Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

I don't say much on the boards. Tend to stay to myself and learn. Stink, you did do some great stuff. As far as the colored collars, I don't recall you making that "business plan" a part of this thread, until now. It definitely was not in your book. SS was the first person I know that was selling them and I still trade with him. Some of the things that I saw in your book, which I did purchase, were ideas that I got from SS, prior to your book coming out. I will continue to follow this thread, but I will continue to seek my advice/help from SS. I do wish you the best of luck in your life and your endeavors Stink.
One of the first things you're going to need is a cloner. This is a cleaner design than my original H-layout design. The drain valve is optional but if you've ever tried to carry 15 gallons of water you know it can get exciting real quick!

The parts list is on the plans. All the photos and plans needed are attached.

Step 1 – Cutting the ½” PVC Pipe

1) 2 – 21 ½” lengths
2) 2 - 4” lengths
3) 3 - 9” lengths
4) 1 - 3” length
5) 2 - 4” lengths
6) 3 – 3/4” lengths

Step 2 – Preassemble Your Sprayer Frame
1) Start with at the pump and connect a 3” piece to the ½” pump adapter.
2) Add the 4-way cross to the 3” piece.
3) Add the 4” pieces to each side of the cross.
4) Add elbows to each 4” piece.
5) Attach a 3/4” piece to the top of the cross.
6) Add the Quick Disconnect to the top of the 4-way cross and insert a 9” piece into that.
7) Add the long 22” pieces to each elbow.
8) Attach another set of elbows to the long PVC pieces. Make sure these are facing down.
9) Add the end 6 ½” legs to each elbow and attach elbows to the end of these pieces.
10) Now add the final 9” piece between the elbows.
11) Add an elbow, ¾” piece, valve, ¾” piece in that order.
12) Add the last elbow with threads on one side. Screw the garden hose adapter into the threads
Step 3 – Drill the Sprayer Holes
1) Measure and put a mark 2” from the end of the 22” piece.
2) Mark off every 4 ½”.
3) Use an 11/64” drill bit to drill the holes

Step 4 – The Cloner Lid

1) Measure out 35 holes in the center of each raised square.
2) Use the 2” hole saw to cut the holes.
3) Use a sharp knife to clean up the holes.
4) Paint the lid with two coats of gray primer. Finish with two coats of white plastic paint.

Step 5 – Final Assembly
1) Place the pump and sprayer unit into the container and check to make sure everything fits well.
2) Take apart the sprayer unit and reassemble the unit using PVC glue.
3) Start at the pump and build out from there. Be careful because the glue dries fast! Do only one part at a time until the unit is completely assembled.
4) Screw in the sprayers. You may need to use a pair of pliers to get them in.
5) Run a bead of rope caulk around the edge of the base unit to seal against water leaks. One package can be split into two sections to cover the whole base.
6) Run the cord through the lid and neoprene collar. Don’t put the lid on yet.

Step 6 – Setup and Conclusion

1) Add enough water to cover the pump but don’t fill it over half way. We don’t want the roots to hang in the water.
2) Add 150ml of Clonex solution to the water (optional) and adjust the PH to 5.8
3) Set your cycle timer to one minute on and four minutes off.
4) Put the lid on the container.
5) Fill the cloner with your favorite strains. Don’t spray the cuttings.
6) Enjoy your new cloner!!!! You should see roots within a week.
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Hey stinkbud container on that pics i so it at lowes today , and i was wondering if that would be a good container for my new veg unit , do that type leak from the sides or is it good on that part , or did u do something to seal top better?
Welcome back to your thread. I am a cancer patient who recently built the system you detailed and enjoy tinkering with it while it produces amazing product. Looking forward to seeing your project evolve. Just for the record, your work has helped me in dealing with my disease and I am grateful for your efforts. Here is a picture of my second grow, underway now.:peace:1-17-2013 rails.jpg1-17-2013 G-13 Haze.jpg
Welcome back to your thread. I am a cancer patient who recently built the system you detailed and enjoy tinkering with it while it produces amazing product. Looking forward to seeing your project evolve. Just for the record, your work has helped me in dealing with my disease and I am grateful for your efforts. Here is a picture of my second grow, underway now.:peace:View attachment 2484940View attachment 2484941
Looks Bad ass Good job
Hey stinkbud container on that pics i so it at lowes today , and i was wondering if that would be a good container for my new veg unit , do that type leak from the sides or is it good on that part , or did u do something to seal top better?

Yes, they are same containers you see in the pics. Sometimes they leak and sometimes they don't! I just plan on them leaking and put a bead of rope Calk around the edge. Think of it as $4 insurance.

They work great for a veg unit. In fact if you scroll up you will find the post that has the plans for my new Veg unit. Let me know how it goes!

Spread the Love
Welcome back to your thread. I am a cancer patient who recently built the system you detailed and enjoy tinkering with it while it produces amazing product. Looking forward to seeing your project evolve. Just for the record, your work has helped me in dealing with my disease and I am grateful for your efforts. Here is a picture of my second grow, underway now.:peace:View attachment 2484940View attachment 2484941

Right on Bro!!!! What a great job and I'm proud of you! It's guys like you that made me want to come back. I hope you're feeling better all the time and beat the beast. You're a true inspiration to everyone, especially me!

I'm saying a prayer for you right now bro!
Spread the Love
Everything I have ever read says there is no need to ph water in a cloner because it is only needed for nutrient uptake! Just curious as to your reason for doing it?
Isn't higher ph more algae friendly? If so it seems that correcting ph from the cloner on would be good preventative medicine
Isn't higher ph more algae friendly? If so it seems that correcting ph from the cloner on would be good preventative medicine
Look at more like insurance. If you PH is off a little it's no big deal but if it's way off then you need to make it right.

If the PH is off 0.1 I don't mess with it. In fact you'll probably make it worse. I don't know how many times I've fucked things up by being a perfectionist. The ph would be like 6.0 so I put in ph down. Then it goes to ph 5.5 so I add ph up. Then it goes to 6.5. After awhile you realize you would have been better leaving it alone! haha
So are you saying that keeping ph at 5.8sh is to keep algae at bay??????? I am not trying to argue the fact by the way, I simply want to know! I did some research and the only thing I found was about swimming pools. What I found was that too high of ph causes the chlorine to stop working and that you should keep a pool around 7.2-7.6!!
OK I just finished every page of this thread. 250 at 40 posts per page. It took me about two weeks to get through it all, better then some books I have read.

First I would like to thank all of those posters who I feel I learned the most from: Stinkbud first and foremost, Thank you! Also thanks need to go out to dirthawker, andyman, gringoloco, dubb83, lionsroor, txhomegrown, sog, a special thanks to dagobaker, daryip and superstoner1 for keeping the thread alive. I want to thank each and everyone of you for all I learned.

I actually stumbled across this thread looking for answers to some problems I had. I had the fence post aero a friend help me set up but never had all the information just the flowering rail. Now I am much more in the know, thanks to all of you!

I do currently have a small issue with bottom leaves curling up and looking brittle. Is this from too much nuts? I don't think the lights are too close as I can hold my hand at canopy level without it ever felling too hot. I use RO water, ph around 6.01 today ppm about 1200.

Again thanks again to all, I will be checking out the other forums mentioned and signed up for the stinkbids site the other day but haven't gotten back there yet. I will also be buying the book.

Superstoner1 are you still selling the collars, if so got a link?

Thank again! Spread the love!
superstoner1 could you please repost your veg and flower stage nutrient blends for this type system? I found the flower going back through the thread but I am not sure that is your most recent rendition as I know you made many improvements.

Thanks again for all the help and imparted knowledge!
I see its still kicking in here...head over to "my 3 stages of flower" thread if anyone wants to see the massive upgrades done to SB' systems

Stink Iam glad your healthy and that you found your way back,but I must say that if not for superstoner and some other AC members that alot of people that were left hanging would have been royaly screwed if not for that band of merry men.Now I know superstoner dosent ask for any real recognition from the people that hes helped and I know he dosent need anyone to fight his battles,so this all comes stright from me.I followed superstoner when you left and will still follow him now that your back,no hard feelings.