Is this kosher kush hermie? Week 3 day 25


Active Member
Hello RIU.

This is my first grow so I'm kind of lost since I've been reading about Kosher Kush I've seen a lot of hermie stories, I'm currently in week 3 of flower and one of my kosher's has some kind of nanner/ball.

Please help a stoner out, once RIU says HERM I will chop it down!


match box

Well-Known Member
Yea those are male flowers. Sorry I hope ya have others but that one will give ya seeds in the rest.


Yup... I'm not to happy with Reserva Privada. My Purple Wreck from them was also a hermie but i couldnt tell until I was at 5 1/2 weeks of flower


Active Member
great pics, its sad to see but well done providing a great example for everyone on here as what a hermi actually looks like. The question comes up about 8 times a day.


You dont have to chop it though. Pull it out of the room and pull all the pollen sacs off and then use Dutch Master Reverse on it.


bud bootlegger
great pics, its sad to see but well done providing a great example for everyone on here as what a hermi actually looks like. The question comes up about 8 times a day.
i agree, those are some kick ass pix to put up to get a solid answer.. i love it when people post pix up that are either a, all blurry and you can't make out heads or tales on the plants, or b, so far away or of the wrong section of the plant you can't tell much of anything..


bud bootlegger
what kind of camera are you using op?? i was hoping to get a dslr for xmas, but it looks like i'll have to buy it myself now.. :(


Well-Known Member
Damn just started 3 of these. This after my OG18 spit out balls just like that 3 weeks into flower. Its all about the lost time you will never get back. Then you end up with a big empty space in the flower room. I did run their straight OG and Sour D plus LA Con and had no issues. I bought my Kosher right from the boys in their booth at the Treating Yourself Expo in Toronto because they didnt have Chocolope in stock at the time. Ive never tried Reverse. I see balls I break out the snips


Active Member
damn, sure is, a bad one as well.. that sucks, i'm sorry m8... :(
Well shit happens, Its my first grow so I'm still stoked that they are still alive at this point haha.

Yea those are male flowers. Sorry I hope ya have others but that one will give ya seeds in the rest.
One will give ya seeds in the rest? As in it has pollinated other plants?

Yup... I'm not to happy with Reserva Privada. My Purple Wreck from them was also a hermie but i couldnt tell until I was at 5 1/2 weeks of flower
Really? I kind of blindly bought the Kosher Kush and once I started looking into it the whole HERM problem has always been in the back of my head. Was the 5 1/2 weeks too late?

great pics, its sad to see but well done providing a great example for everyone on here as what a hermi actually looks like. The question comes up about 8 times a day.
Thank you for the compliments I'll try and take some nicer CFL pics before cutting that way I can properly show other people what my herm looked like :).

You dont have to chop it though. Pull it out of the room and pull all the pollen sacs off and then use Dutch Master Reverse on it.
I will look into Dutch Master Reserve but to be honest I already have space issues and I'm ok just chopping it down being my first grow I don't want to complicate things yet.

i agree, those are some kick ass pix to put up to get a solid answer.. i love it when people post pix up that are either a, all blurry and you can't make out heads or tales on the plants, or b, so far away or of the wrong section of the plant you can't tell much of anything..
Thank you again racerboy71, well I didn't want to be the guy posting dumb questions with no reference :). Looking for "hermie problems" I've seen so much of those "a and b" pictures that I just preferred to open up a new thread.

time to get out the chainsaw and cut it down sorry bro but shit happens alot
Hahaha, chainsaw might be the weapon of choice!

what kind of camera are you using op?? i was hoping to get a dslr for xmas, but it looks like i'll have to buy it myself now.. :sad:
No x-mas camera? I got a tool kit, made me feel pretty manly ;). Actually the pictures taken from an Iphone5, in my blog Ive used either Iphone5 or Panasonic DMC-GF3 with a Lumix 20mm Pancake lens . IMO don't get a full sized DSLR, I had a Rebel-xt back in the day the problem with those cameras is that they are too damn heavy!


Active Member
not to thread jack here but are Hermies always like this? where the sack is that obvious?

I haven't seen a lot of pics of hermies where you could see the male parts that well so just wondering. Growing fem seeds for the first time this grow and pretty worried about getting herms


bud bootlegger
not to thread jack here but are Hermies always like this? where the sack is that obvious?

I haven't seen a lot of pics of hermies where you could see the male parts that well so just wondering. Growing fem seeds for the first time this grow and pretty worried about getting herms
no, definitely not flight school, which is why i had said earlier that it's a pretty bad hermie.. a lot of times it will be much harder to tell it's a hermie as you may only get one or two nanners, but they can be hidden pretty well inside of a bud, and only a keen eye will catch them..


Yea I was too late... I have 4 strains in my tent and they all have premature seeds in them. From what I can tell its not many though


no, definitely not flight school, which is why i had said earlier that it's a pretty bad hermie.. a lot of times it will be much harder to tell it's a hermie as you may only get one or two nanners, but they can be hidden pretty well inside of a bud, and only a keen eye will catch them..
this is an example of the hidden hermie.


bud bootlegger
Oh wow, I might have a whole lot more hermie... Is this a me screwing up too much? or a fuck Reserva Privada? "or a little bit of both" hehe
i've run rp's stuff in the past and never had an issue.. i even just germed 2 fem'ed beans of dna's chocolope kush.. i'm not too worried about hermies though tbh..
do you have any major light leaks or have you had problems with the light schedule changing at all?