Why? Bald Eagles


Well-Known Member
Read where they found 4 bald eagles,shot in Washington. really sad, what makes people do this?
Had friends that would shoot at animals like that, and all I can say is stupidity/ignorance. I tried telling them some these animals had radio tracking etc on them. They never shot one that I remember though... It bugged me though. No respect.
Eagle feathers are worth a fair price here in Canada and also abroad IF you can sell them. Makes me sick though to hear about this kind of barbaric shit. Saw 2 amazing eagles on my last canoe trip. Not the greatest pic, but I was in a canoe...
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Eagle feathers are worth a fair price here in Canada and also abroad IF you can sell them. Makes me sick though to hear about this kind of barbaric shit. Saw 2 amazing eagles on my last canoe trip. Not the greatest pic, but I was in a canoe...
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They didn't even do it for feathers. They found the eagles corpse floating in the lake. And they were frozen solid, too.
The most sacred animal in ALL Native American/First Nation tribes. They are the mediators between man and the Creator. It breaks my heart that someone would kill something so beautiful and so sacred. :(
Read where they found 4 bald eagles,shot in Washington. really sad, what makes people do this?

Yes. The Stillaguamish tribe elders believe it was one of their own that killed the eagles. They were not defeathered or had any body parts clipped off, which is what youy would see from a poacher. Disgusting, such a beautiful bird. There are many where I am, mostly in the spring and summer months.