colombian gold or red bud seeds?

I just ask because in a post just a few hours ago you said this...

I got a clone from a friend that knew someone. He is forcing me to change the name to protect the not so innocent... If you know what i mean. My clone has vegged for about 2 months and has now givin me 10 more clones:bigjoint: I just yesterday put the original into flower.

Get back to me in a month and i will update you.

I figured you meant you had smoked your friends that you got the clone from just wondering:weed:
I have never found the real true honest to goodness landrace Colombian Gold like I enjoyed so much in the late 60’s and 70’s from any seedbank. I have found strains that were claimed to be the Real McCoy but turned out to be nothing at all like the landrace Colombian Gold was.

The same can be said about a number of other famous landrace sativas from the past. You just cannot find them in their pure original genetics.

You also asked about Red Bud. Was that the Red Bud that has been floating around for a handful of years or so or did you mean the old true landrace Panama Red?

If you meant Panama Red do not hold your breath while looking for it or else you will have to change your username to Mr. Blue. It is another of the great blasts from the past that can no longer be found.

I noticed one message that said that Colombian Gold is/was overrated. Well if that person formed their opinion based on genetics that have been sold in the last two decades, or roughly so, I would totally agree with them but if they were referring to the original true Colombian Gold I would have to disagree.

I started getting high in the late 60’s and first began to grow my own in either 1972 or 1973 and I can tell you from personal experience that the old true pure landrace sativas of the era would absolutely stun most smokers of today. There is some odd misperception that pot of that era was not close to being what pot is today and that, like was said, it is/was overrated. That is just not the case.

Most, or at least many, smokers today have never experienced a true landrace sativa and what they know to be pot and what they consider to be good and what they call potent would not have been a big seller in the 60’s and the 70’s.

Back then it was called getting high because you got high. Later it became getting stoned because you got stoned. The change came when different indicas and indica/sativa crosses flooded the market. They were not created or grown or sold because they were better but because they matured faster and had a higher yield and both of those things factor in heavily when it comes to commercial growing.

Some landrace sativas could take up to 20 weeks of flowering to mature and that is 2.5 times the average length of time for an indica to flower/mature. That cuts down on the number of crops someone can grow in a year. Also because of the lower yield growing a pure sativa further cut down on yearly profits.

People really badmouth Mexican pot but there was a time when most of it was damn good. It wasn’t until ignorant people crossed the pure landrace Mexican sativas with indicas in an attempt to shorten flowering/maturing time and to increase yields that it became the lower grade pot that most people today know it to be.

A lid of Oaxaca Gold, and back then a lid was not a measured ounce as things later became and it was common to buy a lid where the baggie was so full that you could hardly fold the flap over to close the baggie, would cost around $15.00 to $20.00 in most cases.

It would knock your socks off and it weighed way over an ounce so a lid would last a good while.

It was easily the equal of a number of modern day strains that I have grown or smoked. Most people today refuse to accept that because it was Mexican and they just know that Mexican is low grade weed but it is exactly how it was. It was killer and it was cheap.

The reason I asked about what you meant by Red Bud is because if it was not Panama Red and instead the cross of today you were asking about two very different strains.

Again one gets you high and the other gets you stoned and to someone from the past like myself there is a vast ocean of difference and I have remained old school all these years and still much more love a sativa over an indica.

The clear soaring motivational cerebral head high of a pure sativa just cannot be compared to the mind numbing body gelling couch-lock stone of an indica or a cross that gives you the munchies so bad that you eat an entire cow and then follow that up with a half dozen burrito supremes and wash it all down with four Big Gulps.

It is comparing a Bugatti Veyron-like high to a Yugo-like stone. (for those that are unaware the Bugatti Veyron is the fastest production car in the world. It has 1001 horsepower and will go from 0 to 100 km/hr in 3.8 seconds and from 100km/hr to 0 in 3.2 seconds and the Yugo didn’t have enough power to get out of its own way or to pull a marble out of a mud hole so you didn’t need brakes, you could just stick your feet through the hole that rotted through the floor practically overnight after purchasing one and put your feet on the ground and stop it while under full power.)

So if you were comparing those two strains in any way or believe them to be similar they are in fact an apples to zebras comparison.

God how I miss those old pure sativas of the past. My brother in law brought home a rather large amount of a pure landrace sativa when he returned from Vietnam. I believe it was Dalat but it has been to many years to remember clearly but it was what I describe as being dangerous.

Real hardcore tokers would do like two hits and the next time the pipe or joint came around they would pass and some would later say they were to high. Only true party commandos smoked more of it, one of which I am proud to say I was.

But it would virtually scare people and it would scare a number of today’s smokers too if they were able to lay their hands on some and they would then throw rocks at and ridicule and scorn the very same stains that up until then they called potent and high quality.

I honestly feel sorry for people today who believe they are smoking the very best pot that has ever existed but never had the opportunity in life to smoke real true pure landrace sativa strains like Dalat and Colombian Gold and Panama Red and Acapulco Gold and several of the pure old Mexican landrace sativa strains.

You guys just have no idea of what you missed.

I know exactly the RedBud mentioned. 1974-75 is when I recall THAT RedBud. And make no mistake, it hit harder than most of todays top strains!!! It expanded in the lungs like RIGHT NOW! One tiny lil toke and it was choke city! EXPANSION, not harshness. Least I dont recall it being harsh. I have slept since then tho... I know a joint of RB would set the whole room a buzz! I'm talking a dozen of us school skippers would be VERY TIGHT EYED! Hell I used to havta "pass" as I was afraid of how high I might get. (Hey, I was like 14!)
Now I'm not going to claim its the same today or not. However, if anyone tried a strain called RedBud, or Columbian Gold etc... keep in mind.... The stuff you will end up with will NOT be the same for one reason, its dried indoors today. The weeds of then were dried OUTDOORS in Mr Sunshine! It turned the golds, GOLD! African black was..... R U ready for this..... BLACK! The sun did its NATURAL thing to the strains of yesterday. MIGHT do it today if anyone cares to hang their crop outside to dry?? Maybe a plant or few to try at least? I'm not growing any such strains today and wish i had learned this back when I was. My Acapulco Gold might have turned gold!! Then it would have had a much different taste as well. Peace, Happy 2013!
I know exactly the RedBud mentioned. 1974-75 is when I recall THAT RedBud. And make no mistake, it hit harder than most of todays top strains!!! It expanded in the lungs like RIGHT NOW! One tiny lil toke and it was choke city! EXPANSION, not harshness. Least I dont recall it being harsh. I have slept since then tho... I know a joint of RB would set the whole room a buzz! I'm talking a dozen of us school skippers would be VERY TIGHT EYED! Hell I used to havta "pass" as I was afraid of how high I might get. (Hey, I was like 14!)
Now I'm not going to claim its the same today or not. However, if anyone tried a strain called RedBud, or Columbian Gold etc... keep in mind.... The stuff you will end up with will NOT be the same for one reason, its dried indoors today. The weeds of then were dried OUTDOORS in Mr Sunshine! It turned the golds, GOLD! African black was..... R U ready for this..... BLACK! The sun did its NATURAL thing to the strains of yesterday. MIGHT do it today if anyone cares to hang their crop outside to dry?? Maybe a plant or few to try at least? I'm not growing any such strains today and wish i had learned this back when I was. My Acapulco Gold might have turned gold!! Then it would have had a much different taste as well. Peace, Happy 2013!

So are you saying that if you were to take a joint of today's bud back in time to that very same sitting and each person in the room took 1-2 hits off that joint they wouldnt be just as lit up as they were then?
Your average weed back then was pretty much shit, so when something that came along that sticks out as good (even good to todays standards) it of course knocked everyone's socks off.
If you smoked a J of (any type of todays strain) with your buddies back when you were 14, you will still to this day be talking about how it was the best weed you have ever seen, smoked, heard of, and where did it go and how come no bud today matches it...
Just wondering if anyone has seen these original strains available anywhere.

The Return of Panama Red: Legendary Marijuana Strain Is Back30 Comments
By Steve Elliott ~alapoet~ in Growing
Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 4:20 pm

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[TD="class: credit"]All Photos: No Longer Sad[/TD]
​Whenever aging stoners gather around a burning bush and discuss the legendary strains of yore, it's a sure bet that the mighty Panama Red will be mentioned. Along with Acapulco Gold, Panama Red was one of the first cannabis "brand names" that caught the imagination of the American public, becoming a, well, "hit" nationwide.

While hippies in the late 1960s thought that Panama Red was so strong because of the rain-forest climate in which it was grown, we know today that its legendary potency was due to genetics -- and thank Jah, those genetics have been preserved for modern smokers to enjoy, despite the fact that the culture of cannabis in Panama was mostly blown away during the cocaine-fueled 1980s.

Panama Red, commonly produced in the sparsely populated Pearl Islands just off the Panamanian coast, is known for producing a strong, speedy, intense psychedelic high -- in other words, it's a prototypical sativa strain.

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​We last checked in with western Washington grower No Longer Sad back in May, when she had a beautiful crop of Jillybean. Now, N.L.S. is just finishing up a superlative crop of Panama Red, from a clone she found at the Green Door in downtown Seattle.

No Longer Sad's accomplishment is even more impressive when you consider the fact that she never uses chemical fertilizers -- it's all organic nutrients in her greenhouse, baby.

Considering that lots of those huge chemically grown buds you see on dispensary shelves and in the High Times centerfold are the botanical equivalent of a steroid geek -- and have about as much to do with "healthy" -- it doesn't take long to realize that maybe it's not a great idea to ingest chemically grown weed on a regular basis.

"Not everything good comes in big packages," No Longer Sad said with a chuckle.

The grower swears by the nutrients of the Roots Organics line. "Roots Organics has just come out with a whole new 'biosynthetic' line to make the chemical growers happy, while still catering to the organic lovers," she said. "It can be used in soil, soilless, and hydro grows."

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​"I grew up on a farm, which included several acres in gardens," No Longer Sad told Toke of the Town Thursday afternoon. "I learned the importance of growing in properly prepared soil to include amendments for nurturing healthy plants. All the things we used to put in the soil are now in these product lines, but from way better sources than we could ever get. Basically, it's full of bat shit, kelp and molasses!"

Most leading cannabis breeders use organic nutrients, and only organics, during the growth and development of their strains, according to No Longer Sad. "They do this to bring out the natural flavors -- flavinoids and terpenes," she told us. "To use anything less than what these strains were originally developed with, takes away from the characteristics.

"Seriously ill people and those undergoing medical treatment causing debilitation often have major intolerance of chemicals and can react violently, despite the plants having been 'flushed,' " No Longer Sad told Toke of the Town. "We need healthy alternatives, not the biggest buds. And we need truly medicinal strains.

"Most of all, we need the freedom to further research the endocannabinoid system, phytocannabinoids, and how they interact in the human body," No Longer Sad told us. "Once that's complete, we'll be able to selectively breed those desirable traits into the perfect plant for each of us."


"I have just learned that two, not one, of my original, dearly beloved fellow Panama Red worshippers, both Vietnam vets in-country during the Tet Offensive, have both died of lung cancer due to Agent Orange," No Longer Sad told us.

She wishes to dedicate her Panama Red plant, and this article, to the memory of her good friends Timothy Baldwin and Rex Bruns.

"They were best friends, medics during Nam, highly decorated, and both respiratory therapists when they got out in 1981," No Longer Sad told us. "They taught me everything I know that's useful."

Tags: growing, legendary strain, panama red
"So are you saying that if you were to take a joint of today's bud back in time to that very same sitting and each person in the room took 1-2 hits off that joint they wouldnt be just as lit up as they were then?
Your average weed back then was pretty much shit, so when something that came along that sticks out as good (even good to todays standards) it of course knocked everyone's socks off.
If you smoked a J of (any type of todays strain) with your buddies back when you were 14, you will still to this day be talking about how it was the best weed you have ever seen, smoked, heard of, and where did it go and how come no bud today matches it..." Uh, no, I’d have to say it’s the reverse, there use to be mucho good weed around for cheap. All the way around to 1986 was the year I saw the good weed, then it disappeared... Weed today has more visable resin on it, but that’s an attempt, to get closer to what was. Not a superior trait of better weed... Would they get "high" back then on todays weed. Well, first time you smoke anything, it will give you a buzz. It's just what happens to your high, when you keep smoking it... So yeah sure they would catch one on the joint...

I think a good portion of it probably lies in the HID lighting, that has been used so much in the past. I've found flowering under fluroscent lights, makes a product much closer to what I remember from years ago. More potent, more flavorful, more medically applicable.
And I'll make another comment on "flavor", I use to get the best tasting weed in the old days. Pot today struggles to escape weird, and ditchy flavors. Just the inferior taste speaks volumes about what most people are smoking today.
I was there at the time and had the good and I'm sure, the bad. I fondly remember several outstanding varieties I was privileged to smoke. Maybe they made such an impression cause I was young and inexperienced. Funny, when I think back, I don't remember smoking any of the bad.. but oh boy, that gold spicy Columbian "out there and lost" sensation will stick in my mind forever.
why dont yall just pick up some shwag lol, i only grow landrace sativas. spetacular bud covered in trichs. mine go 16-22 weeks gotta be patient....definately the strongest shit anyone i know has smoked, makes your mouth numb while tokin, you just get higher and higher...also landraces are very low odor, i run a perp flowering 16 at a time, no odor control and can still have people over...ive been growing em for bout 10 years and have never thought about seedbanks
Another "Old Timer" here. I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona in the late sixties and early seventies. I agree with Brick Top- the Mexican pot that you could purchase for $10 a lid back then was not bad at all. For $15 a lid you could get the REALLY good stuff. Aculpulco Gold, Panama Red and what was simply sold as Columbian were all to be had and they were all fantastic. The best pot that I ever smoked was some weed that was sold as "Jamaican Ganja". I was lucky enough to get two bags of it- I have never found anything remotely like it again. It didn't have much odor- just a faint sweet smell. The color was a light sage green. It burned like a fuse to an airy, white ash. When you smoked it, it took a few minutes to kick in, but when it did......VERY trippy, psychedelic, pure euphoria- zero paranoia. The high lasted a couple of hours with a soft landing and afterwards you felt refreshed, like you'd just awakened from a restful nap. now THAT was the stuff........
old thread, but i'm an old toker, so it's a wash
CG was superb, sweetest effect of the clombians that i ever had, but it was around for too short a time, why did you have to leave us?
the redbud was very good, my dealer at the time called it redtip, maybe a different variant
but it was always a contest who had the best weed, i remember passing the redtip around
i was the only one who had it at the time, no one could even fake they had had better, the taste was off the charts
that of the pot of the past that there is no way to describe it or explain it to anyone who never smoked it. It would be as difficult to explain as to attempt to explain to someone who was born blind the different colors of the rainbow. It is simply impossible to do and for some reason many people today refuse to accept how amazingly fantastic pot of the past really was. It is as if they need to believe they are smoking the very best pot that has come down the pike.

Every new generation like to believe they invented sex drugs and rock and roll but do not forget what generation actually invented that combination.

Those that are from that generation and who still get high have followed the changes over the decades and they are the only ones that can tell it like it is because they are the only ones who have experienced it all. [/QUOTE]
Bricktop I totally agree! We had a supply of redbud Columbian thru Mexico to cousins in Texas. From there to South Carolina direct from 1973 to early 80s. It was narcotizing. It killed pain like no other. Expanded in your lungs and tasted sweet. The oils would leave gooey roaches that very few strains today match.I have been chasing that same feeling since, over 50 years of loving the noble weed. There are a few strains, Skunk#1,Northern Lights,OG, and Skywalker that can somewhat make me ecstatic like the redbud. Almost always when they are grown outdoors to total maturity, and they allow the oils to finish processing. I am too busy today, but I plan to expand a lot more this subject this weekend. Hope you are still around as I would love to go over and rehash the past with you.
I was a heavy cannabis user from the early 70's just like Brick Top, Aging Hippy and Spacecap and agree with them completely. Anyone who says the Columbian Red and Gold from those eras were inferior to todays weed just does not know what they are talking about. It has nothing to do with worn out receptors in my old brain, it was the strain. The stuff was just "more" or at least "as" powerful as anything out there today. The old gold and red would come as a hard press, in a brick for ease of smuggling, the gold especially was always super sticky and completely covered in Kief, the Red was plain ruthless and knocked you on your ass.
I am a medical patient and tried a 24% Columbian Gold from the local dispensary. It tasted the same, but did not expand in the lungs nor had the potency of the old. It paled in comparison. If that weed was 24% then the stuff from the 70's at $35 an ounce was 40%+). And NO, it was not cut with opiates, opiates smell like flowers raw and when burned, anyone could tell the difference. There was a very regular supply of Red and Gold for years and years, and it was not something that just showed up occasionally.
In the early days (1969ish) I was buying Michoacan in Muncie Indiana for $13 a lid (a baggie stuffed full) and Panama Red that would put paisley patterns in front of your eyeballs. Where I lived drugs were everywhere. Hippy guys driving around with sandwich bags of Acid, Reds and Yellows, Speed (mostly Christmas Trees and White Crosses) even different brands of Quaaludes were available. This was in New Castle Indiana, a town of 20,000 people.
The people that say the weed these days is "SO MUCH BETTER" were not there to experience what I experienced and definitely were not buying from the same guy as me....
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So are you saying that if you were to take a joint of today's bud back in time to that very same sitting and each person in the room took 1-2 hits off that joint they wouldnt be just as lit up as they were then?
Your average weed back then was pretty much shit, so when something that came along that sticks out as good (even good to todays standards) it of course knocked everyone's socks off.
If you smoked a J of (any type of todays strain) with your buddies back when you were 14, you will still to this day be talking about how it was the best weed you have ever seen, smoked, heard of, and where did it go and how come no bud today matches it...
Nah.. Sorry.. My regular weed from back then was definitely not shit, you are just regurgitating what everyone who did not experience it say.. My regular weed was "cant spit for the dry mouth, laughing your ass off, eat everything in the kitchen" weed.., none of the weed today is like the C gold and red from the old days..
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Naw I haven’t smoked shit man.. like that good shit OF THE PAST...the weed now is ok... the last time I blasted away and felt 18 ... cotton mouth and giggles... in Cali. Got some Acapulco Gold...damn near 2 years ago.., that weed gave me hope..... it’s not all about hi thc imo...