Looking for work in the marijuana field.

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Active Member
This sums up the original poster so perfectly.

Also, original poster, why would anyone let some random kid from riu, you, stay at and know about their op? That's just dumb...you could be a cop for all we know.

This thread is almost as bad as if you were begging for weed and asking for a hook up.
I just asked for a point in the right direction.


Active Member
This sums up the original poster so perfectly.

Also, original poster, why would anyone let some random kid from riu, you, stay at and know about their op? That's just dumb...you could be a cop for all we know.

This thread is almost as bad as if you were begging for weed and asking for a hook up.
I havent smoked weed in like a month out of choice. I dont even want to smoke until i feel balanced spiritually. I dont even get high. I dont see the point in enhancing a world that is shitty.


Well-Known Member
I havent smoked weed in like a month
This is the problem, you need a smoke. Snap out of it yeah the world can be a cunt of a place so what? we all live in it. Man up a bit go and eat some meat ,its the lack of meat making you feel like shit.


Active Member
i dont feel like shit, and i will eat meat again one day.. but not from the grocery stores. if i do eat meat im going to source it.. I dont like mystery meat. Anyways, i believe there are different types of smokers. There are smokers who smoke for "spiritual reasons" or mind expansion if you call it. And there are people who smoke because they are confused and want to escape reality. I slowly became more like the second type, and it reached a point where I dont even get high. I just get anxious about things. I think more about negative things than positive. I think the plant should be used to enhance happy thoughts, not negative ones. This kinda applies to all factors of life. If you are the type of person who feels entitled to eat meat because your stomach says so you pretty much have no will power. If you eat things without thinking about where they come from, you are somewhat disconnected from reality. If you do eat meat, source it out and be thankful for it.They say its best to eat ONE serving of meat a week. One serving is not very much! If you are very active you might need more. But it fucking pisses me off to see skinny people who weigh 150 pounds going to fucking mcdonalds every day. Dont stuff your face, its called gluttony. Moderation applies to every fact of life. I also believe in organic practices for not only marijuana, but everything that can be produced organically. Im sick of people who think its better to sacrifice quality of w/e for quality. Fucking cash croppers are so lame(weed/meat/dairy/vegies/fruit). Ruining peoples bodies... tsktsk

One thing that really pisses me off are people who sleep around. ESPECIALLY "PLAYERS" Fuck off and kill yourself. It is fucking easy to get laid. Its partially the girls fault for giving in easily. But still, its a two way street and I think usually guys are the assholes. I respect women/men, the planet, and the animals. If you cant respect these things just kill yourself you are doing nothing for anyone. Idc if u wanna have consensual sex but dont fucking use innocent people just to get off! GRRRR. Fucking rapists..... Why am I on about this? Because its a big problem. There are so many things in society that just piss me off. I am in search of purity. A rare form of human being


Well-Known Member
pssst....the 60's are long gone bro. but i got this great family and it's nothin' but love and we all live in this great compound ya dig. just gotta do some lsd and do whatever i tell ya and you can become part of my family ya dig....oh wait manson tried that already. sorry bro move along nothing to see here


Well-Known Member
i dont feel like shit, and i will eat meat again one day.. but not from the grocery stores. if i do eat meat im going to source it.. I dont like mystery meat. Anyways, i believe there are different types of smokers. There are smokers who smoke for "spiritual reasons" or mind expansion if you call it. And there are people who smoke because they are confused and want to escape reality. I slowly became more like the second type, and it reached a point where I dont even get high. I just get anxious about things. I think more about negative things than positive. I think the plant should be used to enhance happy thoughts, not negative ones. This kinda applies to all factors of life. If you are the type of person who feels entitled to eat meat because your stomach says so you pretty much have no will power. If you eat things without thinking about where they come from, you are somewhat disconnected from reality. If you do eat meat, source it out and be thankful for it.They say its best to eat ONE serving of meat a week. One serving is not very much! If you are very active you might need more. But it fucking pisses me off to see skinny people who weigh 150 pounds going to fucking mcdonalds every day. Dont stuff your face, its called gluttony. Moderation applies to every fact of life. I also believe in organic practices for not only marijuana, but everything that can be produced organically. Im sick of people who think its better to sacrifice quality of w/e for quality. Fucking cash croppers are so lame(weed/meat/dairy/vegies/fruit). Ruining peoples bodies... tsktsk

One thing that really pisses me off are people who sleep around. ESPECIALLY "PLAYERS" Fuck off and kill yourself. It is fucking easy to get laid. Its partially the girls fault for giving in easily. But still, its a two way street and I think usually guys are the assholes. I respect women/men, the planet, and the animals. If you cant respect these things just kill yourself you are doing nothing for anyone. Idc if u wanna have consensual sex but dont fucking use innocent people just to get off! GRRRR. Fucking rapists..... Why am I on about this? Because its a big problem. There are so many things in society that just piss me off. I am in search of purity. A rare form of human being
Bro, I don't know now if you are being serious or just fucking with us... If your serious - I get the feeling we all gonna see you on the news someday after you finally go postal... Maybe you should try to save some money and move to Tibet and study the whole spiritualism thing you seem to be into before you go off on society and take some mother fuckers out with you.


Sector 5 Moderator
Like I said, he really does need a spiritual mentor, LOL. I just hope he doesn't hook up with someone like Charles Manson.


Well-Known Member
for what your trying to accomplish, you should consider building a network of friends. there is no other way to find work faster. most of the people i work with and have seen working in the fields are there because they have solid references. hell, most people in the corporate world get hired because they know somebody.

so stop blabbering in front of your PC and go outside and meet people who have the same interests as you do. And try to get laid, it will help out a lot more than you think. muahah


Active Member
All those things you mentioned, aren't a realistic desire to just walk out your door to find somewheres else for nothin', you would have to probably search high and low to even find another person who isn't "99%" of society, its more of a fantasy...Don't get me wrong I'm no extremely social type but um, I don't have any pipe dreaming of bicycling to someones field n working for life finding that other perfect match of people to be around.

You could possibly deal with "99% of society" until you can sustain yourself in your own field, it might take a few years of hard work inside society, but if you could eventually realize your goal is getting closer of making that environment, might make working for it easier. I know that's not sitting well with your head just based on everything you've typed, but it is more like how you would achieve your goal, as opposed to biking somewheres.


Well-Known Member
Is your dignity more important than a good life? Bro about 6 years maybe 7 now I had the same outlook. Not quite like yours but found myself pissed more than happy.


Think about it, you just bashed possible friends just a couple posts ago. With the you all prol work at mc Donald's!

You kinda sound like that ep of South Park where Stan thinks the whole world turned to shit.lol

positive energy is important to put in the universe it comes back positive. But hatred and envy and others will never reap benefits that you look for. Whatever the small insignificant thing you are holding close in your head, you need to let go of. Life isn't shitty it's a gift and you need to be thankful.

besides bro some of the things you are angry at is like how my high school auto teacher used to tell me. He would say chuck don't sweat the small stuff man your gonna die early. I never really comprehended that until later in life.

once again that will get you no where.

Love life brutha! Spiral outward! Be happy! you only have one life! Seize the day! Look at the cup as half full.

On that note I hope you find your spiritual connection to the positive side man. I'm not trying to bash or anything like that but you are on a path to destruction.

about 6 years ago I was getting out of bed and turned wrong game over pinched a nerve above the sciatic and game over. It hurts everyday real bad. Keep in mind this is while detoxing off 150 Mls of methadone a day.

Through all that shit I still found light a good side of what happened. Even know I'm typing this waiting for my back to allow me to stand and walk its still not the end of the world. And through all this I still don't use opiates anymore. Life is too precious and short to be mad or oh I got fucked in life type outlook.



Well-Known Member
well, i am gonna get it myself. fuk u bunch of posers. i bet half of u work at mcdonalds
and what`s your point? lifes not a free ride! you want to trim bud for a living grow some!
you don`t want to get shit on by the public don`t post stupid shit in a public forum. life is going to pile drive you right into a cement floor dude.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I live with a self centered person who smokes everything (my dad)and doesnt let me sell shit. Also they are retarded and always fuck with my grows. I am currently growing a few plants.. Well I was growing but I am letting him take over and do his own thing. I dont even talk to him anymore. He is a leach to society. I am trying to move on, that is what this is about. I want to be with a whole new group of people all together. I really dont want to go into all the details, but the gist of this is that I have a P.O.S father who does nothing for anyone but himself and a pushover mother who enables him.
My father is not only self centered, but stupid and bad with money. He consistantly shorts himself in the long run by spending all his money on instant gratification.
Join the military


Well-Known Member
If you all think u gotta suck the mans dick to get what you want, your all lamewads... Do what you want. Ill keep my dignity
are you kidding? i'm laughing as i read your post(s). i work a full time job, have a family, own a home and am able to have my wife be a stay at home mom. all that by having a JOB. not sucking dick or working at mickey D's not that thats a bad thing either because the guy working the drive thru is still better than you cause he has a JOB. trust me when i say that i suck no dick. it's called earning a living and on the side i tend to my garden. join a commune douchebag and get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
You all suck. I guess you have to sell yourself to make it in this world. I guess I gotta become homeless.
No you don't.
This is a rationalization that losers use. "I can't be successful without selling out or bending over for the Man, man. I am being held back by society."

It is a cop out.
If you are excellent at what you do, you set the terms. If you are (a jackass) with out any skills, you accept the terms. That is how it has always been.

well, i am gonna get it myself. fuk u bunch of posers. i bet half of u work at mcdonalds
I admit, I have made McDonald's jokes in the past. But it is honest work. With your mentals, I doubt you could get a job interview at McDonald's. Yeah, I know, you would never work there. Great! They would never hire you. Win-Win.

If you all think u gotta suck the mans dick to get what you want, your all lamewads... Do what you want. Ill keep my dignity
You are worried about getting what you want? Desire is the cause of suffering, Grasshopper.
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