Ursus marijanus
Barrett 50cal?
Not a Barrett. The barrel markings are visible in the pic.

Barrett 50cal?
The truth about 5.56 and .223 rifles is this......where i am at there is a lot of ranchers and a lot of land they take care of which gets destroyed by marmot prarie dog what have yous also coyotes and fox eating livestock... with these small bullet guns they are accurate and can hold a high capacity of bullets and they are used because u can get a lot of fast shots off. I wonder why nobody touches on this for practicality.....
Not a Barrett. The barrel markings are visible in the
The truth about 5.56 and .223 rifles is this......where i am at there is a lot of ranchers and a lot of land they take care of which gets destroyed by marmot prarie dog what have yous also coyotes and fox eating livestock... with these small bullet guns they are accurate and can hold a high capacity of bullets and they are used because u can get a lot of fast shots off. I wonder why nobody touches on this for practicality.....
Riu and phones dont always function for me sometimes the pic is off and i cant see it properly..... what is it?
Perhaps because many of those are long-range shots for which a bolt gun is arguably better suited. cn
Thats debatable! Bolt action? This is very slow to reload and fire.....marmots are the close ones in bunches that Ar are good for...also with an eotech 500 yards no problem...
a .22 lr will bring down all those things u just mentiond... 5.56's though smaller then 7.62's still aint no joke
I loves me a good bolt gun. My worst bolter will outgroup my best gas gun. cn
Yes for hunting game absolutely no doubt... these are varmit guns
Not sure. I shot a AR-15 last year for my first time and could not believe how you can rattle um off and still hold a nice pattern.The truth about 5.56 and .223 rifles is this......where i am at there is a lot of ranchers and a lot of land they take care of which gets destroyed by marmot prarie dog what have yous also coyotes and fox eating livestock... with these small bullet guns they are accurate and can hold a high capacity of bullets and they are used because u can get a lot of fast shots off. I wonder why nobody touches on this for practicality.....
Especially for varmint. I hew to the Townsend Whelen school of firearm design: "the only interesting rifle is an accurate one". I wanna hit the varmint and not the
Not sure. I shot a AR-15 last year for my first time and could not believe how you can rattle um off and still hold a nice pattern.
View attachment 2473818have 1000 rounds 7.62 556
View attachment 2473818have 1000 rounds 7.62 556
Anyone hear about that mother a few days ago, along with her children who shot up a guy who busted in her house and came at them? She had a .38 i guess. It's crazy how most major news stations dont or wont cover these stories. So many of them.