skip the snake oil. flushing is only used by guys who don't understand curing. the plant is full of sugar, not ammonia. when you cut the plant it thinks it's drowning, due to the fact it is no longer recieving oxygen(through it's roots.) the plant undergoes a response in which it uses the sugars, and the humidity out of the air to perform fermentation, resulting in alcohols, which do other things, but also oxygen. this is the smae way plants keep themselves alive durin flood situations where the root zone is initiated.
this process will use up the sugars that will make weed yucky. basicly the plant eats itself from the inside out. cut the plant. hang it in a sealed enviro. use heater, humidifier, de- humidifier, air con, to keep the atmosphere at 70*F. 70% humidity. keep it dark.
then what you have is a giant humidor, with enough moisture in the air to provide for fermentation which allows the plant to eat itself from the inside out(same as flushing), while keepin the sugars flowing for the plant at it's most critical stage of growth(ripening). use a fan to circulate the air, so as as to get mold. you will notice that the leaves turn yellow, and get all dried and shriveled up, even with the 70% humidity, and it keeps the buds at just the right moistness. i usually leave them this way for 2-4 weeks. then i trim and seal. buying a large humidifier with resevoir capacity for several days is good. letting the buds dry out at this stage is not good, and kills the cure, forever(biological fermentation).