totally new but have a perfect grow box setup!


Well-Known Member
i totally have an image of how this would look now even with two fans.. thanks for the help! seriously makes actually doing this a lot easier.

basically i'll drill a hole up top install the fan, then drill a hole on the bottom.. should it be on the bottom like drilling towards the carpet or on the side which exits into the room its in? lol

Whats funny about that? j/k drill the holeon the side of the cab near the bottom. Put the fan on the side of the cab near the top


Well-Known Member
tell me if i got the right idea here with my mad tyte photoshop skills

do i need any duct system? or will just a open hole suffice? i heard light in the grow room is bad lol or maybe you think its dim enough not to really matter



Well-Known Member
the intake hole needs to be on the bottom and the exhaust will be the fan... probably put the intake on the other side so it circulates better and if light is an issue, put some charcoal filter like the universal honeywell filter (its black) over the intake or you can use a pvc pipe elbow and light wont get in or out but air will. other than that, it should be great... look in the DIY section for info on a do it yourself carbon scrubber.... hopefully, you'll need it ;)


Well-Known Member
An open hole should be good. I would keep simple as possible and if you run into temp probs you can adjust as needed. I would put the exhaust on the opposite side of the intake, no biggy though. Light in the grow room is good thats how they grow duh J/k Just keep the doors closed during lights out.


Well-Known Member
the intake hole needs to be on the bottom and the exhaust will be the fan... probably put the intake on the other side so it circulates better and if light is an issue, put some charcoal filter like the universal honeywell filter (its black) over the intake or you can use a pvc pipe elbow and light wont get in or out but air will. other than that, it should be great... look in the DIY section for info on a do it yourself carbon scrubber.... hopefully, you'll need it ;)
maybe i just mislabeled then.. so the fan still goes on top but the other hole will go on the other side to allow it to pull air all the way through the closure. duh! makes sense. so where if i needed does the carbon scrubber go? attach it to the fan? or attach it to the other hole?

and the PVC pipe elbow thing is that curved piece of pipe right?


Well-Known Member
yea.. the pipe.... shaped like an... elbow.... but the scrubber needs to be on the INSIDE of the exhaust.. so the air leaving is pulled through the activated carbon and the air coming out will be filtered...


Well-Known Member
yea.. the pipe.... shaped like an... elbow.... but the scrubber needs to be on the INSIDE of the exhaust.. so the air leaving is pulled through the activated carbon and the air coming out will be filtered...
perfect thanks so much guys for the help just helped me put together a simple yet effective grow room lol dunno if i'll need the carbon scrubber just yet but growing from seed each time maybe 3 or 4 plants.. now all i need is the seeds.. hmmm i do have bag seed but maybe i'll get them from nirvana some of the PPP stuff..

i actually bought some of that from a greens keeper at a country club once not the seed just the end product.. and my god was it amazeing tasted like pine trees left a tingle on your tounge to


Active Member
my FRIEND has that same closet...if you can remove some of the shelves on the left side it will wor perfect one side for veg. one side for flower, and use the top for seedlings, clones


Well-Known Member
just small update because now that i have some money ahead i want to make some purchases is this light good its a 4 foot 2 bulb system with 10,000 lumen's i will get one blue spectrum (grow) and one red spectrum bulb (bloom) at the same time from seed to finish. lighting is the most important purchase so i want to run this through with some vets on here. Fans and such is self explanatory

High Tech Garden Supply


Active Member
Thats not enough, you'll want closer to 30,000. a four or even better an 8 tube.(even better hps/mh).... I'm pretty new here, and even i know to go read a couple FAQs and grow logs. Read up man.
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