To all that think they're just gonna pick up and move to Co and make their fortune

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I found this thread by checking a trolls posts, and turns up he dominated this thread.

By the grammar and spelling used in half of this thread I'm surprised a few of you got through the paperwork required without having someone else fill it out.

I have also seen some of your pics on another website, the poster didn't talk like you.
listen everyone again, no scare tacitcs.. just the truth and fact. all we are saying is do your research ask around peeps you know that live out here, its not easy to make money off weed anymore. if you decide to sell illegally you'll find out you can't even make 1000 a qp anymore. ounces are 150-200 .... if you plan to come out here to make money, good luck to you and i hope you make it but the chances are slim, but if you are coming out here to grow your 6 plants and live life without worry about getting arrested for a plant.. ENJOY! it really does feel good to know i'm no longer doing anything illegal in my life and that i live in a leading progressive state.
listen everyone again, no scare tacitcs.. just the truth and fact. all we are saying is do your research ask around peeps you know that live out here, its not easy to make money off weed anymore. if you decide to sell illegally you'll find out you can't even make 1000 a qp anymore. ounces are 150-200 .... if you plan to come out here to make money, good luck to you and i hope you make it but the chances are slim, but if you are coming out here to grow your 6 plants and live life without worry about getting arrested for a plant.. ENJOY! it really does feel good to know i'm no longer doing anything illegal in my life and that i live in a leading progressive state.

Now that is truly fucking awesome and I hope Colorado helps the rest of the states legalize as well
Shit i will even settle for possession and growing is a 3 dollar fine
I found this thread by checking a trolls posts, and turns up he dominated this thread. By the grammar and spelling used in half of this thread I'm surprised a few of you got through the paperwork required without having someone else fill it out. I have also seen some of your pics on another website, the poster didn't talk like you.
whos pics ?
Do u cry about what other people do in everyone of ur post yo the shit is set in stone so shut the fuck up

Learn how to read and comprehend before you act like a dumb cunt flap.

I would welcome anyone to Colorado that will respect our laws, except you.
You are too fucking dumb to live here. Stay in your parent's trailer, Colorado is all set on idiot assholes.
people have been saying "fucking it up for everyone else" ever since cali first legalized medical use. i don't see anything getting fucked up. in fact it seems as if things are getting better every day.

here is the kind of shit I really hate

The medical marijuana law in Arizona states that marijuana cultivation cannot occur within a 25 mile radius of an operating dispensary. Now that dispensaries have begun opening, the two above mentioned cultivation options will no longer be legal for new patients or caregivers within the 25 mile radius of an open dispensary. (Current medical marijuana cardholders with approval for cultivation are allowed to cultivate until expiration date on card).
Do u cry about what other people do in everyone of ur post yo the shit is set in stone so shut the fuck up

I'm sorry I fail to see where I was crying anywhere in that post? Hmm and everyone of my posts huh? Are you following me dude?! Or what's up with that.

Oh wait now I see it it must be those 72 likes received in the 4 years you've been on this site. Ya buddy I can tell your well liked around here.

So the shit is set in stone to come out there and grow to your hearts content just saying fuck the law? Wow I guess I really do need to get out there. I thought maybe I'd be safe and follow the states law of 6 plants and finally be completely legal with what I do, but shit if it's set in stone I might as well buy me some land and go big right?

Get out of your parents house it's no good for you. Oh and your post in another thread saying that MMJ isn't a medicine is bullshit and pieces of shit like you are the ones that will ruin it all for everyone. So please I beg of you don't come to CO. I wouldn't want to have to teach someone what respect is.
Oh and your post in another thread saying that MMJ isn't a medicine is bullshit and pieces of shit like you are the ones that will ruin it all for everyone. So please I beg of you don't come to CO. I wouldn't want to have to teach someone what respect is.

For most people even though holding cards it isn't
be honest
Looking in from the u.k i hope to fuck we dont legalise it , ive gone all my life hopeing we legalise it , I dont think i want it anymore. Why move to america or any state ? Move here in certain places in the u.k you can make 300 a oz more in certain places in scotland. £200 all day anywhere . i have seen and known people to get away with over 50 plants with a slap on the wrist . guys doing 200 - 500 plants getting 6 months you get away with it once your done for a few years adleast ! Fuck the legalisation i would never move to america just to grow i dont see the benefits of it . awh yea i can think of 1 ! hydro shops the size of supermarkets now that i could get used to !
Its posts like these that make me glad Im not selling or have any intention to do so. Its a smokers paradise for the rest of us

Come on $100 ozs! Keep those prices dropping
For most people even though holding cards it isn't
be honest

I don't doubt that there are people out there like that one bit. I never said this. I'm just simply saying that people that think they are moving out there to make the big bucks aren't doing it legally.

Also there are quite a few of us that really do use it for medicine. I for one am one of those people. I love cannabis and it's very huge passion of mine.
Trousers i am classed as a drug dealer because over here its not legal SIMPLE ! Do i want legalisation now because then i would have to reply to bullshit threads like this you lot are moaning about being legal and how things have changed. At the end of the day when your growing it and losing money because it aint good enough or the dispensiry wont pay you enough to pay the electrical bill then fuck legalising it . Legalise it to put more money into the goverments pockets I DONT THINK SO ! So take your asshole comment and dish it somewhere else you cunt !
so some people seem to be having a problem understanding the meaning of this thread, as of right now you ARE NOT allowed to sell weed to anyone no matter if it's the best shit in the world or not. dispensaries CANNOT buy your weed even if it is the best shit in the world. now where is a mod in this section? I pm trueno and have heard nothing, if all you people are gonna do is troll then let this thread die, if you're too fucking stubborn to listen to the truth because it conflicts with your dreams that will be your own problem.
Something else should be pointed out to all the Green Thumbs: Don't expect the production you get back home.

I've talked to many experienced growers who were used to pulling 2+ lbs/1kw light all the time back where we all came from. Here, you're hoping to get 1 lb per light. 1.5 lbs per light is a good score.

Just sayin'.
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