Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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this should be a simple no unless everyone wants to buy new seeds every year like the farm industry does, Monsanto lawyers would own you if you tried to clone and keep there strain alive without paying them :)
But if you read the OP, the cannabis in the title is a lure. The proposal is much wider-ranging than that and boils down to "stop all genetic engineering". cn

Not at all cn, firstly it doesn't "stop all genetic engineering" and anyone who reads sec3(c) can plainly see that.
Secondly the title of the poll is clearly a separate but equal issue, in other words even though it is clear that the poll is separate from the proposal, at the end of the day which comes first the chicken or the egg on that other words can you really expect one without the other?
But if you read the OP, the cannabis in the title is a lure. The proposal is much wider-ranging than that and boils down to "stop all genetic engineering". cn

I read it all and I'm against anything Monsanto is for. If you have watched their tactics and history, you know they are purely EVIL. They are the greediest bastards in the world and think nothing of destroying peoples lives for profits.
I read it all and I'm against anything Monsanto is for. If you have watched their tactics and history, you know they are purely EVIL. They are the greediest bastards in the world and think nothing of destroying peoples lives for profits.

I am not arguing for Monsanto. I am arguing against a blanket ban on genetic engineering. cn
I am not arguing for Monsanto. I am arguing against a blanket ban on genetic engineering. cn

Then you are arguing against the wrong proposal if you are arguing against this one cn, because as you should well know by now sec3(c) makes your statement very much incorrect.
I read it all and I'm against anything Monsanto is for. If you have watched their tactics and history, you know they are purely EVIL. They are the greediest bastards in the world and think nothing of destroying peoples lives for profits.

from every account i have read people have tried to profit for free of of monsanto's work they destroyed themselves by disregarding monsanto's IP

can you show me an instance where this isnt the case?
I don't care about their intellectual property. The most common case involves farmers buying their GMO "Roundup Ready" seeds. They are under contract when they buy the seeds that they will not use any seeds from their harvest. If seeds are blown into a neighbors field and grows voluntarily, Monsanto's lawyers go after him with all the force the can muster - as if they had stolen the seeds and planted them. Nobody has the money to beat these bastards and they know it. They will not hesitate to destroy anyone that stands in their way. There has never been a problem with corn, wheat, soybeans, barley or any other natural seed. We do not need a company holding patents for seeds just because they changed a chromosome to benefit their products use (such as Roundup). I have watched this company for years; I have watched videos of farmers that lost everything fighting them. Nobody *needs* their seeds. Nobody *wants* GMO foods. If it's so great why are they themselves not eating it? Because it's fucking poison. Don't know what your motive is for defending them but you might as well forget it here.
I can tell you absolutely that this conspiracy conjecture IS true--

after having lived deep within the cannabis culture in Mendocino for years....Monsanto has ALL the patents and turpenes patented within cannabis--

they have a 'kill' gene cannabis plant that will effectively wipe out any outdoor cannabis growing and cross pollinate with their genetically modified version--thus giving them ownership rights like they pulled on Percy schmeiser in Canada
they are going to follow the path they took with corn--
it is common knowledge in and around mendo and some of these UC folks used to come around talking about it --a lot of them enjoy erb too

i also have a very close friend who's brother is a very high profile and at the top of his field Dr. that told us about the meetings he was privileged to in Colorado where the tax and regulate folks were networking on strategies and Monsanto was bringing the donuts to the meetings---he thought it was funny when he told us and he is a closet 'head'

monsanto is definately at the top of the nefarious corporations list and an extreme threat to humanity and our existence with their control of our food and food supplies---

if you think GMO is good look at how Russia 'banned' it and Europe now made it mandatory to label it and India is now in a huge battle over gmo food as most of the country is vegetarian

GMO food has excito toxins and neuro toxins in it and is the reason the average IQ has went from 120 in the 70s to below 100 now
the dumbing down of the population

i mean would you spray round up on your salad and then eat it? or on your cannabis and then smoke it?

keep drinking soda with GMO corn syrup or your fast foods that areuthanasia for the masses--
most of the sugar beets that we use to extract sugar for most of the food we it is GMO--

what floors me is all the people that still believe this is benign and harmless and actually a good thing--

its NWO stuff and with all the facts it ain't no conspiracy--

beware Monsanto !
from every account i have read people have tried to profit for free of of monsanto's work they destroyed themselves by disregarding monsanto's IP

can you show me an instance where this isnt the case?

I've provided links... And how does monsanto actually know a farmer is growing any of their GMO seed? Does the farmer let Monsanto's employees on his property to inspect his crop?
Lawyers run the country...
The legal system is f up...
If a bad law is written, it must be corrected by another BS law ....
We are forever over run by bad laws....
Raise your hand if you want more government [put your middle fingers down]...
Now raise your hands if you want less government ....
Law of unintended consequences....Bad laws must be written, so more lawyers can charge more billable hours, to re-write the bad laws....
You lost my vote, when you said: "Kalifornia"
my gaawwed man !!

does no one understand that Monsanto is genetically modifying and ' patening' every edible medicinal and consumable plant on the planet and the seeds !!

what would ONE company that has loyalties towards the Queen want with owning ALL the rights to every plant usable to man......???

i hope folks are aware also that the 'mine' company that recently was in michigan promoting state regulated underground corporate mine production of 'medicine' for "patients"------ who would you guess 'might' be behind that??

or how about someone of our Canuck brothers tell us about the Canadian owned state grows?

hows that working for ya??
It's not extreme at all. Look at what happened with the Africanized "killer" bees. I'm not sure who is behind it but some company has been dicking around with GMO salmon, releasing them into the wild only to find that the males are much more aggressive than the natural males but the GMO ones are sterile, so the eggs are not getting fertilized and the stocks are failing. Screwing with something so important as our LIVES is unthinkable, and for the sake of making more money??? Desert Dude just showed what a complete moron he is.
It's not extreme at all. Look at what happened with the Africanized "killer" bees. I'm not sure who is behind it but some company has been dicking around with GMO salmon, releasing them into the wild only to find that the males are much more aggressive than the natural males but the GMO ones are sterile, so the eggs are not getting fertilized and the stocks are failing. Screwing with something so important as our LIVES is unthinkable, and for the sake of making more money??? Desert Dude just showed what a complete moron he is.

The Fox (Monsanto) Buys the Chicken Coop (Beeologics)

Monsanto buys leading bee research firm after being implicated in bee colony collapse

edit - sorry didn't realise they were the same link fixed now
Great, now they can modify the "science" too. One of these days everyone is going to wish they had burned to the ground. I'm glad some people know what's going on.
Monsanto is a huge conglomerate with over 100 companies that it owns. They are responsible for genetically altering most US crops (corn, wheat, etc.) and then letting their crops seed into other farmers crops. Do they apologize to the small farm for messing up 100's years of seeds passed down from generation to generation. NOPE, they patent the seed, then attack the farmers in court and wipe them out because their crops have their patented crops (yes they got patents on seeds!)

wikopedia on what monsanto produces:

and biggie, Food Inc. how they have taken over American farms with their DNA altered seeds:
it's too bad that 90% of americans don't care about what is going on, bring up this information to a typical crowd and they just get a glazed look in their eye. some people even get mad. sheep are stupid.
it's too bad that 90% of americans don't care about what is going on, bring up this information to a typical crowd and they just get a glazed look in their eye. some people even get mad. sheep are stupid.

The problem is compounded by the nature of the Internet. The info on it is either mass media or blogs ... pure opinion with very little researchable fact. The keepers of the real libraries use pay gates. Citing a blog is no way to conduct a discourse on society. cn