Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?

ex·on·er·ate (
)tr.v. ex·on·er·at·ed, ex·on·er·at·ing, ex·on·er·ates 1. To free from blame.
2. To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task.

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he didn't lie about it, he was exonerated.

wanna know how i know you're a poor consumer of information? you're happy to blather about the oft-reported and completely manufactured controversy but completely ignored the less reported on exoneration that occurred a few weeks later.

stellah critique delivered.

I know you think you know so much but you are a one sided liberal.....zero room for logic.you are a hater,smart ass nothing more.A typical left winger.He was not exonerated.It was more than one.UB logic proves that climate change is not provable at least the climate change you want so very badly.Typical leftist.Leftist want to control everything just like you like to control all these conversations we all have.Never wrong always left.over 30,000 posts troll
beautiful timing

i must ask are you a sock puppet or a newbie thats been hitting the sauce?

I know you think you know so much but you are a one sided liberal.....zero room for logic.you are a hater,smart ass nothing more.A typical left winger.He was not exonerated.It was more than one.UB logic proves that climate change is not provable at least the climate change you want so very badly.Typical leftist.Leftist want to control everything just like you like to control all these conversations we all have.Never wrong always left.over 30,000 posts troll
Look a bunch of leftist sticking up and covering up for each other....go fucking figure

i missed this one

are you suggesting that providing evidence for what is said is "sticking up" or "covering for" are you that intellectually dishonest to not even look at the information on hand?

especially after you went to such efforts as to ask about such information as this?

Interesting this is the second time UEA has been accussed of falsifying data. It happened in '94/'95 and the same bloke was involved back then.

You forgot this one... http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2012/apr/24/uea-climate-change-email-publicity

"UEA had at this point finally decided to hire the services of an external PR consultancy called the Outside Organisation, the managing director of which, Neil Wallis, has since been arrested and bailed without charge as part of the on-going police investigation into phone hacking due to his former role as deputy editor of the News of the World"

I thought all their findings were based on science... If the data was solid, you wouldn't need a PR firm to sell it to the public...
Provide Proof

not sure whether to LOL or to shake my head at the utter stupidity of my fellow human beings.

if you're going to opine on an issue, at least be up to date.

I know you think you know so much but you are a one sided liberal.....zero room for logic.you are a hater,smart ass nothing more.A typical left winger.He was not exonerated.It was more than one.UB logic proves that climate change is not provable at least the climate change you want so very badly.Typical leftist.Leftist want to control everything just like you like to control all these conversations we all have.Never wrong always left.over 30,000 posts troll

well, amongst this mouth farting of hate boners, we have two pieces of mucus we can actually examine (in bold).

first, he was indeed exonerated. wipe the sand out and soldier on.

number two, anthropogenic climate change is not provable. that's just not how science works. however, all the evidence points to humans having some exacerbating affect, that's why the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climatologists have reached overwhelming consensus on this issue. they examine the evidence.

stellah critique delivered.
EPA carbon regulations not based on sound science. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/12/28/an-open-letter-challenging-the-epa-on-co2-regulation/

This will most likely be reviewed by the courts again.

OK, just checked out the author, joseph d'aleo. bible thumping meteorogist, not a climatologist.


Joseph D’Aleo is a Certified Consultant meteorologist and co-founder of The Weather Channel.[SUP][1][/SUP] He was chairman of the American Meteorological Society's Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. D’Aleo was the founder and is the Executive Director at Icecap website.[SUP][2][/SUP] D'Aleo has been a contributing meteorologist to the Old Farmer's Almanac in which he predicted in 2008 that the earth had entered a period of global cooling.[SUP][3][/SUP]
D'Aleo is a signatory to the Cornwall Alliance's "Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming".[SUP][4][/SUP] The declaration states:
"We believe Earth and its ecosystems — created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence — are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception."[SUP][5][/SUP]
not sure whether to LOL or to shake my head at the utter stupidity of my fellow human beings.

if you're going to opine on an issue, at least be up to date.

I don't take your ignorant musings as fact. You make alot of claims but don't back a thing up.

I'm up to date, but Santer and his big oil backers is an issue you ignore. Fine to ramble on about Koch n co' becasue their on the wrong side of your isle...

No coincidence the same bloke, Santer, is involved in two seperate incidents were falsifying or altering data is alledged...