Wholesale vs. Retail POUNDS!!!!

Thats the same fucking strain the he is growing right now...GreatWhiteShark...this was my 2nd harvest...63g on a 400w

to go from ^^^^this...to that pineapple chunk plant...in the same 400w setup....in less than 2 harvest
It speaks for itself

Im 7 harvest in dude...Fucking take the bet...I swear Ill smash him
People still buy nickel bags :o, OP is squeezing out every penny from the herb; well done :clap:. Personally serving custty's like I work at McDonald's is not for me.

OP I'm sure I can find you with more than a dime at any given time, if I cannot your either not making money or selling from your door step, either way not cool! How can you sell to 5 people on the same block or at the same club, or at walmart if your only holding a dime?

Lastly, I've known a few people who thought nickel / dime bag sales were safe; they were wrong; be safe!

I think your missing something huge here though... you make most per pound but your being greedy. People who are greedy always end up behind bars. Those people selling at 2500 lb have multiple people who come cash to them and those people have people who come cash for plates for 34-3600 cash. Then those people have people who buy zips to qps cash. Then those people have kids who buy grams and eiths and quarters... notice the amount of people who police have to watch and get warrants and spend countless man hours to interrogate before getting the main guys name. Then has to watch him and get warrant and THEN connect the dots and deal with good paid lawyers in court...

Now the time it takes them to get to. 2500 lb man he should be able to just stop and have assets to legally live how he wants. When your greedy you have more enemies and have to deal with more people an now have greater risk for being caught. Also, now lets talk about what happens when your caught... yes its mist. But you are broke and they take all your possessions. THEN, they follow you for week and stop give you month or so sitting on a "list" which normal pd pull you over for a random search now and then. 3 months later you have detectives checking in on you again because they know sack dealers dont make enough over a 1yr period it take them to bust you and know youll come back for more.

The 2500lb guy is a nobody who is quiet going to his day job and meets couple people a month one time for multiple plates... in that yr time he made 10x what you made an thats if cops made it to him in just a yrs time... my main point is, you have growing experience, you havent been caught so no being watched yet. Go be that nobody.

Think about your 70yr old neighbors. How many times have cops been INSIDE there house? Prob never. Why? Cause they dont make noise and have no traffic... you have no noise an no traffic and 100 plants in your cellar who is to know? Only the people you let know.

Gotta make a descision, you in the game for the money or popularity?
Also, keep in mind... majority of cops are not there to make world better place lol. They want higher pay rate and name in papers. They dont get that by spending yrs on ONE case. They get that by spending 90% of time busting the easy people. Cops are normal people too. Most would rather keep big guy lined up and nail the little people 20 times and then get the big guy yrs down rd. Big guy was smart and NOT greedy he be out of game by that time with plenty plenty dough stacked. Hell, you could grow for yr strait an not sell one bit of it and put into a stash spot vacuum sealed and obviously no one know. End of yr you sell it all in few shots and you not have to worry about being raided cause you have eveything in stash and you spent prev. Yr doing the dirty work. Therefor, cop cant catch you slipping up.

Cops have drug dealers "profiled" you just like all other dealers an you end up on the list. You do work an stay quiet an smart then you be too much work for them. They go back to you later when more busts result with your name in it... all this again does is give you TIME... simple math for you- higher % made x longer time in game = ??? Or lower % made x shorter time in game = ????
Nomatter how YOU view it, cops charge you with felony even if you didnt commit one. 85% drug charges are pleaded out before trial anyways.
Your Right...Greed is Greed
I also know that the nobody always wins this battle

selling grams is so petty... that no one here thinks ill ever make any money...thats just the thinking
that i thrive on

Who is going to rob the gram seller?
Who is going to waste time with the gram seller?
gram sellers dont make headlines...

400 grams later...what if the gram man started selling 1/8ths
how many sources could he call in a favor from?

Thanks to everyone for proving my point...that it is so "retarded" to sell grams
That no one would ever believe that a person would leak a pound
one gram at a time
6 times a yr.

& get away with it

Best line ever....WOW ppl still sell nickels.
Your Right...Greed is Greed
I also know that the nobody always wins this battle

selling grams is so petty... that no one here thinks ill every make any money...thats just the thinking
that i thrive on

Who is going to rob the gram seller?
Who is going to waste time with the gram seller?
gram sellers dont make headlines...

400 grams later...what if the gram man started selling 1/8ths
how many sources could he call in a favor from?

Thanks to everyone for proving my point...that it is so "retarded" to sell grams
That no one would ever believe that a person would leak a pound
one gram at a time
6 times a yr.

& get away with it

Best line ever....WOW ppl still sell nickels.
How you make your money is your business, but don't think you can't get robbed because you pushing grams.

The police have been busting gram pushers since people have been pushing grams, remeber that!

OP how much weigt do you move a day?

See your wrong... people do waste time on gram seller. How you think cops get the people above them? It all starts with gram seller. They start at bottom an go to the top. Your at bottom. Yes you may make more than other people at bottom but your still at the bottom of the triangle chart. Use your knowledge and run with it before you on the list an its too late.

Idc what you say, you may be more efficient with 1 lb but you move less lbs than guy above you and result in less money for more work. Not NO MONEY but just less money.
That no one would ever believe that a person would leak a pound
one gram at a time
6 times a yr.

thats great but the thread is wholesale vs retail /pound ok your 6 pounds at $20 a gram = 54k, thats 52 grams a week.. you work 8 hours and sleep 8 hours so thats about 1 gram an hour 365 days a year minus gas expenses etc . now wholesale it at 400 lbs @ $150 per lb for two days work x 3 times a year = 180k for 6 days work

cartels = billion dollaryear buisness
dime seller, 60k year tops, and thats hustling

selling grams is so petty... that no one here thinks ill ever make any money...thats just the thinking
that i thrive on

Of course you will make money.. Except way less than someone who sells by the pound.. Thats the point that is trying to be made..
That no one would ever believe that a person would leak a pound
one gram at a time
6 times a yr.

thats great but the thread is wholesale vs retail /pound ok your 6 pounds at $20 a gram = 54k, thats 52 grams a week.. you work 8 hours and sleep 8 hours so thats about 1 gram an hour 365 days a year minus gas expenses etc . now wholesale it at 400 lbs @ $150 per lb for two days work x 3 times a year = 180k for 6 days work

cartels = billion dollaryear buisness
dime seller, 60k year tops, and thats hustling

The cartel...all the growers in cali cant top the cartel.
but they can stomp the shit out of them in quality...
sure, this is all hypothetical but it happens every day. scene, guy calls me and says hey can you deliver 400 pounds for me? i say sure how much my end ? $150 a pound. I say ok.
I accept your challenge too, BTW..

You dont have a choice but to take the challenge...
Cause you know that if I produce more weight than you with less plants...
you dont have a leg to stand on...
your wholesaling your pounds...so the only way that you make more than me is to produce more than me

but with your current setup...which is bigger than my single plant system...
if I stomp you...your whole argument falls apart
sure, this is all hypothetical but it happens every day. scene, guy calls me and says hey can you deliver 400 pounds for me? i say sure how much my end ? $150 a pound. I say ok.

Supply & demand...400lbs means you grow outside. = super supply.
That guy can supply you with the demand...

You both set the market @ 150 a pound....thats 0.33 per
If 60K creates a profit for you then...hats off to you Sir...You have mastered your craft
loll who the fuck buys a gram of weed i smoked a 45 gram blunt for new years

Wow, about 4 comments in a row of questionable legitimacy. Let's begin.

"10 a gram is still high" For who? The grower? Yes. The dealer? Yes. The customer? No. Most people I know from Idaho to Wisconsin are paying up to $20 a gram. $60 a 1/8th oz. That's $17 a gram, and these are minimum prices on high quality. So it's all relevant to where one is on the order of things. Even going to an oz. for most they are 350-425 outside of Canada and the west coast. That's still almost $13 a gram minimum.

"you better start selling your grams for 29.99 cause its not going to last more than 3 to 5 more years." Why is this, legalization? Nobody can predict what will happen but chances are most of the nation's states will never go legal. The small majorities that will vote for it are in a very few states, and it will never be legal under federal laws. So really your statement here has no validity being one can't predict the future.

"try selling some real drugs." So as a member and supposed moderator of a marijuana site you are telling another member, acknowledging they posted a illegitimate question IMO, you are suggesting they sell hard drug? Classy. But if your point was they should sell hard drugs because marijuana according to your opinion will be legal everywhere in the future then we can just go back to your last comment that has no validity other then being your opinion.

"loll who the fuck buys a gram of weed i smoked a 45 gram blunt for new years" About 40% or so of my friends biz is grams only. he along with a few others I know in the game here all the way to the Dakotas, Iowa, Kansas, Twin Cities, into Milwaukee and Madison down to Chicago and over to Ohio, grams sales are a good part of the business for many. We all don't live in the same world.

Supply & demand...400lbs means you grow outside. = super supply.
That guy can supply you with the demand...

You both set the market @ 150 a pound....thats 0.33 per
If 60K creates a profit for you then...hats off to you Sir...You have mastered your craft

60k is not bad for two days work. wholesale wins every time. i am not selling the pound for $150 dollars, the price of each pound is being raised $150 dollars for transportation costs and that 60k would go to the hypothetical transporter.

has anyone here ever moved that weight? the going rate is $150 per pound. 15 years ago it was $100