The UK Growers Thread!

just chuck a handful on top of the soil man it'll gradually release as it dilutes with your normal feeding. no extra n will just keep the others nice n green.

Its already diluted mate you add like 10ml per ltr i think once a week, ill add some to there feed tonight will be startin to add it in a few days when i flip anyhow.....
I dint wanna bother buyin if i dint need to as ive never had a single pail plant usin canna always a nice dark green but suppose its handy if needed like now.......this little fuckas been like it since birth tho, an ive had pail seedlings before so kept thinkin it'l be right in a few days, but that was weeks ago lol
I was saying to flush with something that provides the medium with trace elements again, not just run water through it (just to clarify). Then you know by adding N the plant will be able to utilise it.

I got a little batshit left from last grow mate ill give it a shot of that, nice 1 tho fella

I know my calmax has got calcium, magnesium an iron not sure on the other trace stuff ill have a ganda in abit an let ya no if thats alright mate? then if its any good ill flush with that then give it a hit of the batshit, shall i flush it for a few days then hit it with the N or next feed from the flush?

Hahah i was thinkin it was maybe a albino as its been like it since it popped lmao..........yeh defo comin ill give you a bell mate dont fret im just a anti social cunt ask sambo lol

i wouldn't bother flushing personally, you could mix the poop in with your feed or top dress the soil/coco and just use normal feed. i've done both, not much difference between the two. i'm still yet to find out how much the poop to water ratio is?!
Fuck me babies just opened the tray on me xbox an snapped the fucka ffs............

lol and only that drive will work,, unless u get custom firmware and get the drives unique key, of which u cant play online! fuking kids, mnnes doing it all the time with the pc drive,, the ps3 she likes how it slidesin and out,, same with the wii,, shudda got a ps3 m8 :))

haha snap :) my hifi speakers are full of toy cars, my youngest keeps feedin them into the sub ports :)

snap again

wohho got the clones in,, was bushier than i thought, let the fun begin!

oh yeh gotta wallapper ffs
I was saying to flush with something that provides the medium with trace elements again, not just run water through it (just to clarify). Then you know by adding N the plant will be able to utilise it.

Yeh thats kinda what i did other day mate i flushed with 1/5 strength a&B and the calmax but then just watered back with my normal mix next feed...

Me lil girl used my 6wk old laptop as a step to sumfin, cracked all the screen.

Oh the joys lol

Haha i member you sayin mate little buggers lol.....i manged to bend it back straight, it was total bent down, then i forced it shut but it wont close fully powered it up an it wont open atall tried pullin it while pressin the button but nothin, then the mrs was laughin i got fuckin stressed wacked the thing closed an it now works sound lol a little small bit of plaggy has fell out but seems sound thank god
defo nt a bad thing :)

Aye the girlfriend has been in about 4 times to see how long it's gonna take and even though I am slacking I'm like "money grows on trees and I'm hanging cash on a string, what's the problem with time?", she went "Oh yeah" and fucked off! Bless her.
Aye the girlfriend has been in about 4 times to see how long it's gonna take and even though I am slacking I'm like "money grows on trees and I'm hanging cash on a string, what's the problem with time?", she went "Oh yeah" and fucked off! Bless her.

we like growin they like spendin lol it all works out in the end ;)
lol and only that drive will work,, unless u get custom firmware and get the drives unique key, of which u cant play online! fuking kids, mnnes doing it all the time with the pc drive,, the ps3 she likes how it slidesin and out,, same with the wii,, shudda got a ps3 m8 :))

snap again

wohho got the clones in,, was bushier than i thought, let the fun begin!

oh yeh gotta wallapper ffs

Throw up a pic m8 and let us all see this batcave of urs

did u use the airpots then or what?
day 19 of 12/12..............................


.........................Delvite bongsmilie