cats been pissing and shitting in soil


Active Member
meat eating animals can harbor parasites and other nasty critters, removing the feces and rinsing out the urine will make the soil usable for mj plants, but you may want to just hot compost the contaminated soil and get fresh stuff for your grow to be on the safe side. Definitely don't use the soil in a food garden...
meat eating animals can harbor parasites and other nasty critters, removing the feces and rinsing out the urine will make the soil usable for mj plants, but you may want to just hot compost the contaminated soil and get fresh stuff for your grow to be on the safe side. Definitely don't use the soil in a food garden...
yea, i dont really have a lot of $ to start on this next grow
but hey what if i flush it with boiling water and pick out all the shit? think thatd be best?


Well-Known Member
Com'on man, soil is cheap enough....get some decent fresh stuff and be done with it.....

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Sounds like its an indoor cat so I wouldnt worry too much about pathogens as long as the cat is healthy. But it is true that cat feces can harbor some pretty nasty bugs. I would just clean out the poo, give it a good rinse to remove some of the pee and continue as planned......I wouldnt use boiling water though as it will kill the beneficials already present.


Well-Known Member
Me personaly, I would get on ebay or amazon & order me a top grade soil, that would kick ass, & your plants would love & be really happy!! Hell bro, you can get a killer bag for like 9 or 10 bucks!! Or if you want & you have a $ tree where you live, ours has bags of medium grade soil for a dollar!! 1 buck!.. I would just go that route myself! Trust me, your palnts will love you more in the long run!! ....


Well-Known Member
haha your cats an automatic fertilizing system. doesn't sound like a problem to me.

you should buy a cat food that is vegetable based for the most part though and let it continue to do its thing. the urine? there is no need to worry about though, its fully procesed and sterile perfect water soluble nutrient.

the feces though, wont contain much nutrition sugarless but would be perfect compost for just helping to harbor both fungi and bacteria and could be decomposed quickly if inoculated with compost tea.(so you dont have to deal with a shit smell as long.)