Can anyone help...


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I have 2 seeds which I planted 4 weeks ago. They were going very well, until 3days ago when they started to wilt and go yellow. I have them in Bio-mix and have only been feeding them with water. I have them under 4 20watt lights 2700k each and on a heated mat. They are not to close to the lights, and there is no heat on the top of the young girls. The area has good a ventilation. I don't know what is going wrong with them..



Well-Known Member
I thought 600w was for flowering. hps
CFL is not HPS or MH. You mos def need to read up on lights.

6500K CFL = grow
2700K CFL = flower

HPS = either but better at flower
MH = either but better at vegging.

There are no 600 watt fluorescents that I have EVER seen.

doby mick

Active Member
Stonyjester i think you should take a little time out and start learning about your different lights I.E. CFL HPS MH and try and gain a better understanding of the lighting required for growing good Quality Ganja. Although i must admit your plants were looking pretty good untill started yellowing out too early, you want them to yellow right out just before you harvest. i hope you sort this out, as it is tantamount too plant Murder lol. P.S. Do you know anything about these seeds that you have planted, I.E. Are they Fems or regs What Strain are they, how long flowering time is as all these facts will be needed to known before i would go any further or you will just be wasting your money as you could end up with hemp.


Active Member
It looks like they're drooping because you just watered and the yellowing is nitrogen deficiency or not enough light.


Active Member
These are both female seeds, one is a big bang the other is royal queen. Flowering time is about 8-9 weeks.
I germinated them just over 4 weeks ago.I have them on a 18hour light cycle.


Well-Known Member
Ya but of your lights are 2700k thats the light rays for flower and 6500k is for veg....and i would go buy some nutes from a grow shop with the proper npk ratio for your stage of growth and id run 6 bulbs each


Active Member
But if you times 2700 by the 4 doesn't that count.
So what sort of bulbs do I need to get these back on track..
I was looking to try and use these as mothers and take cuttings..


Active Member
The 2700k bulbs are fine. You would not see a difference if they were daylight or cool white.


Well-Known Member
2700k is the light spectrum that the bulb puts off which is kinda redish if you look at the sun in september its reddish which is when the plants in summer the sky is blue 6500k when plants you need to go to walmart and buy 2 packs of 6500k mini spiral cfl bulbs for veg which is when you run ur lights 18/6 and run the 2700k in flower lights are 12/ is where on the back of the box it tells you what the bulbs are in kelvin which is a way of measureing light rays


Well-Known Member
And the need nutrients even.before flower depending on your growing method but in veg the plants use a lot of nitrogen to grow which when ur plants start to yellow is most likely from nitrogen.deficiency.. And you can run 2700k bulbs during veg but 6500k is more of summer lighting