The Police came to my house


Well-Known Member
First thing is first
im from CA and know the law pretty well, so here.

They CANNOT get a warrant based on heat signature
They CANNOT get a warrant based on electricity
They CAN use smell and neighbor complaints to investigate.
If upon investigation they either
A: Find traces of marijuana on 2 separate occasions in your trash.
B: you let them in and they see you are running an operation.

NEVER let a police officer into your home.
DONT answer the door the first time.
They will leave, when they do get all your plant numbers and legal documents in order if they come back.
IF they come back step outside and shut the door right behind you.
Do not leave it open.

Talk to them and assert your rights and ask them what the next step is going to be.
if they say "well be back in 7 hours with a warrant"
Its time to take everything down and stash it somewhere else.
Once they search once and find nothing odds are they arent going to jeopardize their job by pestering you and the judge for another warrant.

6 mature plants or 12 immature plants is CA law.
NOT 6 plants AND 12 immature.

99 whether or not a doctor or dispensary authorized is WAY WAY WAY over the legal limit.

Good luck justifying to the police your PERSONAL need for 99 plants.
Not the people in your collective or the collective you work for.
Be safe people and know your rights!
6 mature plants or 12 immature plants is CA law.
NOT 6 plants AND 12 immature.>>>

>>>Little wonder why people cheat, I smoke a dozen *indoor sized plants annually by myself.


Active Member
6 mature plants or 12 immature plants is CA law.
NOT 6 plants AND 12 immature.>>>

>>>Little wonder why people cheat, I smoke a dozen *indoor sized plants annually by myself.

My point exactly... Read up on case law.
Not because they dont post EVERY case.
Case law has stated that per one producer of a collective can only caretake for 5-10people.

I will never grow more than 99 plants.
just my 2 pesos


Well-Known Member
thats what i was wondering now...what if you have 6 immature and 3 budding?? and what do they expect will happen to the other 6 when they become mature lol...i guess they could be assuming some can turn out male or whatever but i think thats giving them too much credit


Active Member
thats what i was wondering now...what if you have 6 immature and 3 budding?? and what do they expect will happen to the other 6 when they become mature lol...i guess they could be assuming some can turn out male or whatever but i think thats giving them too much credit
the way the law works is to produce 1/2lbs of dried product a month which is what they deem the usage of a terminally ill somebody.

the way the law is setup though is you may have 6 mature and 6 clones on the side to restock the 6 mommas


Well-Known Member
My point exactly... Read up on case law.
Not because they dont post EVERY case.
Case law has stated that per one producer of a collective can only caretake for 5-10people.

I will never grow more than 99 plants.
just my 2 pesos
Someone in this thread posted the statute, but left out the amended portion:

AMENDMENTS: Yes. Senate Bill 420, which was signed into law in October 2003 and took effect on January 1, 2004, imposes statewide guidelines outlining how much medicinal marijuana patients may grow and possess. Under the guidelines, qualified patients and/or their primary caregivers may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants. However, S.B. 420 allows patients to possess larger amounts of marijuana when such quantities are recommended by a physician. The legislation also allows counties and municipalities to approve and/or maintain local ordinances permitting patients to possess larger quantities of medicinal pot than allowed under the new state guidelines.


Well-Known Member
Don't push your luck with cops. I would cut back to 6 plants total. Then tell them to kick rocks and get a warrant. As Long as you are following the "guidelines" they are going to get nothing on you and will more than likely give up and find another easy target.

learn your way around these "guidelines" and you will be safe. As for the 99 script? It is pretty much worthless unless you operate a collective with all applicable licensing according to the county you live in. Does your Dr. guarantee to bail you out when you are arrested for having 99 plants? I would see a lawyer in the cannabis field before ever attempting such foolishness. Remember they give "no set rules" only suggested guidelines.

Be safe and Never Ever Ever Ever Ever let the cops in without a warrant!!!!! Keep quiet and know your rights.


Active Member
Someone in this thread posted the statute, but left out the amended portion:

AMENDMENTS: Yes. Senate Bill 420, which was signed into law in October 2003 and took effect on January 1, 2004, imposes statewide guidelines outlining how much medicinal marijuana patients may grow and possess. Under the guidelines, qualified patients and/or their primary caregivers may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants. However, S.B. 420 allows patients to possess larger amounts of marijuana when such quantities are recommended by a physician. The legislation also allows counties and municipalities to approve and/or maintain local ordinances permitting patients to possess larger quantities of medicinal pot than allowed under the new state guidelines.

this is accurate, but a patient "technically" can sign over their rights too you.
But at the end of the day, if in trouble, you have to justify it for personal med use...


Well-Known Member
this is accurate, but a patient "technically" can sign over their rights too you.
But at the end of the day, if in trouble, you have to justify it for personal med use...

Exactly!!! So have your story straight. ie: I smoke 2 ounces a week x 52 weeks a year = 104 ounces a year for personal. Adjust according to how much you grow. Cops are dumb they don't know how much you can smoke?


Active Member
Don't push your luck with cops. I would cut back to 6 plants total. Then tell them to kick rocks and get a warrant. As Long as you are following the "guidelines" they are going to get nothing on you and will more than likely give up and find another easy target.

learn your way around these "guidelines" and you will be safe. As for the 99 script? It is pretty much worthless unless you operate a collective with all applicable licensing according to the county you live in. Does your Dr. guarantee to bail you out when you are arrested for having 99 plants? I would see a lawyer in the cannabis field before ever attempting such foolishness. Remember they give "no set rules" only suggested guidelines.

Be safe and Never Ever Ever Ever Ever let the cops in without a warrant!!!!! Keep quiet and know your rights.
we do own and operate a ca state licensed collective. we are also active members in multiple collectives throughout our great state. when u eat most of your meds you consume significantly more cannabis than smoking. some of our products contain 10grams of dried cannabis others only 1.5 depending on our patients needs. check out if you are at all curious about our products


Well-Known Member
Don't play with fire and turn a simple possession or cultivation charge into a state or federal charge. It cost me almost $15,000.00 to become fully compliant with local and state regulations.( LLC, Collective and Mutual Benefit Non Profit, Resale # from Board of Equalization etc etc etc....) You sound like you may have questions that only a lawyer can answer. If you say you are a collective to a cop you better be able to back it up on paper. Or feel the wrath of LEO!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn ,i don't know how i feel about that never get raided dude.It's cool he's putting this info out there ,but the dude used to be a narc.He's ruined 800 peoples lives..I wonder who's still doing life becuase of him ,i wonder who committed suicide because of him..

how can he sit there and talk about growing cannabis and smoking it and talk about it being a medicince etc when someone is sitting serving the best part of their lives in a rat infested prison because of his actions as a narc?

if this is his way of redeeming himself.. i don't think it cuts it.I don't think a narc can ever redeem themselves.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Personally I'd rather address them like a man and find out what the fuck they want, rather than hide like a little bitch and wonder for days if they're coming back or not.
lmao ok big man we will see where that gets i a little bitch for not answering the door if the mail man or someone selling something knocks?? no because i dont want to talk to them, so am i a little bitch if i dont answer when the cops knock uhh no because i dont want to talk to them...sounds like your the one letting them call the shots while im taking the bitch??
I didn't call you a bitch, you pointed at yourself all on your own. I'm not worried because I got nothing to hide. I'm legal. I'm happy to answer the door and show my papers and not have worry about getting my door kicked in later.


Well-Known Member
fair enough but i heir on the side of caution...figured you were talking to me since my post was directly above, disregard the attitude in that case lol


Active Member
Don't play with fire and turn a simple possession or cultivation charge into a state or federal charge. It cost me almost $15,000.00 to become fully compliant with local and state regulations.( LLC, Collective and Mutual Benefit Non Profit, Resale # from Board of Equalization etc etc etc....) You sound like you may have questions that only a lawyer can answer. If you say you are a collective to a cop you better be able to back it up on paper. Or feel the wrath of LEO!!!
you must have a store front? it didn't cost us nearly that much to obtain our llc and non profit status but my wife handles that so im not sure on $ amount. ill ask her when she gets home from the bakery tonight. we also have a lawyer on retainer who specializes in mmj law.


Well-Known Member
^ who used to be a narc...did i miss sometihng here
the video never get raided sunbiz posted.The guy used to be a narcotics officer and admitted to making over 800 drug arrests and admitted to going as far as threating to plant drugs on people to get them to be informants for him.He's using his history to tell people what cops do ,in order to stop people getting busted.but its to late for him imo to ever be deemed a cool guy


Well-Known Member
ahhhh i gotcha now..i did miss something i guess :wall: ....thats why i try to stay cautious and know my rights. they will lie through their teeth to try and get you to incriminate yourself, wihout that 9 times out of ten they have nothing