A Message from MM


New Member
I'll be the first to admit that you can be a real asshole, Med.

On the other hand, you can be a real nice person too when you're taking your medications on a regular basis .... like now. :mrgreen:



New Member
Dear patrons of this site. Thank you for putting up with my rants and allowing me to make my day a little more interesting. I'm sure most of you are fine people (there may be an exception or two), but overall, you're just people trying to make it in this complex world. Opinions are like, Well you know, so maybe mine is a little off the beaten path. I certainly hope so as the beaten path has been beat to death. My continued effrontry of members rants are not to be taken personally, Well there are those exceptions.
It is the message being attacked, not the messenger. I wish to extend this peace offering to all, even those that may be on my hit list. This is not a capitulation of my Ideas just a recognition of all of you and your diverse situations. Peace out. MM.
You shouldnt have to apoligize for going off on tangents:mrgreen:


New Member
I'll be the first to admit that you can be a real asshole, Med.

On the other hand, you can be a real nice person too when you're taking your medications on a regular basis .... like now. :mrgreen:

Look around, there is an asshole post about you right here on this forum,~LOL~.


New Member
Yeah, I saw your rant. Don't fret, Med ... when the medications settle in, in a few days, you'll be fine. :mrgreen:
Yeah, it's pretty much assholes like you that make me dose so high, otherwise I'd be on the 6 O-clock news. Actually, I'm medicine free, well except my diabetes stuff. I see your playing the good cop in this one. "I won't be fooled again"


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Med, I didn't realize this was a private forum. Maybe you should invest in an Elite membership.
Don't take it personal... He's a jerk to anyone with opposing ideas..... Isn't that right MedMan?

He can get on my nerves sometimes too, but its just who he is. Hes very headstrong and isn't shy to call someone out on something is 'unideal' to him.. Sometimes he skips the debating part and goes straight to the "your an asshole" part.....

Idk, maybe I got the guy all wrong... Idk...



Well-Known Member
Don't take it personal... He's a jerk to anyone with opposing ideas..... Isn't that right MedMan?

He can get on my nerves sometimes too, but its just who he is. Hes very headstrong and isn't shy to call someone out on something is 'unideal' to him.. Sometimes he skips the debating part and goes straight to the "your an asshole" part.....

Idk, maybe I got the guy all wrong... Idk...

On the contrary, I think you pretty much nailed him. He's acquired a spotty win/loss record recently and I think HE'S the one taking it personally.

I did not take it personally. But the bully's reign of terror is over. I was simply pointing out the obvious. Med's not too bright, I think. He cares deeply about free speech: his. He's not so keen on the rest of us and our freedoms. Just peruse his posts.


New Member
On the contrary, I think you pretty much nailed him. He's acquired a spotty win/loss record recently and I think HE'S the one taking it personally.

I did not take it personally. But the bully's reign of terror is over. I was simply pointing out the obvious. Med's not too bright, I think. He cares deeply about free speech: his. He's not so keen on the rest of us and our freedoms. Just peruse his posts.[/quote]

Now THAT is well said.

Here's Med's ploy:

Someone makes a point he doesn't agree with. He counters the point. When someone points out the illogic in his point he resorts to personal attacks instead of admitting he may be wrong or countering the counter. When that doesn't work, he just hijacks the thread. This has been his consistent behavior here in the forum over the past 2+ years that I've been posting here.



Well-Known Member
You guys both have some really good points.... Really :D

Regardless, I like the guy and enjoy reading his posts, for the most part. I personally like him around because I feel like I could learn things from him. I just hope he'll 'get off the rag'(PMSing) on some issues, accept defeat, and move on.:mrgreen:



New Member
I don't see how your opinions are " off the beaten path "...your views are hardline liberal bordering on socialism...there are many, many,many other people with the same views as yours.
Geeze, I wish a few would show up and post here in this forum, It's lonely out here. All I get are the hard line neo-cons. I'm the lone ranger out here.


Well-Known Member
damn then things have changed, i remeber when i was on here all the time it was just me and Vred battling the forces of feeble on these forums:-P


anyway med was always cool cuz he would really try to get under your skin which made for some heated debate, thats kinda what i like to do, flare up some liberal temps:-P

by the way George W Bush is the best president that ever lived. once all the blind robots stop marching in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi's whining and nagging it will all be revealed that it was all just a dirty little band wagon VW bus with nancy driving it into Basher Assad's lake front home so she can go swim in his indoor pool and swallow his loads while you guys are sitting in the shallow end playing with your wangs:o

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Well-Known Member
Panda, good to see you back. I wondered if maybe some bad ass liberal had jumped you and stolen your computer.

thanks buddy i missed you too bro, And I did get jumped, by Michelle Obama while i was jogging, but i was finally able to free myself and take her down at full gallop while she ran away by pinning her down with my wang .

I took her down like a frightened Gazel bucking and kicking the whole way down.
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