I need em dvd ice, had to sell both me laptops to keep this grow goin, this 1 I'm using at the minit has big cracks all over the screen, n I left the 42" led with the missus n kids I got a big old tele.
Honest tho m8 I no its ag getting to dvd, I gotta give this laptop to me sister who brought it back on tues when she gets net, so will be able to do em meself.
What ya up too?
yeh ok mate il get em done ther nrly 100% on serber now so il get em down,luckily the rnot 20+ epsidoes seasons or id say gtf do em yourself, lol
Sorry baz I'm on ne fone I didn't really look, what's the prob m8?
Its all good getting advice from people but u get so many different opinions and then it aint too helpful.
What do u think it is? Read up and make your own decision baz
LOOK we all know he only needs to listen to my advice
nuff said/
OH fucking yorkie missus loved the 4 inch inlet u drille dinto out bedroom fucking beam of light !! operation keep her happy and block it up is underway
got all the topgears specials
can u have a fan blowing too much, this 16 incher i got on number 1 is like a fucking gale,, soil and perlite whilring round me grow room,, like fucking dorethy in that yellow brik rd film
oh and lads my new yrs resolution is to stop[ being a cunt!