++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

:) pics please!
Later, it's really not much to look at right now honestly. They're 2 weeks into 12/12. Hopefully I find one that is total fire though. I'll probably just reveg and bring it to my buddies place. They're a little touchy on the nitrogen though. They are showing some claw from fairly low levels of N, but I think they will come out of it in the next week or so. It's crazy using a new computer. This windows 8 shit is a little lame right now, but I'll probably get more used to it in the next couple weeks.
Had a quantum 600 ballast take a shit in under a year too... Probably just grab another lumatek like my other 2 are. I really need to send that guy back for warranty now that I think of it. Anyway, good to be back typing anyway. I've always been reading stuff on here on my phone though.
Yeah, I just got a basic laptop. It's probably more powerful than my last one (well im sure it is but my old one was good enough) , but I just got fed up with dicking around on my phone. It was funny I was at bestbuy and a I heard a guy ask if they had a windows 7 laptop instead of all the windows 8 BS. I was thinking the same thing. They made it like a smart phone with all the app shit on the front. I'm learning it though... Seems like its designed for a 15 year old girl though.
Yeah, I just got a basic laptop. It's probably more powerful than my last one (well im sure it is but my old one was good enough) , but I just got fed up with dicking around on my phone. It was funny I was at bestbuy and a I heard a guy ask if they had a windows 7 laptop instead of all the windows 8 BS. I was thinking the same thing. They made it like a smart phone with all the app shit on the front. I'm learning it though... Seems like its designed for a 15 year old girl though.

I installed this: http://www.classicshell.net/ and it gives you back the complete desktop/start menu so it looks and behaves like windows 7. It's free and you never have to look at the tiled start screen again. You can set it up so it boots to the desktop instead of the start screen.
I just got a new laptop as well. My wife loves her Mac, but she paid an arm and a fucking leg for it. $1600? Pahlease.

When ever she gets to telling me how light it is I always say " wow, is super light" "hey let's watch a DVD on it". Lol
What do you think about letting a plant turn a bit yellow before a person harvests it? I have a feeling starving the plant is kind of essential to flavors, and odors. I recently had a grow I hit with too much nitrogen and I think it really messed up the odor/flavor. I normally don't worry about the flushing people do, but this inadvertent test of mine was really incredible. I've grown this strain many times before and the only thing I did was add too much N later in flowering. I know this is a bit out there but I figured nobody is talking about anything in here (at the moment anyway), and there is always smart guys rolling through here. From what I know chlorophyll breaks down into simple sugars and the yellows/reds/other fall colors you see are just the other pigments finally coming out because the Chlorophyll is finally reduced enough. Anyway, I was doing reading on terpenes etc, and found they are increased during this time too. Any thoughts? :) haha
What do you think about letting a plant turn a bit yellow before a person harvests it? I have a feeling starving the plant is kind of essential to flavors, and odors. I recently had a grow I hit with too much nitrogen and I think it really messed up the odor/flavor. I normally don't worry about the flushing people do, but this inadvertent test of mine was really incredible. I've grown this strain many times before and the only thing I did was add too much N later in flowering. I know this is a bit out there but I figured nobody is talking about anything in here (at the moment anyway), and there is always smart guys rolling through here. From what I know chlorophyll breaks down into simple sugars and the yellows/reds/other fall colors you see are just the other pigments finally coming out because the Chlorophyll is finally reduced enough. Anyway, I was doing reading on terpenes etc, and found they are increased during this time too. Any thoughts? :) haha

I think there are a lot more variables. One thing that I read that made allot of sense was that you can starve your plant too much. Indeed chlorophyll is broken down but the plant needs other nutrients to allow this process to happen. Soo people that see yellowing two weeks from harvest are over doing it a bit.

Honestly though, some of the best herb I grew was green as grass when I harvested it. So to that end, careful and SLOW drying can go a long way to a smooth smoke
I think there are a lot more variables. One thing that I read that made allot of sense was that you can starve your plant too much. Indeed chlorophyll is broken down but the plant needs other nutrients to allow this process to happen. Soo people that see yellowing two weeks from harvest are over doing it a bit.

Honestly though, some of the best herb I grew was green as grass when I harvested it. So to that end, careful and SLOW drying can go a long way to a smooth smoke
yeah that's the thing. I have grown bright green stuff that was fire.... I think I just totally over did it on the N/grow nutes. I slowly dried this stuff too. It was like 10 days, and cured the shit out of it. There was no saving it. Chalk it up to experience I guess. I've given Grow nutes during flower before, but I just hammered them with it this time, and its the only thing I can think of as messing with the odor/flavor.
I'll probably be doing this non stop for 10 years and still be asking crazy questions. Experience>Books. I know reading stuff helps, but I've learned a lot more from people on here that have done it rather than read about it. If it works it works. I sacrifice a baby goat before every grow.... A little advice to noobs. Find people who have been doing it for a long time and listen to them even if it doesn't line up to what the book says. Get a mentor and they will be good to you. I appreciate HR, and SMNKFR or whatever his name is (get and easier name bro :) ) Anyway, they helped me a lot. Also, a lot of the time people who know how to grow aren't readily running around here helping noobs because they already know what they are doing, and don't feel like defending themselves against the trolls, so take that into account. Rant over/ 8=)~
So true. I use ways that are said not to. But I made it work and know how to. Killed more plants then I want to say getting what I do down. I myself left for along time do to having to fight with people. What works for me might not work for you. But there might be something we know and have done that will help you. And you for us. There is no one way to grow. If there was we wouldn't be here. We would all have the same setups and same books and be pulling the same yields. There are few on these sites I listen to. And I do mean few. HR is number 1. And I have MR Cervantes as a personal mentor. So that says a lot for HR. The problem is noobs don't know who to trust. And post and rep count don't mean anything. And some mods don't know ether. So I see how its hard for them. I've been doing this for 20 years and still finding new things. So take what you know and what you hear with a grain of sand. And don't be afraid to fail. Albert Einstein tryed over 1000 ways to build the light bulb. All he said when asked if he felt bad for failing 1000 times was. No! I found 1000 ways not to do it. You can't fail if you learn from your mistakes.
SMNKFR or whatever his name is (get and easier name bro :) )/QUOTE]

LMAO. I think you mean me. When I joined up here I was having a significant and tragic problem with golf, my chosen stoner pasttime. I SHANKED the ball a lot and my buddies called me the Shankerman. I just removed the vowels. Yea, it's a dumb name, but that's history. I have seen much much worse :)
What's up HR, the Titan rocked! I chopped a little wile ago and figured I would share. Total weight was very close to 44 from my 8, 50/50 large nug and smaller nug but all pretty good, my next run is only 6 large plants and they are looking very happy, switched to the whole DM gold line and it seems very good hope I can get a bit more this run but I'm happy with it all and all.

Just wondering how the medium perlight worked out for you? HR I know you use graudan or rockwoll flock. Just courius what is the best and most bang for your buck? I can get perlight from Stians for about 10 bucks for a 40 gallon bag. I think I would still run my mums in the RW flock though.

Drg plants look stellar in perlite! So im guessing its worth a try! If and when i switch to top drip im going to try perlite and coco