Plant fell!!!!!!

I moved my plants into the Sun better and the pot fell over and broke and a stem and leaf fell off. Cleaned the soil off as best as I could and put it into a new pot. Has this ever accidentaly happened to anyone? Should I be worried? Should I give it anything extra?


Well-Known Member
Unless the stem it lost was over half the plant it should be alright. It may or may not need to be staked up but I don't know what the plant is looking like so use your own judgement on that one.


Active Member
Do you mean by stem that a branch broke off?

Picture would help. You can upload into your reply by clicking the "Insert Image" icon in the editor tool bar.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Here's some week or so old pics of them. Hope these are easier to see
Of those two pics, the one on the left in the first picture is definitely showing a lot of male parts, despite the hairs. Is that the one you were calling a hermaphrodite?

The one on the right in the first pic looks like it's not showing yet, maybe female...

and the one in the second picture, has a lot of sacs as well... balls danglin left and right... so maybe that's the one you're thinkin is a hermi.

Basically, it looks like the first one is a male that is hermying and showing some female parts... and the third one is either a female hermying and showing some male parts, or it's a male.


Well-Known Member
Even if it is a herm, its mostly male dominate.

Get rid of it unless you want the other two to go to seed as well.