puff. GL

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Wow, day 25 and 10" tall thats almost twice as tall as mine. But I got a new toy pitched in my tent.. lmao

New hood with a dimmable ballast. I'm only running at 200 watts until the plant gets accustomed to it.


After fimming

Day 6 after fimming. you can see the top leaves that were cut. I thought i might have cut to low but you can see in the comparison shot from the day i fim'd that it actually grew another node after being fim'd. So maybe not low enough. lol

cool, lights on in 5min. time to watch her/him spring to life. Love seeing the leaves point to the sky once the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
gotta love the new toys adam ,looking great ,she will take off on you now ,guarantee it.

po boy ,c99 is pretty much confirmed low odour ,fruity and nothing like weed apparantly .Thats partly why i went with it .That and it's just meant to be beautiful dank sativa bud


Well-Known Member
If I had this beutiful plant I would definatly reveg, take clones then self it with colloidal silver and get a huge seed stock. It's the nirvana of all things C99

Kite High

Well-Known Member
If I had this beutiful plant I would definatly reveg, take clones then self it with colloidal silver and get a huge seed stock. It's the nirvana of all things C99
I plan on this very thing but prefer sts to cs as it is easier and way more reliable....but am really excited about the Ortega Deathweed and c99 cross as well