I'm setting up for a first grow and need advice. All help welcome.

Here is what I have:
8x10 walk in cooler
will paint walls with flat white (kilz 2)blocker
I have an s-load of cfl's ranging from (24)-13watt to 8- MONSTER sized cfl w medium bases. I'll have to check on the wattage and report back
CFL's are for veg.
I have circulation fans for the room already on hand and a 10.5 btu air conditioner that I can mount for cooling
I can buy timers as needed. My dilemma is HPS vs MH for flowering. I am on a budget and money Is now really tight.
What I have seen is that MH lights aren't effective long term(need replacing) compared to HPS.
I also have the ability to use co2(with guidance)since I am a restauranteur.....seems like a perk.
All comment graciously welcomed. Cheers
Kilz 2 is a water based flat stain blocker......regular "Kilz" is oil based and will roast your brain in a bad way until fully cured. Cheers


Active Member
The hps ballast can run metal halides and there are newer pulse-start metal halide bulbs that I'm sure could run on hps if you wanted. The hps ballast is more flexible you see.


The 600w HPS is the most efficient out of any HID. By that, I mean it has more lumens per watt than any other HID. It has almost double the lumens that a 400w HPS has. If you were going to go with 1000 watts or more, I would do two 600w HPS.


Well-Known Member
If you have to pick one go with an hps. You can veg just fine under them and they are much better for flowering. I've vegged under them for years.


Active Member
Seeing as you already started the thread i might aswell ask a few questions myself. Is there much difference with heat using the MH for veg? Do they need to be air cooled? Im using a 1.2m tent and currently getting 85-87 degrees lights on, but i am now introducing a intake from outside so obviously the temp will drop.


Seeing as you already started the thread i might aswell ask a few questions myself. Is there much difference with heat using the MH for veg? Do they need to be air cooled? Im using a 1.2m tent and currently getting 85-87 degrees lights on, but i am now introducing a intake from outside so obviously the temp will drop.
Huge difference... The hps produces more lumens, but also uses a lot of it's energy in the infrared spectrum (heat).
I air cool my 600 watt hps with a 6 inch tube and two 6 inch inline fans (25 each on eBay). Keep your air input low too.:bigjoint: