The fuck cats thread


New Member
Keep hearing more and more news about dogs protecting owners and smelling when people are about to have a seizures, when diabetics need their insulin, they can smell cancer ffs.

Cats ain't got nothin on dogs!

Post any heroic dog saving lives or whatever you see on recent news, again....fuck cats!
fuck cats!


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[h=1]Cat predicts 50 deaths in RI nursing home[/h][h=2]A cat with an uncanny ability to detect when nursing home patients are about to die has proven itself in around 50 cases by curling up with them in their final hours, according to a new book.[/h]

My cat opens doors. and on occasion teleported into our home... I am not lying about this.....she was gone for a week, I watched her leave, comes back no points of entry were open for her, she is staring at me when i wake up... spooky shit i thought she had died ....
My cat opens doors. and on occasion teleported into our home... I am not lying about this.....she was gone for a week, I watched her leave, comes back no points of entry were open for her, she is staring at me when i wake up... spooky shit i thought she had died ....

Your cat opens doors for herself.
My one year old female american pitbull kept intruders from entering my apartment while i was away at work...they kicked the door in and quickly wished they hadn't
the residents love that cat. it comforts them in their final hours.

Dogs do the same thing, and can prolly be trained to know when someone is about to die but again, useless talent. People would rather train them to bark when there's a problem, thus possibly preventing death.
Dogs do the same thing, and can prolly be trained to know when someone is about to die but again, useless talent. People would rather train them to bark when there's a problem, thus possibly preventing death.

it's a nursing home where old people go to die.