Professionals only please.

I have 12 cuttings in a root riot block i have planted in my iws system with strictly pebbles. Can anyone tell me how many times a day i should feed in order to get the roots to grow out of the netted pots? Thankyou


Well-Known Member
Rooted clones should be 3-4 times a day. If not rooted. You shouldn't have them in a system yet. And new roots really only need what's in tap water till you see son yellowing and new growth. Then nutes at 1/4 or 1/2 for a week.


Well-Known Member
If there rooted you use a roots accelerator or Rizatonic. If you trying to root your clones in the system that can be tricky. They need to establish a nice root system before being put into a system like this. Grab a humidity dome and tray root them there. Then transfer to your system and began a roots accelerator, and enzyme. "I like Cannazym & Rizatonic. Canna start works really good for young plants as a base feed.


Well-Known Member
When clones first go into that type of system you only need to flood a couple times a day. Say, once when the light first comes on and once 8 hours later. You don't want to overwater them at this point because you want them to seek out water, thus spread their roots. If you use fertilizer, go low ppm - 200 or so.

Once you see roots coming out of most of the pots, you can turn up the PPM, but not before. If you turn your PPM up too soon, some of the plants will take off immediately and some later. You will end up with wildly different sized plants which can be a bitch to manage. If most or all have dropped roots before you turn up the PPM, you will have nice ever growth which makes it very easy to care for down the road and helps your yield too. High yield comes when you have nice even growth and a good average yield per site, rather than a few really big yielding plants, and a bunch of smaller ones.

Hope that helps.
Thankyou so much the roots that have started to come out have turned slightly brown and slowes down, do you think this is due to over feed? I had them on 6 times a day for 15 min :/ :(

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dont feed them at all that much, ph water slight voodu juice with humbult roots or root excelerator but just a few drops nothing over 300ppms use a tad bit grow nutes but very little stay under 300 and they will take off depending on the room temp the co 2 and only feed when they are about dry no to dry but on the brink of dryness good luck and no im not a pro.. ;)


Well-Known Member
They need very little now. Just keep them moist, not wet. I use a 60ml syringe I got at the grow shop to give the babies their moisture. A little squirt, maybe 5ml, every 12 hours works for me. If you have a cycle timer you can use sprayers and spray the media for like 10 seconds every 6-8 hours but the syringe is cheap and works just as well.


Well-Known Member
The brown roots are most likely caused by too wet condition. The babies will recover and produce new roots if the conditions are right. The brown ones may not recover but new ones should poke out. The most common mistake growers make is over watering, especially the babies. Remember- moist not wet. Maybe lean a little toward the dry side of moist for a week. Just don't let the roots totally dry out.