Best Additive?


Active Member
I got super thrive but it seems that it is mostly just for stimulating root growth for clones, and helping stressed plants.
Is there really an additive that will make the plants growth boom?


Active Member
liquid karma is a great additive. its made by botanicare and contain see kelp and humic acids. good for use with any fertilizer program and is used till late bloom in all my gardens. in late bloom i like shooting powder by house n garden. these simple additives will take any basic program to the next level. Microhizal fungi is also great if u have r/o wAter or time to burn off the chlorine. I use either micro madness or organism xl depending on availability with no preference.


Well-Known Member
A good soil and nute routine. Very big question actually. Very good soil and little nutes to no soil and all all nutes. The trick is figuring out what works for you. No magic bullets..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Flower hardener/ Increased trichrome production supplements.
Snow Storm
Purple Max
there expensive, but they all work.
Basically you want to use anything with a higher potash level. If you wanna go with a good ratio of NPK you want to go with 1-2-3
potassium affects the overall health and immune system of your plant. A healthy plant is a happy vigorous growing plant! BTW that ratio is good for the last 2 weeks before your final two week flush. The extra potassium helps plants with producing the acids that build thc so in essence it helps to promote THC production in the final couple weeks of bulking up.


Active Member
Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

Snow Storm is dirt cheap thought and amazing.
even cheaper when u foilar feed only with it. ssu is best as a foilar spray and only increases potential tch sites. not much of a growth booster like the poster is looking for. dont get me wrong i use it weeky but not essential as an additives


Active Member
even cheaper when u foilar feed only with it. ssu is best as a foilar spray and only increases potential tch sites. not much of a growth booster like the poster is looking for. dont get me wrong i use it weeky but not essential as an additives
They recommend using it in conjunction with Purple Maxx which is a "light" flower hardener. Gravity is where its at though but I stopped using it after the cancer debacle.


Active Member
They recommend using it in conjunction with Purple Maxx which is a "light" flower hardener. Gravity is where its at though but I stopped using it after the cancer debacle.
purple max is a scam lol but gravity, bushmaster and crystal burst are all gtg. Ive found shooting powder to be as effective in my last sour patch kids grow in soil. 6 got gravity and 6 got shooting product was nearly identical