Yellowing leaves in flower...whats the real harm?


Okay, so I see people posting about their yellowing leaves during the early stages of flowering and I also posted about this same problem....

I am curious- what is the real damage of these leaves dying and falling off?

I am/have been going through this for a while now and I have 2 issues: 1) The pics are ugly that I take with all the yellow leaves :) and 2) It seems like the larger buds havent developed strong arms to hold the buds up right -fortunately for me, Im using a traullis to grow so they can rest on the netting.

Can someone confirm that the yellowed, dead leaves that fell off had a direct coralation to the weaker arm strength?

Also, what other bad things do yellowing leaves cause to a plant during flowering?


Active Member
Okay, so I see people posting about their yellowing leaves during the early stages of flowering and I also posted about this same problem....

I am curious- what is what the real damage of these leaves dying and falling off?

I am/have been going through this for a while now and I have 2 issues: 1) The pics are ugly that I take with all the yellow leaves :) and 2) It seems like the larger buds havent developed strong arms to hold the buds up right -next fortunately for me, Im use a traullis to grow so they can rest on the netting.

Can someone confirm that the yellowed, dead leaves that fell off had a direct coralation to the weaker arm strength?

Also, what other bad things do yellowing leaves cause to a plant during flowering?

I can tell you fist hand that if your leaves start to yellow during early flower and the problem will eventually cause all your fan leaves to fall off and then go onto the smaller "bud leaves" With no fan leaves your plant is no longer gathering all the energy it needs to support healthy buds. Yields can be reduced 50% if not more.


So.. if the "general" cause is a lack of Nitrogen, then why do most feeding schedules, eliminate Nitrogen from the cycle in flowering?

The first 3 weeks of flowering still called for some Nitrogen in the "Grow" nutes and in the Amino acid but its at reduced rates. In fact, I added a little extra of the Amino Acid 5% Nitrogen to my last feeding and halted all of the yellowing...

Furthermore, my Amino Acid nute appears to be just Nitrogen (according to the contents) so why I ever stop using it?


Well-Known Member
How soon are your leaves yellowing in flowering? Mine always start yellowing/purpling around 3 weeks before harvest and this is natural. Same thing that happens in nature. But if you are getting yellow leaves early on in flowering, you either got a pH issue (pH balance your water each time before you water, then check the pH of your runoff after you water) or you aren't feeding your plants enough. I use supersoil, so I just water pure H2O for my whole flowering cycle and it ends up coming out perfect.
Plantproblems is right in what he is saying. If you got early yellow leaves, then yield is really gonna suffer.


My plants started to yellow around the 3rd week of flowering.

My initial diagnostics led me to believe its my feeding schedule of water, water, feed. Feeding to little... which I assume created the N deficiancy.


Well-Known Member
What brand of nutrients are you using and at what strength are you mixing into your water and how often do you feed?


I kinda wanna bring this back to topic....

Id like to know, what true harm is this doing to my flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
I kinda wanna bring this back to topic....

Id like to know, what true harm is this doing to my flowering plants?
Like i said, your yield is suffering from it. Your plants are not at their full potential. Buds would be much more full and formed if leaves did not start yellowing until 2-3 weeks before harvest. Each leaf that falls is a huge energy factory that just unplugged its power from your plant.
This seems too be a touchy subject on this forum,

Some belive its completly normal for leaves to yellow and begin to fall after week 4,5,6 depending on strain. Some just simply cut the fan leaves off stating air flow. "But if you dont have Humidity issues and dont over water air flow shouldnt be a issue with a fan." I have no clue which practise is "right" Some say the loss of fan leaves have no correlation too yeild.
Some belive it has a direct effect.
I look at it this way, The more leaf surrface you have exposed to light, the more photosynthesis occurring. In part more sugars made, equaling more plant mass. Therefore if the fan leaves are being used as nutes by the plant they are yellowing and no longer doing their job (photosynthesis) Hinted by the lack of chlorophyll, Less sugars made, well you get the picture.

So I say try and save them, I don't see anything but a positive from keeping more leaves on any plant, But its probally not the end of the world if you lose a few.


Unfortunately, Ive probably lost 50+ leaves.
Thank goodness, today was the 42nd of flowering so Im getting close to finishing.


Well-Known Member
Yea I know another guy personally that also grows, but they use Advanced Nutrients connoisseur part A and B....his plants end up also losing most of the fan leaves starting the 3 or 4th week of flowering and by the last 2 weeks, plants are nothing but buds growing with the leaves that poke out from the buds, no water/sun leaves left. I know his yield ends up suffering, and the buds are definitely not as tight or as formed and fat as they could be. Still good bud, but just not up to its full potential because the fertilizer wasn't applied correctly. My Super Soil grown buds never have to search for nutrients, suffer from a whacky pH, or get nutrient lock from overfertilization of synthetics, and it is obvious. My multiple bud tops grown from a bush plant can be as big as 10-14g each


Yea I know another guy personally that also grows, but they use Advanced Nutrients connoisseur part A and B....his plants end up also losing most of the fan leaves starting the 3 or 4th week of flowering and by the last 2 weeks, plants are nothing but buds growing with the leaves that poke out from the buds, no water/sun leaves left. I know his yield ends up suffering, and the buds are definitely not as tight or as formed and fat as they could be. Still good bud, but just not up to its full potential because the fertilizer wasn't applied correctly. My Super Soil grown buds never have to search for nutrients, suffer from a whacky pH, or get nutrient lock from overfertilization of synthetics, and it is obvious. My multiple bud tops grown from a bush plant can be as big as 10-14g each
So do you think it's my Nutrients and the schedule that they've provided? Also, my personal schedule that I use of Water, Water, Feed, Water, Water, Feed... you think that's under feeding them? I'm always concerned of possible nute burn but I never go above suggested levels and at this age of the plant (8weeks veg + 1week flower) is nute burn much of a concern anymore since theyre very well established/mature plants?


Active Member
im in the same boat looks like its happening to a lot of people in different mediums this my 5th run it happened last 4 runs ph started droping 4.5 runoff ec was sky rockecting starting 3rd week flower, they say root isue but i feed when top two inches is dry i feed till 10% run off but in the bottom of the pot is always wet no air roots sufercating so small feeds no run off no high ec other wise salt build up in the medium thats what im going to try .2nd thing i give veg nutes only first week of flower im going to go to 3rd week and then bloom nutes but still ad alittle nirogen in, check your ph and ec run off it will give you idea, to many of us having this drama trial and error is the only way to fix it and give each other feed back .check out a lot of info.


I flipped to 12/12 on December 31 so i am basically 6 weeks into flower. I am seeing a TON of leaf yellowing. how much yellowing should i expect and when should i be concerned about leaf yellowing? I have a 600 hps and a 400 hps over 6 Plush 22's. I would say mainly the large fan leafs are yellowed out right now, 50% of the leafs. The colas are looking good, not as big as i expected but for a first timer, I think I'm pulling some serious weight and i dont want to be f'n it up!
Thanks for your input!