hey jiggy great minds think alike eh!
yes when u are right u are right rep

...have to give you rep for that ...ive got a couple more ideas 2. I have no idea if this one will work but, I was thinking what if u set your light schedule to 3/4 were ur lights go on and off 4 times in a day like 2 days light cycles in one ...like doubling 12/12 sort of...or dividing it by 4....The idea is that plants have no sense of time so what if you can make them think that 1 day is actually 2 days???dunno if this is possible though just an idea!!!! sometimes u have nothing but then again sometimes...i have no idea if they would actually flower though
My other idea has something to do with this i have no idea if this is even real but supposably playing music or projecting thoughts {Ya i know its crazy}effects the makup of water heres some vids on it
this kind of explains how it works the water stuff is kind of in the middle of the video... its from what the bleep do we know
YouTube - What tHe BLeeP Do wE (k)now? Part 4 "Messages From Water"
Dr. Masaru Emoto's scientific work pretty interesting
YouTube - Interview Masaru Emoto
positive and negative effects on water Crazy!
YouTube - Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals
how to make magic water
TRANSFORM Ordinary Water Into MAGIC WATER Science Proven!
Plants like White Noise and Hums. Also the sound of running water
maybe this has something to do with white noise and hums helping plants...
what if we applied these hums and or music to are water for effects..maybe the hums effect the water in the plants/pots?
Think of it magic plant water!!!!!!!!!
and what if? applying different songs to water has different effects....ya i know it sounds crazy but...think about deep Space and the planets we are just on a little blue ball that spins!!!haha im trying to say theres more to the universe then we know about about
i just had to edit again this video is amazing this is one of those things that cannot be explained
This guy uses chi and can shoot electricity from his body
YouTube - John Chang: Acupuncturist's Chi Powers?
Puts a chopstick through a table,lights up led with his hand,moves stuff from far away
YouTube - New John Chang video