$5K net / Month room design


Well-Known Member
Midmo! That sucks... 3k - 3600 is price things should be... seriously 2500 lb is cheap. No such thing as mids or dro anymore lol with those numbers anyways.

Honestly though... 4 lb a month is easy a shit to get without drawing any attention at all. 15x20 basement room in any house. Divide into 2 15x10 rooms. You can get 4 lbs off 12 plants without training them and 4 week veg time. Thats not even big money for start up. Someone trying to grow with no experience will spend 2k easily. I dont see why spending 5-6k up front is big deal.


lol thats if it were broken up by sixteenths .. 1.75 grams goes for 30 bucks here.... thats barley enough to smoke... if an entire pound was sold this way it would go for $7680.. .theres good profit here if a pound were bought for 5K or less


Well-Known Member
Buck, this thread already sounds like a pipe dream. If I gave this guy a shopping list of shit to go buy and told him how much it cost, he would stop replying to this thread. Being big requires you to know some shit. Money doesn't buy growing experience.
not everyone is a failspammy.


Well-Known Member
Wow, midmo... you need to get yourself plane ticket to cali. Talk to any random ass grower cause there is 18million and have them mail you shit lol. I DONT do it but here in rhode island there is several people who get stuff in mail from cali at 2500 lb. My opinion its retarded BUT they have money in bank and live large and go to cali an buy a dispensary cause they feel like it...


Ive only done a few indoor plants here and there.... although with the amount of research and reading ive done for years... I feel like a pro (minus not getting my hands dirty). I came into some money recently and decided I need to do something with it to start a business. So why not grow lol. Its my fav thing in the world but I just havent had the cash to do it until now.

I would like to have a split room so I can veg in one and flower in the other. Have an air cooled light system with canfan and filter. Have a half dozen 1000's hps and MH lights. Automate the entire process from watering to co2 exchange. But I'm split between having a hydro or a dirt grow. I've allways grown with hydro but heard dirt might work better.

Midmo! That sucks... 3k - 3600 is price things should be... seriously 2500 lb is cheap. No such thing as mids or dro anymore lol with those numbers anyways.

Honestly though... 4 lb a month is easy a shit to get without drawing any attention at all. 15x20 basement room in any house. Divide into 2 15x10 rooms. You can get 4 lbs off 12 plants without training them and 4 week veg time. Thats not even big money for start up. Someone trying to grow with no experience will spend 2k easily. I dont see why spending 5-6k up front is big deal.


New Member
So I am courious (for research purposes) on the size of room I would need to net around 5K per month average. I would be using soil and probably 10,000 watts? Any input or videos would be appreciated. Yes I have grown but only small scale for personal. This setup would be in Colorado so I would take into account their retail herb prices. Also I am not sure the style of grow I would use yet. Its all still in the research and blueprints stages. Thanks
If a 1,000 hps in a 4x4 area with 4 big plants gets you 1lb dry after 8 weeks of flowering and $2500 is fuckin cheap for 1lb of killer weed.. and you will need a few mother plants and a spot for them...The only costs are rent, electric bill, lights and dirt :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ive only done a few indoor plants here and there.... although with the amount of research and reading ive done for years... I feel like a pro (minus not getting my hands dirty). I came into some money recently and decided I need to do something with it to start a business. So why not grow lol. Its my fav thing in the world but I just havent had the cash to do it until now.

I would like to have a split room so I can veg in one and flower in the other. Have an air cooled light system with canfan and filter. Have a half dozen 1000's hps and MH lights. Automate the entire process from watering to co2 exchange. But I'm split between having a hydro or a dirt grow. I've allways grown with hydro but heard dirt might work better.
i like soil for the taste and simplicity myself.


Well-Known Member
Midmo- first find out how much space you have.

If you spending alot upfront without the experience then find a proven setup an go from there. Example is what i did... 12 site 5gallon ebb n flow system. Waters every 3.6 hrs while lights on. Lucas formula nutes, roots excel, some bud nutes for last couple weeks. 3 1k lights. Pineapple express. Works like a charm. No training at all... runs on its own... healthy green till its done... buds size of a bat...

1 veg room with 2 8bulb t5s with same nutes and ebb n flow.


I figured I could gradually step into it. For instance I could throw 1000watt in the veg and 2000 in the flower. Then throw some plants in there and hopefully get a good quality nug at the end. If the nugs arent that great quality then Ill sell for less. But eventually Ill step it up and my nugs will be excellent but that will take time and I'll need to get my hands dirty and get the experience for that to happen. Mr. Green has some good docs.

Midmo- first find out how much space you have.

If you spending alot upfront without the experience then find a proven setup an go from there. Example is what i did... 12 site 5gallon ebb n flow system. Waters every 3.6 hrs while lights on. Lucas formula nutes, roots excel, some bud nutes for last couple weeks. 3 1k lights. Pineapple express. Works like a charm. No training at all... runs on its own... healthy green till its done... buds size of a bat...

1 veg room with 2 8bulb t5s with same nutes and ebb n flow.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I figured I could gradually step into it. For instance I could throw 1000watt in the veg and 2000 in the flower. Then throw some plants in there and hopefully get a good quality nug at the end. If the nugs arent that great quality then Ill sell for less. But eventually Ill step it up and my nugs will be excellent but that will take time and I'll need to get my hands dirty and get the experience for that to happen. Mr. Green has some good docs.
With where your mind is in this comment, I believe u will get to where u want to be. 2000 in flower is perfect. Very manageable and if your as determined as u sound u should have no problems. My suggestion would be just learn what method u want to grow (flood and drain, soil, soilless, dwc etc) research a little and jump in. Marry your grow and u will achieve greatness.


New Member
lol thats if it were broken up by sixteenths .. 1.75 grams goes for 30 bucks here.... thats barley enough to smoke... if an entire pound was sold this way it would go for $7680.. .theres good profit here if a pound were bought for 5K or less
sixteenths? hahhahhahhaahhahah


I have heard....I think in High Times...on AVERAGE it cost anywhere from 400 to 800 dollars to grow a lb. That includes electricity...nutes...co2...everything... supposedly.