

Well-Known Member
I havent been on an airplane in a long time, but I would think it would be safer in your bag.

actually i dunno. theres all sorts of scenarios here. assuming they dont pat down (again havent flown since before 9/11) then i would say taping it to your leg should be fine.

so to me it would seem less likely to get caught with it if you put it in the ziplocks and then additionally put it in some jean pants or something in your bag.

but honestly i have no idea. ive never brought "drugs" to the airport! hah
if u ( seriously and actualy and honestly ) dont know i wouldint be posting here ;) . If u tape it to ur balls its safer , i would bring 2 grams compacted in a bagy coverd with serenwrap . ( thats the jail way ) so i guesse they dont make u jump with a tawel around u naked. U should be fine gl bud have a great time in texas :P


Well-Known Member
o ya , when ur in the plain u can go to the bathroom and untape it from ur balls with out screaming cuz u pulled on some hair XD , u have no chances getting caught with it in ur pockets exiting and airport


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for all the tips guys i am going leaving tomarro and i am going to put the bag in my boxer breifs i will give you a update when i make it.


Well-Known Member
Carry it near your nuts and you'll be fine... I brought back a little under a quarter from Phoenix (had to, great bud!) and they even took my over to the side to search me. I got accepted to work for TSA and went through a couple training sessions with them, a lot of the people used to or still smoke... but never expect the one searching you to be one of those, this is the dirty south'.


Well-Known Member
I agree you can just pack it tight in a little platic baggie... unscrew a deoderant stick, put it itside, and screw the stick back down... then put it in your toiletries and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
On your person is the way to go. Hell, even in your pocket would probably work. Think about it: even those personalized searches just use the wand around your body... they never physically pat you down. But a manual search in your bag could find anything, since it's not just with a metal detector.


Well-Known Member
i would buy it down there but i think it will be easy to take it with me and i am flying out of a small airport so there should not be any dogs


Well-Known Member
right on thx for taking tha advice i gace. you'll be good. i do also know that if someone DID decide to put it in their shoes, the airports I been to (Dec. 07) MADE you take them off. Manditory..

and to the dude that flew outta phoenix, there's.. actually.. GOOD BUD OUT HERE?!?! lol... j/k


Well-Known Member
its better if its on you, if its in ur luggage, they might have time to have a dog go thru it while your gettn off, and they'll get you when you come to get ur bag anyway.....i took some when i went on vacation this past winter, i put it in a baggie, saran wrap it, use vaseline on it, n wrap it agn, n bag it agn, and ive gotten thru w/it in my pocket....goin international & had about a half an o...i wouldnt go through it w/it in my pockets agn tho...taping to the inside of ur leg they probly wouldnt find it even if they pat you down...(course if ur gonna do all this, might as well bring an 8 :D....they say the vaseline will kill the smell, but i dunno...


Well-Known Member
and to the dude that flew outta phoenix, there's.. actually.. GOOD BUD OUT HERE?!?! lol... j/k
Oh hellz yeah girl! Haha, ASU is where it's at for the bud... I was so happy coming into PHX... my hookup has been doing it out there for years. So, fly in... get a half oz for my 2 weeks trips... head out to the desert, camp... hike the canyon a few times, come back and still have some left over! Next time I'll invite ya along so you can experience fine AZ grown bud! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh hellz yeah girl! Haha, ASU is where it's at for the bud... I was so happy coming into PHX... my hookup has been doing it out there for years. So, fly in... get a half oz for my 2 weeks trips... head out to the desert, camp... hike the canyon a few times, come back and still have some left over! Next time I'll invite ya along so you can experience fine AZ grown bud! :blsmoke:
imma dude lol

offer still stand??


Well-Known Member
got in yesterday and everything went well they made me take off my shoes and they went through my bags they even made me put all my liquids and gels in a different bag so good thing i had it in my boxers