bob the tea pot
I use dutch pro a+b for hydro mate.
is it any good? il look in to it
I use dutch pro a+b for hydro mate.
they dont look to bad to me either, lots of young ones go thru lots of things. the next time they need a drink, mix one or two tsp of epsom salt, to a glass of warm water, then after its dissolve ad it to gal of water. give em a drink of this. if they are low on mg, this will fix it. if not, no harm done.
After another look at your pics it could be under feeding to mate? How much are they getting?
.used tomato fert one time usedabout 1ml for 5 liters but flushed it few hours later
il be happy to get a gram off any plants lol
you from uk could you find your pots on ebay and send me a link of them please want to try all different setups.
i got them air pots what size of pot does the wilma take?
il be happy to get a gram off any plants lol
you from uk could you find your pots on ebay and send me a link of them please want to try all different setups.
i got them air pots what size of pot does the wilma take?
I'll give you the best advice you're going to get!!
The worst way to do it is to take all the advice that you get!!!
Start with basic soil in simple pots. If you have rooting in rockwool down, fine, use it but when you pot it remove as much of the rockwool as you can it absorbs water from the soil and hinders root growth a little but not not that bad. Feed 1/4 strength 1st week, 1/2 strength 2nd week, 3/4 3rd week and a little less than full strength after that. Feed(water) when they dry out, learn by lifting container, it will be light when its dry. Achieve about 25% run-off with each watering. You can test the ph of the run-off if you want to but don't even worry about it, far less critical in soil. Hyper-critical in rockwool. Voila!!! Very simple. Experiment with other systems when you've succeeded with the most basic. You'll learn a lot with this process. Keep it Simple. Don't try to run a marathon before you've learned how to crawl. If you don't take this advice, thats cool. Maybe someone else will.
hey thanks for your input
can grow in soil fine just new to hyro and want to find the easyst way to do so
and know about when to water in hyro just the nute part have to learn.
want to do a full grow in rockwool s learnt from here you have to supply everything to the plant unlike soil so take a while for me to learn and adjust to hyro
Aaahhh, I see. I jumped to conclusions. To many people shoot fro the moon with hydro before learning the basics. Good luck.