CBD Crew: Yummy strain


Well-Known Member
Just received my Yummy strain seeds and they are large and dark with tiger stripes. Best looking seeds Ive seen in long time. They are now in germination and will be in veg in no time. I am very interested with the CBD% for pain and this should do it. Will try to stay up to date weekly on here since there is not alot out there on high cbd strains...

Doin it tiger style!


I ordered a five pack of these during the attitudes jan promo so I'll be alongside for this one. Sounds like a cannatonic/yummy cross, which sounds good to me.

I found some journals on mr nice forums. It seems there are a number of phenos from a high cbd/low thc to traditional high thc/low cbd with most falling in the 50:50 area. Did you germ all 5? Do you have access to lab testing?


Well-Known Member
I do have all five in water right now and will pull them out in the morning and paper towel them. I didnt think the seeds would get here in a week from Europe lol so I had germed 7 strawberry cough last week to pick up the slack but the yummy takes priority so the cough will be flowered in cups, lol. Back on topic, I do have access to lab testing so as long as its not big bucks I will get it tested. I also have CBD crew shark and some spanish strain called Juanita La Lagrimosa and it claims a cbd% of 8.81 and 6.77 thc. I pretty excited bout these strains.


Well-Known Member
1000 dimmable quantum ballast
Charcoal 66 filter with 2-420cfm fans on a Growtech fan temp adjustable idle speed control module
2 gallon pots
Pro-mix HP
Botanicare grow, bloom soil and liquid karma
have the ppm around 400 and PH at 7 right now but think I will lower it down .5
Day temp is dead on 76 and night is 70
humidity is at 40% almost always except the days I water
The room is 3' by 7' and 7' tall.
I have hooks so I can move the light from one end of the room to the other but it gets packed in there.
CBD strains are for symptom alleviation mostly right? I'm not new to consuming medicine but I've really just done research on cultivation of cannabis. I'm just starting to get into growing. Does a 50/50 ratio give both CBD and THC effects or do they both sacrifice at the hand of the other.


Hey El Cultivador - I'll try to answer your question: Cbd apparently has medical benefits such as lowering inflammation, cancer prevention, seizure control, and others that you'll find if you do some research on "cannabidiol". As far as the high, I don't think it really gets you high by itself, and doesn't really have a different high, just that high cbd strains tend to have lower thc % so you need to burn (or eat or vape or whatever) more of it to get the pschoactive high, if that's what you're looking for. This is with my limited experiences with Cannatonic, Jamaican Lion, and Omrita; each of which I picked up on various trips to the Bay Area. I found you could use those alone for a real mellow buzz - which is nice for the right occasions - or mix it with a high thc variety if you want a bigger high. In any case, I like to add it because there is a large and growing body of evidence that it is powerful medicine for the mind and body in the long term. That's one mans personal experience. My guess is that you'll get a variety of conflicting answers to that question depending on who you ask....


Does the above jibe with your experience, mr bloombastic? Ps, sorry for jumping in on that question I hope you don't mind.


Well-Known Member
Amen to the conflicting info comment. Check out www.projectcbd.com for a good repository of info. I am not affiliated with them, but I do plan to submit surveys for CBD products that I use to medicate chronic pain from a back condition. CBD works for me. I recently had the pleasure of having a quantity of lab tested Sour Tsunami (9.8% THC, 14.9% CBD). I also was able to get the extract from the ST in a 10 mg capsule form.... these are highly effective. I take 4 in the morning and in about an hour I get good pain relief and the "CBD Glow" which lasts for 4 to 6 hours. CBD is not psychoactive, at least not in the same euphoric way as THC. Rather, for me at least, it gives a feeling of well being. Not hyped up or mellowed out, just zen. Also, the pain relief is not like with hydrocodone, CBD doesn't deaden the pain, instead you just don't really notice the pain as much. At first, I was suspicious of the "glow" and thought that the caps must have a dose of THC along with the CBD. So being the goob that I am, I bought some saliva drug tests that are for detecting THC for up to 8 hours after use (according to mfg.). I tested myself 2 hours after taking 4 caps and the test was clearly negative - how cool is that. Don't get me wrong, I've been getting stoned for multiple decades, and love to be baked, but I need a clear head at work so this stuff is like a miracle. Some of the CBD products that I've used haven't seemed to be effective - namely tinctures and salves. Unfortunately, the MMC that I got the TS bud from is out of stock, so I'm going to try my hand at growing my own. I am jealous of the strains you guys have available to you, happy medicating :-) There are some seed guys in Colorado (303seeds) focusing on producing stable, CBD rich strains, so hopefully we'll be getting our own high country born and bred CBD strains in the coming years.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I read that CBD doesn't counteract THC, instead it slows the bodies elimination of the THC, so the high lasts longer. Granted THC content is typically lower so it may take a bit more than normal to get baked, but you stay in the zone longer.


Well-Known Member
This will be my first high cbd crop and I have never been able to find these kind of strains anywhere till now, so I am not sure what to expect but I have read up quite a bit and from what I understand is that you dont really get high off of cbd's and the cbd's also put the breaks on the thc high which is good for me because after smoking for 20 years I find I cant function as an adult at the level I used to when I was younger and kills my motivation so I just want to get away from people and be in my own little world which sucks. I also have never found any strain that helps anxiety, pain or depression and I have tried enough to know that thc is doing me no good anymore and actually can make my symptoms worse so these cbd strains are my last shot at relief. I have heard good things about strawberry cough and have it in the flower room right now. So I wont know what to really expect for myself till I have this stuff in my lungs since everyone responds differently. And what bubba says about the glow and feeling of well being gives me hope! So I agree with you guys on this since you have actually had good experiences with them. I hope its better for the memory too since I loose my keys almost every day!



I got a freebie from the attitude last order that I grew out that seems a lot like the other cbd strains I've tried. It was auto white widow from dinafem and I threw it on the periphery of my photo grow, but it was vigorous and stinky and the stone is a deep body one. Really tranquil and seems to last much longer than the photos I grew at the same time (Jamaican Dream). If we had testing here, I'd submit it for sure. Pleasantly surprised by that one. I have another trip to the Bay Area in May so maybe I'll bring a bud with me to have profiled. I see most people get it done at steep hill labs. Anyone know how much it costs to do that?



Well-Known Member
Oh that looks nice and chunky!

I got a freebie from the attitude last order that I grew out that seems a lot like the other cbd strains I've tried. It was auto white widow from dinafem and I threw it on the periphery of my photo grow, but it was vigorous and stinky and the stone is a deep body one. Really tranquil and seems to last much longer than the photos I grew at the same time (Jamaican Dream). If we had testing here, I'd submit it for sure. Pleasantly surprised by that one. I have another trip to the Bay Area in May so maybe I'll bring a bud with me to have profiled. I see most people get it done at steep hill labs. Anyone know how much it costs to do that?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure a lab test here in Denver cost $50. And I did verify that individuals can get a test done, not just caregivers & MMCs.

I got a freebie from the attitude last order that I grew out that seems a lot like the other cbd strains I've tried. It was auto white widow from dinafem and I threw it on the periphery of my photo grow, but it was vigorous and stinky and the stone is a deep body one. Really tranquil and seems to last much longer than the photos I grew at the same time (Jamaican Dream). If we had testing here, I'd submit it for sure. Pleasantly surprised by that one. I have another trip to the Bay Area in May so maybe I'll bring a bud with me to have profiled. I see most people get it done at steep hill labs. Anyone know how much it costs to do that?


Well-Known Member
CBD is going to work for you Mr.Bloom. I am about the most right-brained kind of guy you will ever meet. It drives my wife nuts as she is an occupational therapist who supplements her traditional methods with the holistic approach (I.e. cranial sacral therapy,etc.). Guess who the guinea pig is when she comes back from the most recent seminar? And I'm not bashful about telling her when I think it's a load of hooey :roll: having said that some of the stuff she comes up with actually works. For example the essential oil extract of Thieves is great for a sore throat, tea tree oil dries zits up lickety split, etc.

I tell you this because I was highly skeptical of whether CBD did anything or not. 3 weeks into therapeutic doses and I can attest to the following effects - some sound far-fetched, but I swear it works for me. One thing.... The effect seems to get stronger the longer you take it but seems to have leveled out for me - I.e. works better now than when I started. I have only anecdotal evidence (me), but it seems to build up in your system like an antidepressant does.

-anti-anxiety - I have a diagnosis, won't go into it here, but the glow seems to take the edge off.
-anti-inflammation - I am less stiff when I roll my sorry bones out of bed than I have been in years.
-analgesic - definitely distracts you from realizing you hurt... Unless you do something boneheaded and then you hurt for awhile until you forget it hurts again - no joke lol.
-less craving for nicotine. I've used nicotine for 25 years in one form or another - Nicorette for last 8 years or so... talk about an expensive habit. Anyway, I've been using less and less - probably now at 1/2 my consumption rate of three weeks ago. That's a weird one unless you research CBD and understand it has some antidepressant qualities.... Antidepressants used to be used widely to treat substance abuse. I wonder if that proves I'm addicted to nicotine, but not marijuana :lol:

Sounds too good to be true yeah?

Oh, I had some strawberry cough CO2 flake that I made into coconut oil caps. I think I used just over 100mg of the flake per cap. It is a nice mellow buzz - but no CBD effect that I could tell. Could be though because it didn't make me paranoid like a high dose of THC normally would.

I'm taking the plunge and picked up some grow gadgets today to go along with the beans - see pic. The breeders that I got the seeds from said I have a 1 in 5 chance of hitting this pheno.



How many do you have? Reg or fem? Fingers crossed you get that pheno!

I'm taking the plunge and picked up some grow gadgets today to go along with the beans - see pic. The breeders that I got the seeds from said I have a 1 in 5 chance of hitting this pheno.


Well-Known Member
A dozen, so odds are I'll find one... But there is a reason I stay away from Vegas, my luck can suck some times.


Well-Known Member
CBD is going to work for you Mr.Bloom. I am about the most right-brained kind of guy you will ever meet. It drives my wife nuts as she is an occupational therapist who supplements her traditional methods with the holistic approach (I.e. cranial sacral therapy,etc.). Guess who the guinea pig is when she comes back from the most recent seminar? And I'm not bashful about telling her when I think it's a load of hooey :roll: having said that some of the stuff she comes up with actually works. For example the essential oil extract of Thieves is great for a sore throat, tea tree oil dries zits up lickety split, etc.

I tell you this because I was highly skeptical of whether CBD did anything or not. 3 weeks into therapeutic doses and I can attest to the following effects - some sound far-fetched, but I swear it works for me. One thing.... The effect seems to get stronger the longer you take it but seems to have leveled out for me - I.e. works better now than when I started. I have only anecdotal evidence (me), but it seems to build up in your system like an antidepressant does.

-anti-anxiety - I have a diagnosis, won't go into it here, but the glow seems to take the edge off.
-anti-inflammation - I am less stiff when I roll my sorry bones out of bed than I have been in years.
-analgesic - definitely distracts you from realizing you hurt... Unless you do something boneheaded and then you hurt for awhile until you forget it hurts again - no joke lol.
-less craving for nicotine. I've used nicotine for 25 years in one form or another - Nicorette for last 8 years or so... talk about an expensive habit. Anyway, I've been using less and less - probably now at 1/2 my consumption rate of three weeks ago. That's a weird one unless you research CBD and understand it has some antidepressant qualities.... Antidepressants used to be used widely to treat substance abuse. I wonder if that proves I'm addicted to nicotine, but not marijuana :lol:

Sounds too good to be true yeah?

Oh, I had some strawberry cough CO2 flake that I made into coconut oil caps. I think I used just over 100mg of the flake per cap. It is a nice mellow buzz - but no CBD effect that I could tell. Could be though because it didn't make me paranoid like a high dose of THC normally would.

I'm taking the plunge and picked up some grow gadgets today to go along with the beans - see pic. The breeders that I got the seeds from said I have a 1 in 5 chance of hitting this pheno.

  • thats is all terrific to hear man! and the answer I needed to hear. 10 000 virgins for you my friend! so now the wait for those little sexy ladies to grow up and be plucked........ohh I cant wait.​
