Oh no Obama is an economic failuire


Well-Known Member
my diagnosis: terminal obama derangement syndrome.

my prescription: grab your guns and a bible, cower in your compound stockpiling MREs, and wait it out. whatever you do, stay away from the internet...THEY'LL KNOW! await republican savior, emerge from compound thumping bible.

Wait and watch we are well on our way

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Mr. Neutron, you have no idea of the intensity of my predicament. Every fiber of my being is dying to tell you to please slow down!

But I am having a popcorn time of it watching you and UB duke it out across more than one thread.

Oh and UB? The pic was a diagram but still ewww. Deleted as ewww.

Y'all play safe and watch out for traffic. cn
Are you warning me as a mod or what?


Well-Known Member
Stocks started 2013 with the bang, with the S&P 500 finishing the week at its highest closing level since December 2007.

The biggest gains came at the start of the week, after Washington lawmakers struck a deal that averted the fiscal cliff.

The benchmark index rallied 4.6% during the holiday-shortened week, while the Dow Jones industrial average climbed 3.8% and the Nasdaq soared 4.8%. It was the best week since December 2011 for all three indexes.

The real biggest failure is the guy that can't spell it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Hemlock
I wouldn't try that down here in the south...

well, thank you for at least being open about your racism.
My comment has nothing to do with being a racist but everything to due with reality down here in the south..

you DOLT.

And you are not witty. You're boring.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Hemlock
I wouldn't try that down here in the south...

My comment has nothing to do with being a racist but everything to due with reality down here in the south..

you DOLT.

And you are not witty. You're boring.
actually to warn others of not doing that, wearing a hoodie at night and being African American, is only a indication of the natural prejudiced and racism in the south,

if you see it and choose not to accept that one of the reason the black man has it bad in the south is that the south never considered them men then more than likely you are a racist, just cause you dont go "dumb nigger" out loud and do it in your head doesnt change your outlook on life

i have family in Louisiana, i have 3 generation before me as graduates of LSU and alumni , and when i go there and shop it is obvious that segregation has just found new ways to keep individuals from achieving success in america

all the nice jobs had white faces or college grads, i asked, all the minimum wage jobs , at least where i went were all non white, all of the employes at least that i could see

we call the dirty south dirty cuase it sucks . . . and that they still like to consider themselves there own union, dirty south wouldn't last 5 months without yankee skeet skeet skeet

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
gay marriage
for or against?
I don't think the federal government should involve themselves with marriage. Marriage is a religious invention. You know, that whole separation of church and state thing?
Now, for the legal sense, I think same sex couples should have the same legal rights as a married man and woman but it would ultimately be decided by each state.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the federal government should involve themselves with marriage. Marriage is a religious invention. You know, that whole separation of church and state thing?
Now, for the legal sense, I think same sex couples should have the same legal rights as a married man and woman but it would ultimately be decided by each state.
you answered directly awesome job neutron
But why leave it up to each state?