Hey guys i just though of somthing while looking at my avatar(was taken friday): Do you think my ladies are doing so well because of the high humidity??? Kinda seems logical, FL=Lots of humidity, plants under heat stress=dry leaves(i think), but with all the humitity maybe the plants dont really feel it you know.... if so this could be a breakthrough for ppl struggling with heat
Sounds like you're in tune with your babies. I think sometimes weird circumstances, where the caretaker is paying attention, you're making these connections like you said above, and you can tell they're okay, but you're concerned because of warning signs.
shouldn't be doing well, but they are. You're listening to them-- they'll tell you what they need. If they need a lot cooler temps, they'll let you know and you'll find a way.
Your plants are WAY past mine, and mine have been growing longer, very close to lights under temps of 65-85 degrees.