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Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be an issue then lol.

I use 6" so its a little easier idk if dryer sheets wold work. I'd try a one or 2 gallon smart pot. Cut the section nearest the light leak in half and insert a coupler tape it in place then insert that end into the smartpot tape the top of te pot to the ducting so ur coupler sits flush against the bottom of the smart pot then work the free half of ducting over the smart pot about level with the smartpot and tape it in place and ur done. I'm sure that doesn't read as easy as it is. Same concept as what I used in the past just different material. I'd go with the Aurora bran fabric pots the really thin cheap feeling ones. They'd have minimal effect on airflow but would still block the light. Lmk if u need a bit of a tut. I can take a few quick pics once I get to the grow in a few. Ur loop may be the best option considering the breathing room you've got with 2x8" lol.

I wish I could. It was a very secretive three partner deal. They financed and handled everything past it being cut down. Unfortunately one let a coke habit get the best of him the other got so paranoid he fled the country and I honestly don't know that I can physically handle the constant labor and stress anymore. It was legal depending on who u talk to but it didn't feel right and I've spent my time and money since providing for cancer patients out of pocket. Feels great but I miss the site of 10kw in all its glory.

With the secretive nature I only have 2 pics. 1 is an agent orange that yielded well and the other is the ao in bloom just before cut. The only other one I have has my face in it. Happy to post the other two but they're Hardly noteworthy IMO. Ill have to get some new pics of the tuff shed we did if I can. That was a thing of beauty.
I get what your saying. Its not a bad idea. Pretty much buy a 8in short straight pipe cover one side with the fabric "obviously taping it in place some how" and then reconnecting it to my ducting? Id like to see it those pictures if you want to share.


Well-Known Member
No problem. Not very noteworthy but here they is lol. Agent orange in the first two. On plant trained to the umbrella style hoods footprint. Ended up getting just over 17 oz's off her. Not the biggest yield but under 6kw with 14 other monsters I was happy. Hate popcorn bud lol




Well-Known Member
I almost posted the last one unedited just so people could see the shit eating grin I had lol. Like a proud father I was.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Growing makes me happier than anything I've ever done. Snow skiing and fucking hot bitches aren't far behind, but the green goddess wins my heart every time :weed:


Well-Known Member
They were that round we did 1 under each 1000w and trained them to the footprint of their light. Had massive bushes that round. But I feel like I'm making this get off topic..

Let see the ladies!! Lol


Well-Known Member
I'll post an update in 2 days which will be 1 week of flowering. There doing alright, I fucked up and fed them this organocide along with my normal feeding schedule and I burnt the shit out of them. It was a dumb move on my part, I usually feed any type of pesticide when I run straight water, but this time I didn't and it really fucked me. But its still early. I'll be flushing them tonight and they should be good. Not much stretch yet either.


Well-Known Member
They were that round we did 1 under each 1000w and trained them to the footprint of their light. Had massive bushes that round. But I feel like I'm making this get off topic..

Let see the ladies!! Lol
Im going to do a scrog experiment my next go around with 2 plants per light scrog being around 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft over each plant. (I have to split it up so they can fit in my door when I move them. Im going to attach a screen to my 5 gal bucket using pvc.) If I get good results I might just do a scrog for now on. This will be my first attempt at a scrog also.

How long did you guys veg them for?


Well-Known Member
It felt like forever. 8 weeks maybe 10. I don't quite remember honestly. I wanna say it was 10 weeks. Started under t5s then moved em through the ranks


Well-Known Member
Update: Day 10 of flowering. I have been having trouble with humidity and Im pretty sure its because of all the condensation from my intake as you can see in the pics, water has gotten inside my hoods and also has been constantly dripping from my ducting throughout my room. So I moved my intake from the window and made a hole in my wall and just suck air from my basement since its always pretty cool. That will get rid of my humidity problem. I also added a dehumidifier also (I forget what size). . . . . . . . . Besides my humidity problem, a few of my plants have been unhappy, and wilting. Hopefully its because of the high humidity and they'll perk back up as soon as its consistent. My humidity has been up in the high 60's. What else can cause droopy plants? besides them being thirsty.

Heres my Buddah Tahoe OG its a monster

The rest of them room. I'll have more detailed pics soon, but I just been super busy plus there isn't anything too exciting going on right now lol.


Ducting going to its new hole.

Duct tape is my best friend lol (I had no tools, I made the hole with a hammer and a flat head screwdriver lmao)

Heres my veg, finally got some action in there. I just transplanted my clones into party cups. Also just purchased that rack.
6 confidential cheese
6 pineapple express
6 818 Headband #2
3 818 Headband #1
3 Casey Jones x Holy Grail Kush
11 LSD
5 Holy Grail Kush #3 and #1
and 4 HGK #2.


Well-Known Member
Quick update, I just checked on the room. The lights have been on for about 6 hours and the humidity was at 44% and temp was at 68F, so im happy lol

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Have you grown out the HGK yet? I've had a friend wanting to trade me for my Whitefire. #3 but I don't think it's a fair trade. Let me know what you could compare it to, smell and smoke wise lol

Great looking room by the way. Hope you get that condensation taken care of. High humidity can be a nightmare late in flower, thank god you caught that early. :)


Well-Known Member
Have you grown out the HGK yet? I've had a friend wanting to trade me for my Whitefire. #3 but I don't think it's a fair trade. Let me know what you could compare it to, smell and smoke wise lol

Great looking room by the way. Hope you get that condensation taken care of. High humidity can be a nightmare late in flower, thank god you caught that early. :)
Yeah if you click the link in my sig. you'll see some pics on the second to last page. I personally dont smoke but the smell is amazing very fuely, it also has good appeal. The people that have smoked it loved it. Its among the top of my strains when it comes to potency. I have seen it tested at 24% thc just recently. I dont know too much about the white fire, but i'd recommend the HGK.

Thanks man. The condensation is all taken care of, once i switched my intake from the window to just using the basement air to cool my lights. Yeah i know, i fixed all that as soon as i seen it now the humidity is at a consistant 44%.


Well-Known Member
When I used 2 400 HPS on my first grow last year, I had to buy insulated ducting (it wasnt that expensive too!!) because I was using fresh air from outside and the ducting was always soaked until I upgraded to insulated. Since upgrading to LEDs, I use fresh air from upstairs and I have the dehumidifier running outside of my room in the basement and one upstairs in a cold room where the fresh air is coming from. My plants are happy!!

And from using the air from inside I can keep my inline fan running 24-7. In the past I had to shut it off at lights off and humidity would always spike.

Anyway, I got the insulated ducting from Home Depot and it seems like you shop there too!! :eyesmoke: it was 6'' though