Loved One Using Meth??


Well-Known Member
Ah, I guess I assumed that your post was focused on the OP rather than as general advice on the topic in general. In general. =P


Well-Known Member
yep yep yep

if ya dont like it dont do it and to all the people saying give her a drug test or keep drug tests at your home for that reason you are out of your mind if you came to me demanding i piss in a cyup for you i would bitch slap you ive had enough dt's for the cops and i will never take one agaion unless i absolutely have to thinking you can demand someone to take a dt is stupid
I keep a drug test in my house. It tests for everything, but I'm only concerned with meth, because, I'm sorry, but you become a different PERSON when you're on that shit, and most everyone I know becomes a different person in a very BAD way. I can't stand to be around people who I can tell are on one. If you want to be staying at my house, then you'll take a drug test to prove you're not on shit, or you'll get the fuck out, it's as simple as that.

Now, I'm not talking about bringing my test to YOUR house and making demands. Or making demands of anyone who walks in my door. If you just stop by and I can tell you're on one I'll just ask you to leave. But if you're STAYING here, whether it be indefinate or just for a few days, I have to ask you respect my house and keep that shit out.

Got a link to that test? Might be handy to have around.
I got it at Walgreens

wish I could have done that. My gf still failed even thou she said its been at least a week or week and a half when it stays in ur system for like 3-4 days. I wasted many drug I even once thought maybe the test was wrong?? What a retard.

1.5 years later she's now been clean for over 6 months. But maybe thats cuz I don't have anymore test. LOL
I don't really need a test to tell when someone's on one, I can usually spot it pretty easily. Some people, who have been doing it for a LONG time, are better and hiding it.

It's funny, a lot of people tell me that meth smoke doesn't have a smell, but it does. I know, I did it. And I can recognize that smell ANYWHERE, it just totally makes me flash back to those days and I get this bad/disgusted feeling. Once I caught my uncle and his gf smoking meth in my bathroom because I could SMELL it, I was so fucking pissed.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
LMAO oh yeah Meth smoke totally has a smell, I can smell that shit just sweating through the pores of people on it:hump:


Well-Known Member
See! Ok, since Zeke says it, I know it must be true. I dont know why everyone's always trying to say they can't smell it...LIARS


Well-Known Member
Tweak doesn't just smell, it STINKS. Good stuff smells like male cat piss to me, VERY musky and strong, I can't STAND IT. I know that smell waaayyy too well, way too well.
First...Coke wont keep you up for five days...Now meth on the other hand???? I was a hard core Meth addict for ten years...Just quit two years ago...It's still common for me to think about bein high...meth grabs your soul and dont want to let go.....The thing about hard drugs is that no matter how much people around you care...they dont understand what it is to be an addict...(How can cindy spend her rent money on that shit) addict needs their fix the same as you need food and water...non addicts don't ever realy grasp that concept.....when you Quit your drug of choice for a long time...coke ..meth..pain meds..whatever...Falling off the wagon often leads to a quick spiral back to your old addiction......In your friends case you should act quickly and confront her about this...again quickly.....any comments from her like "I'm just doing a little, don't worry"...and it might be too late....that'll just be the bullshit she tells you to get you off her that point an intervention from everyone you know that really cares about her would be prudent...again speed is of the essence...for her just knowing that people around her know what she is doing and that it is not acceptable might pull her her to put the breaks on and say whoa WTF was I thinking getting into that shit again....however, she may be past that point...lying to get money...eyes dilated regularly...ultimately addiction is a fight within cant really help an cant live in a rehab center forever...and forever is how long she'll be an addict.....confront her quickly before she go's over the cliff into a nosedive...Just my thoughts on the subject.
I think you speak the truth.

Sorry to hear about your friend, moxtox. My husband also doesn't smoke or do anything else (hell, I can't even get him to take a fucking aspirin if he's got a headache), but he, like you, believes in civil liberties and enjoys my gardening.

In any event, I sincerely hope your friend gets straightened out. The people who get really grabbed by tweak suffer greatly for it, I think.
Edit: I just read your update from February. I didn't know that mental issues could keep a person awake for days on end, but I know that not getting sleep can make someone crazy. Either way, I hope for the best.

UpinChronic, I am very sorry to hear about your mom, that's got to be really tough.


Well-Known Member
people dont read the whole post (like myself. i am guilty) because i dont really need to read everyone elses advice and input. just throw my own out there and be on my way.

not really a topic worth reading every other community members personal encounters on.
MOXTOX:- Well I thought I'd give everyone an update. It turns out that the person was NOT using meth, nor ANY psychoactive drug. Yet, was having a nervous breakdown. It turns out that the brain doesn't necessarily need drugs to do all that kind of shit to you, your own mental health can do it all by itself. I have to say I am VERY proud of this person, seeing as how she had a history of substance problems and obviously was going through a very tough time and did not start using anything.

I don't know why I came on here, I guess I felt the need to vent, or maybe someone some day will read this and gain something from it, or have a better idea about what's happening. In any event, I wanna thank everyone for their support.
There you go, an update so we know we're somewhere sort of near on topic...:mrgreen: :blsmoke: